Avamar (Realm)/Fontan
Breaching a Treaty
Fontan used to be a noble Realm. However under the rulership of Alexi the Paranoid, Fontan turned to a warmongering bandit realm. Its first dishonorable action took place when it breached a treaty that actually spared its own existence.
Caligus, Oligarch and Perdan had also signed the treaty and the People's Republic of Avamar participated as well. A very bad moment for SA it was, as shortly after gaining some of its military power Fontan manipulated the treaty according to its interests and attacked Avamar. The time was carefully selected as Caligus and Perdan were engaged in wars in other parts of the Continent and couldn't enforce the ungrateful Fontan to follow the treaty.
Below the full text, taken by Caligus Library (http://www.caligus.bravehost.com/treaties.htm), is presented. The highlighted parts were altered by Fontanese Council to fit their purposes:
"The Royal heralds travel through the realm, stop in every village and city, market place and crossroad announcing the news about the cease fire between Caligus and Fontan and reading out loud the text of the agreement signed by the Queen and Lord Son of Patrick from Fontan for everyone to know and remember its statements."
1. The relations between Fontan and Perdan, Caligus, Ubent, Oligarch and Avamar will be set to Neutral or Peace. All relations with other realms will be set to Neutral or Peace also.
2. Tokat will be handed over to Caligus as soon as the treaty is signed. If Fontan faces starvation problems due to the loss of Tokat, Caligus will provide the necessary food at a very reasonable price (8g/100bushels is a reasonable price).
3. All hostilities will end immediately and the regions Fontan has at the moment will be recognized as Fontan soil (except Tokat).
4. Fontan will be free to engage into battle with any realm except those that signed the agreement (and Ibladesh).
5. If any realm that signed the agreement attacks Fontan, all other realms are bound to stay neutral and not help in any way. There will also be heavy diplomatic pressure to avoid such conflict. Infiltrator offensive actions are included. Perdan is also bound to protect Fontan with military or financial aid if the attack is unprovoked by Fontan in some way.
6. Any military forces from all realms will need clearance from the rulers of each realm before traveling. eg Caligus needs permission from Fontan to travel in Fontan lands; but also Fontan need permission to travel in Caligus lands.
7. If Fontan breaks the treaty it will be attacked by all realms provided that the evidence presented (from the defender) is straightforward and the attack was unprovoked.
8. Fontan has the possiblity to receive Viseu and Oporto, Caligus has no problems with this but cannot speak for other realms."
Unfortunately, despite article 8 was obviously breached by Fontan, Caligus and Perdan didn't enforce Article seven. So after demanding Viseau from Avamar whose army was already there, ready to initiate a TO, threatened to declare war in case that Oporto was not given to them. Fontan was arrogant enough as its former enemies were all absent from the negotiations between Avamarian and Fontanese government concerning the issues of Oporto and Viseau. Eventually they demanded even Montijo. Unfortunately only Oligarch was able to honour the treaty and declared war to Fontan. However with the interfearene of Sirion, the count down for Eleador, Rancagua and Avamar had begun, beacuse of this lack of political will between allies...