Avamar (Realm)/Sirion

From BattleMaster Wiki

A Typical Avamarian - Sirionite Meeting

Avamarians are always glad to meet Sirionites! They always have wonderful time with them either the pointy - ears are locked into cages or free at their natural environment.

Below such a typical meeting is presented:

Roleplay from Darfix (28 recipients) (2 hours, 9 minutes ago) Message sent to: Everyone in this region It seems Avamar is full of cowards. Wolfgang, why are you running? You are running from a duel? That is a crying shame. I have five wounded men and I'm still here. You have an army of men surrounding you, but you run from destiny? Fine, if that is the way you want it.

[Darfix shrugs nonchallantly and mounts his midnight black steed, ready to return home]

Darfix (Knight of Sermbar)

Roleplay from Amraedil (28 recipients) (1 hour, 29 minutes ago) Message sent to: Everyone in this region Leaving us Darfix? So soon? Why is that you pointy eared coward?

It seems that your army has been beaten up again...What a surprise!

Anyway, I have to akcnowledge your courage...You have spoken! The only Sirionite that dares to do so apart from your Master!

Hope that you have first taken permission from him, otherwise you will be in trouble poor Darfix!

But here...before you go, a small present from Avamar! You may need it someday!

Amraedil shoots an arrow with a small pack wrapped around it. Darfix picks it up and unwraps it...A brand new "Doccy's Pleasure Whip" is there, accompanied by a postcard showing the Central Square of Avamar

"Here's a card to remind you something that you'll never see with your own eyes again! Regards from the People's Republic of Avamar."

Sir Amraedil (Knight of Avamar)

Report from Darfix (28 recipients) (1 hour, 10 minutes ago) Message sent to: Everyone in this region [Darfix laughs to himself upon receiving the pleasure whip. He readies his longbow, and vollies a letter back]

It is true, Avamar's continued existance is truely a miracle. However, I am finding it quite disturbing that two of your troop leaders flat out ignore dueling requests. Is this a sign of what Avamar truely is? Or is it just another miracle?

Regardless, Master Amraedil, I am no elf. And secondly, I'll be sure Doc receives your gift to him ;)


Darfix (Knight of Sermbar)

Roleplay from Julia (28 recipients) (1 hour ago) Message sent to: Everyone in this region -"Peace Sir Drafix?" Julia stares the no-elf with obvious curiosity

-"Didn't know that your vocabulary includes this word! Very promising for the future, the least" the Amazon Princess waves to the Sirionite, a gesture of appreciation never done before to a Doccy-subbie

Julia Grand Justiciar of Avamar

Roleplay from Hyraltic (22 recipients) (41 minutes ago) Message sent to: Everyone in this region Foolish Avamarians....so, are you still sucking money out of other realms, investing it in your family, and then pulling it out on this Island? My, oh my, how lame that is! Well, you do what you can to survive, I certainly hope.

Regardless, while you do win 1/10 battles, you may last somewhat. But I doubt that you will be here for too much longer. One day you will be minus everything, you will soon find out.

Hyraltic Grand Justiciar of Sirion, Marquis of Trinbar

Roleplay from Hyraltic (22 recipients) (21 minutes ago) Message sent to: Everyone in this region And yet, is it not ironic that a young man attempts to tell me what is going to happen to me? Young Terrance, I am twice your age! I have seen so much more than you have, and yet you dare to tell me that I shall end in a prison? Hah! Alas, I am the Dungeon-Keeper...I do not actually go behind the bars, unless I want to execute you.

Let not the lies that Avamar has been based upon, and still is based upon, brainwash you. That is all Avamar truely is....brainwashing. You are told that you will win, that you are doing the greatest good. And yet, look. You have but one region. Look at your allies. One is split in half. One is dying. And one is so cocky, that they think they are god.

Avamar has many, many wrongs in it, and we are going to fix it. I understand that the "Black Hand" and whatnot are not to be mentioned, which is fine. This regime no longer exists, so I am told. But what it did, will never be forgotten. But what do your leader not tell you, young man? That we will eradicate your realm, for the treachery that was caused. Your realm is horrible, so horrible, in fact, that it rivals Outer Tilog for being Evil.

It shall be cleansed...but not by the Church. Avamar shall be cleansed by Sirion, and you can either embrace the day, or you will suffer the consequences.

Hyraltic Grand Justiciar of Sirion, Marquis of Trinbar

Roleplay from Lalakis (22 recipients) (15 minutes ago) Message sent to: Everyone in this region blablabla, Avamar will fall, blablabla, we'll kill you all, blablabla, Sirion just let you live for a while, blablabla, you'll see soon (hahaha! :-))) blablabla

Lalakis scratches his -hmmm- belly (?) listening indiffirently but with great patience, Hyraltic's words

Have you finished Hyraltic?

  • yawns

I see that Sirion still lacks of imagination and you know it becomes a bit boring after a year. So, now get the remnants of your pitty army and return to give a full report to your Master.

  • yawns again

Looking forward to hear from you again soon. Lalakis turns to leave

Ah, and Hyraltic... Please prepare something new and preferably better to say and keep us amuse next time.

