Aboolio Family/Vendraic

From BattleMaster Wiki


Vendraic began his life in Reven in the Service of Ichabod Poe, who quickly taught him the ways of Depravity. He adopted these principles and soon after took on the mantle of an infiltrator, serving the realm of Reven from the shadows. Despite his nefarious occupation he was chosen to succeed his old master Ichabod as the Margrave of Ircymbar when he stepped down. Vendraic continues to reside and rule over Ircymbar as his seat of power to this day. During his tenure as an infiltrator and regional lord Vendraic participated in several major events in Reven, including:

  • The First War with the Vale
  • The War for Tor
  • The Second war with the Vale

After seeing his old mentor rise to the rank of Depraved Prince in Reven under his telltale banner of bringing Depravity to the realm as a whole Vendraic was most pleased to see the new direction Reven was moving in. Things took a turn in his life when Ichabod took ill and stepped away from the public life though, leaving the rulers seat open. Wanting to see his old master's ambitions completed, and to try to prevent a return to the rigid theocratical system they had separated from not too long ago, Vendraic hung up his cloak as an infiltrator and stepped forward to run for office as the Depraved Prince of Reven. He won the election and as he had promised began to lead his people down a path of Depravity, emphasizing the tenants of ambition, power, wealth and decadence.

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