Ash Sea Chronicle/Issue 26

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Ash Sea Chronicle
The Voice of the Islands!

Disclaimer: The Chronicle would like to remind its readers that this paper does not represent the official opinions of the Ashlantean Government. For information concerning the official diplomatic stances of the Isles, we suggest speaking to an appointed representative of our illustrious monarch, King Malice Osha.
Chief of Staff: Wolfram Gunnar, Lord Steward of the Royal Household.

News Stories and Words from the Editors
News around the Continent
September 13, 2008

Ser'quea in Uproar

The first reports of Ash'rily's fall reached Ser'quea in the early afternoon, with all the Ashlantean nobility in furious uproar by the evening. The recent efforts of King Malice to secure peace were widely known, as were his efforts to negotiate a peaceful handover of Ash'rily and the free passage of the nobles ensconced in the city back to Ser'quea. Magnus Crownguard, King of Caergoth chose the most dishonourable course by agreeing to this sensible resolution with one hand even as he ordered his armies to attack the city with the other.

In the two pitched battles that occurred in Ash'rily, the Ashlantean heroes Gibberish Smallsheep and Yaholie Aljfoi Suaht were both slain in her defence. An entirely needless waste of life that proves Caergoth is little interested in anything but bloody minded destruction. This despicable chain of events has further emboldened the faction calling for the Ash Sea Islands to fight the enemy until death and on this evidence, who can blame them? -Wolfram

September 2, 2008

King Beircheart Abdicates

Yesterday, after a long period of illness and several weeks of rowdy discussions on Ashlantean policy during the war with the Southern Coalition, King Beircheart finally abdicated the throne in favour of another. This morning Malice Osha was announced as the new King of Ash Sea Islands, beginning his second reign in the kingdom. King Malice arguably inherits the most daunting circumstances ever to befall the Ash Sea Islands.

Although there has been little agreement in the Ash Sea Islands as to what direction the kingdom should pursue in light of unprecedented recent events, the ascendancy of King Malice was little challenged. It is thus expected that in the coming weeks, some sort of accommodation will be sought with the coalition in order to secure the long term future of the Ash Sea Islands. We wish him well. -Wolfram

September 13, 2008

Ash'rily Fallen

After a long siege spanning six months, Ash'rily finally fell today. The joint Caergoth-Carelia force immediately set to taking control of the city and it's expected that the remaining peasantry will put up little resistance following their long ordeal.

During the lengthy siege, 60,000 people starved to death, which saw Ash'rily's streets littered with disease and the dead. The defending forces were in little better condition, with the surviving Ashlantean soldiers barely filling their armour, let alone strong enough to wear it for a long battle by the end.

Extras: July Chronicle | October Chronicle | Archives of the Chronicle | The Ashlanteans