Battalion of the Blade/Directory
Welcome to t he Battalion of the Blade Guild Directory. This page will be used to track all Companies, Platoons, and Squads in the guild, and their leadership and other interesting information.
Battalion of the Blade
Founded: 9th Day of Spring, 17th Year of Dwilight (January 29, 2011)
Location: Dwilight
Headquarters: Nark, Barca, Maroccidens
Leadership: Colonel Karana Tian
Colors: Silver, cause that's the color of a well-maintained blade.
Comments:The only Battalion in the Battalion of the Blade, because otherwise we'd be the "Brigade of the Blade" and that doesn't sound as good. --Karana
Veinsormoot Company
Founded: 9th Day of Spring, 17th Year of Dwilight (January 29, 2011)
Location: Barca, D'Hara, & Terran
Headquarters: Nark, Barca, Maroccidens
Leadership: None Presently -- Currently overseen by Battalion Leadership
Colors: Light Brown, Violet, and Blue, the colors of the Veinsormoot Realms.
Comments: This is where the guild was created, and since Barca is a Moot Realm, it only makes sense for the first Company to be that of the Veinsormoot -- Karana
As of yet, there are no official Platoons within the Battalion. Perhaps once the guild is a couple weeks old this will change.
Again, we're still too new. Come back later!