Bakos Family/Kurohyou/Mischief within Toren/Finishing Up The Patrol

From BattleMaster Wiki


Aethelmaer was finishing up his rounds around camp, figuring he had a little time, he decided to poke around Kuro's camp for awhile, see what kind of mischief he could start.

After a short walk, he was at the camp and watching some of the men having fun. He took up a rock, and tossed it at one soldier playing cards with a group. He looked up at another soldier,

"What'd you do that for Brett?"

"What I do now?"

"Throwin' rocks again?"

"I didn't throw nothing, man."

"Yeah, sure."

Aethelmaer looked at another soldier that was cleaning the bottoms of his boots. A prime target, as he launched a rock at him. It hit him on the right shoulder. He looked up and around, and seeing Brett smiling and looking at him, he walked over.

"Brett, stop throwing your stupid rocks."

"I ain't throwin nothing, I swear!"

"I don't care, just quit foolin around."

Now for the primest of targets, Kuro's tent. He threw another rock, and it hit square in the middle of a side, and tore a hole right through. With an audible thump being heard from within. Everyone looked up, to see what was the matter, then everyone looked at Brett, thinking he's done it now with his rock throwing. The camp seemed frozen waiting for Kurohyou to appear.


Kuro was preparing to move out as ordered, when a rock came from outside into the tent. Luckily Kuro wasn't close to the rock to be pelted, unfortunately it did hit Kyoku in the head.

"Kyoku! Are you alright?"

Kyoku give a whimper and then tried to go back to sleep, but he caught a scent that he hasn't smelled in a while. He bolted through the hole in the tent and went forth after the perpetrator.

Kuro in the mean time then heard that there was a commotion within the campsite. He exited his tent to see that his men were arguing with his second in commands brother, Brett.

"Oi!!! Whats the problem here men?"

"Sir Kurohyou, Brett is denying that he was throwing rocks at us."

"Brett, is this true? Have you been doing these mischievous acts?"

"No sir! I have done no such thing. I was standing here with the others the whole time!"

Kuro then took a glance back at his tent. It seems that the tent was at an angle that if Brett were to throw rocks...then the one that hit Kuro's tent would've hit Kuro square in the head.

"Men...was Brett standing here the whole time?"

"Yes sir...why do you ask?"

Then a muffled scream came from the treeline. Kuro, with his Masamune at his side as well as some kunai knives, he bolted off to the direction of the forest.

"Because men...the cause to all this is running away! So search along the border of the forest, and make sure to capture the sabotuer if he comes out!"

"YES SIR!!!"

Then Kuro had entered the forest, awaiting for what events were to happen next...


Karibash is strolling through the woods merrily, taking in the scents. It is calming. Until he hears a scream. The sound of men rushing about is heard. He looks about. It is as if the calmness has been turned into a mush of noise and confusion. Karibash runs away from the noise, but they keep following. Being the tall man he is, it wasn't long before they captured him. They tied him up and dragged him back to Kurohyou's camp.

Put me down!

What sabotage are you speaking of? I was merely going for a stroll!

A soldier snorted Yeah roight, like I'll belief that one!


Aethelmaer could only snicker seeing Karibash being dragged back to camp, from his perch in the treetops.

"Might as well go and save the man, I owe him that much," He muttered.

So, Aethelmaer jumped down and made his way to camp. He noticed Karibash was being interogated by Kuro, but not in a hostile way. Although the men looked like they were ready to kill if need be. Aethelmaer picked up another rock, and launched it wayward towards the group, knocking Brett in the head.

"Oi! What happened to Brett?"

"It seems Karibash isn't the perpetrator!" Kurohyou shouted, yelling at his men for sacking the wrong person.

"We didn't know! Honestly!"

"Shut up and get after the bloody bastard already, will ya?"

The men were already to it, chasing after the figure through the woods.

Aethelmaer saw them coming, and ducked into a tree again.


"Sorry 'bout that Karibash. It seems it was just bad timing that you were in the same area as this little troublemaker."

Kuro had untied Karibash and let the man walk around after being hogtied by Kuro's men.

Then, Karibash looked towards Kuro and asked if Kurohyou had any idea who would have this kind of a grudge against him

" need to worry my friend. I only know a select few people who could be doing this, but there is only one that has a motive to make it entertaining."

"Really? Who do you speak of?"

"Just a dear old friend of mine...he he he."

Then Kuro gave his bows to Karibash and started to head towards the woods with his men, but to look a little bit more into the forest, knowing that the "saboteur" was most likely staying within the area, just hidden.

Kuro turned around before getting too far from Karibash and said to him,

"Sir Karibash, if you would like, you could tag along and see what fun this will turn out to be."

Then Kuro stood there for a minute...Waiting to see what he would do...


Of course I'll stay around!

Karibash dashes into the forest to start searching