Sir Lalakis Minister of Defense of Avamar

Roleplay from Thanfedal (22 recipients) (11 minutes ago) Message sent to: Everyone in this region A yes, so it is true the sick of lunecy those effect as Sirion. This fake bantering does it really set in to your dementia? Do you really believe those words that spew forth from your mouth? Truely I do worry of you mental state, always claiming things will happen, day by day. We destroy Avamar, so on and so forth, you will yield to us. Hey can you please pass me you script I can't remember all the line, you see it is very hard for to remember lies. Anyway, with I am not going to waste my breath, since the only thing you are doing is trying to convince yourself. Carry on, but please remember to skip a few lines, and scribble a few new ones, I really hate redundency. Specially from mad men.

Thanfedal (Knight of Avamar)

Roleplay from Lalakis (22 recipients) (5 minutes ago) Message sent to: Everyone in this region Avamar shall be cleansed by Sirion, and you can either embrace the day, or you will suffer the consequences!

Hyraltic says in a frenzy mood. Saliva is dropping from his mouth and his eyes are wide open, glacious, looking to nowhere as he speaks. His pointy ears have turned scarlet red

Hey Hyraltic, nice ears you have. Do you mind if you leave them here before you go? You see I have a good collection of elven ears, but I have never met someone with such a nice red colour on them!

Lalakis laughs out aloud

Aaah! That was a good one, Hyraltic, thanks! You have been improved, I have to admit it! Anyway, we needed some entertainment you see after all this victorious battles!

Lalakis wipes the tears of joy that run out from his eyes

Now, lets get serious a bit. Will you please go? You see we have other things to do apart from playing with a pitty over-aged, perverted Sirionite that likes to tease young and brave Avamarians.

He turns to Terrance

Sir Terrance, I suggest you, not to approach Hyraltic within eeeh...hmmm...hand distance. Or at least don't you ever turn your butt on him!

Sir Lalakis Minister of Defense of Avamar

Message from Terrence (22 recipients) (just in) Message sent to: Everyone in this region But your bravery is based in your position, Sir Hyraltic. You feel the safety of being the Law, even if in the middle of a realm of injustice and depravity, but if you fall, you'll feel that no more. Instead there shall be fear and shame. Maybe not today, but the day will come if there's real justice and not just dark-intentioned propaganda.

And Avamar has never brainwashed me. I crossed the continent to join their numbers after seriously considering about their political proposal for all the realms. The Republic was born to be a light to guide other realms to an Age of Glory. Our allies may be in trouble, but Sirion, corrupted and wrong, won't be in the winning side in the end. The damage our brave men an women do to your realm is nothing compared to the damege you already did yourselves.

And the Black Hand, whatever that is... is it black and ugly for not being in your control?

Terrence (Knight of Avamar)

Message from Terrence (22 recipients) (just in) Message sent to: Everyone in this region For sure I'll try to keep my troop and myself at safe distance from that creature, Sir Lalakis. After all I've heard some of the stories... about certain Sirionite practices better left undescribed. blushes

Terrence (Knight of Avamar)

Roleplay from Tzoutzoukos (22 recipients) (just in) Message sent to: Everyone in this region Tzoutzoukos scratches his -hmmm- belly (?) listening indiffirently but with great patience, Hyraltic's words.

  • Yawns...
  • Yawns again....
  • As soon as Hyraltic finishes his delirium he yawns for the third time!
  • He rests his tired body to a nearby tree and gets a nap.

Sir Tzoutzoukos Duke of Avamar

Roleplay from Hyraltic (22 recipients) (just in) Message sent to: Everyone in this region You all are so sad, so brainwashed that you know nothing. The Black Hand? Gee, perhaps you should as Lalakis about it, he might remember. Then again, he might not. I am sure that he wishes that the terrorist group did not exist today, even though I am somewhat positive that it does.

You may sit there and yawn, and call me delrious. I am not old enough to be delerious. You Avamarians sure are cocky, did you know that? Cocky for being nothing more than a realm stolen, and banning at least 1/3 of the original realm MAKERS. But that is not my problem.

Injustice, in Sirion? I seriously doubt that. The only injustice in Sirion is that Avamar still exists today. I do not call it day by day, but I merely say "soon". Or is that too vague, your spies do not seem to know when we will hit Avamar? Well, that is too bad for you, then.

Well, go about your ways, you stupid Avamarians. I certainly hope that you have fun here, because you will never get to be any kind of realm that is worth anything more. Do note that Perdan has not helped you. Rancagua has not helped you. Oligarch has not helped you.

You are alone, and you know it. You may live in bliss, but time will surely show you that you all will end up without a city, soon enough.

Hyraltic Grand Justiciar of Sirion, Marquis of Trinbar

Roleplay from Lalakis (22 recipients) (just in) Message sent to: Everyone in this region Lalakis -who meanwhile was taking a nap under the same tree with Tzoutzoukos- opens one eye

Hmmm....? Black Hand? Oh sure I remember something...Isn't that the group of people, tired by the endless opprssion of Sirion puppets, the continual insults and the never ending indifferent by your puppet-government, uprised and ridiculed mighty Sirion? And isn't Avamar, the independent realm that resulted from this story, continues the old tradition sill ridiculing Sirion?

Oh yes, we do not need any help from Oligarch or anybody else to kick the butts of some pitty elves...

Now sorry but I need some rest. On the other hand I suggest you to leave as soon as possible, as you have loooong way to your capital!

Eyes shut again and Lalakis fades to sleep

Sir Lalakis