Ar Raqqah

From BattleMaster Wiki
Ar Raqqah
East Continent
South Highlands
Mining, Stoneworks

Ar Raqqah is a mountainous province in the southern highlands of the East Island. Ar Raqqah is just north of the province of Ibladesh, the capital of Ibladesh, on the southern banks of the Raqqah River.

Ar Raqqah is a mountainous province in the southern highlands of the East Island located just north of Ibladesh on the southern banks of the Raqqah River. The Raqqah River starts in the Isadril Mountains, winds around Ar Raqqah, and empties into the Great Southern Sea.

The population of Ar Raqqah is only 900, making it one of the ten least populated regions on the East Continent. Yet despite it's very small population, the region is unable to feed itself, producing less food than all but 4 other regions on the island (all of which have fewer mouths to feed), and thus it is heavily dependent on trade. Fortunately, there are some profitable mines located here, providing the residents with a steady supply of reliable work. In fact, Ar Raqqah is one of the top ten highest producers of gold per peasant on the island (contributed over 2.6 silver pieces to the tax collection per peasant per week where the average is approximately half a silver piece per peasant).

In addition to spending it's financial resources on trade, the region also spends quite a lot of gold on defenses as the region suffers from an unusually frequent number of attacks from monsters. Nevertheless, the peasants remain quite calm and resilient during these times of crisis.

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