York Journal/Issue 15

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Revision as of 16:23, 27 June 2008 by Sypherwolf (talk | contribs) (dates bolded to make reading easier :))
MinasIthilFlag2.png The York Journal
Cost: 1 silver June 08 Editor(s): Relkin Sypher
News Articles
News Briefs

June 25th - A rebellion is breaking out in Caergoth. Vader has called for an uprising against the current government. Details are still sketchy but the rebellion is predicted to fail.
June 24th - The tournament in Strombran is over. 80 troop leaders from 12 realms fought and drank. There was a swordfighting and a jousting contest.
Sir DrSeptre Meadowcrest, Baron of Howling Waste won the swordfighting tournament (Tomin Jackson, (Knight of Dampinn, Suville) came second place). The jousting contest was won by Epsilon Asmodan, Banker of Barony of Makar, Baron of Lower Tell (Second place: Memnoch Corax, Banker of Carelia).
June 23rd - Caergoth has taken control of Worav.
Lord Grahm Leafwalker is appointed the new Viscount of Crahandan.
June 21st - Eston has begun a takeover of Amriel.
Talerium and Tara defeat Falasan in Corniel.
Worav has declared independence from Ash Sea Islands.
June 19th - Ash Sea Islands victorious in defending the island city of Ash'rily.
June 18th - Ash Sea Islands victorious in Barnlure.
June 16th - Falasan victourious in Picnu. Elost falls to Norland occupation. Ash Sea Islands takes control of Worav.
June 13th - Ash Sea Islands victorious in Worav. Falasan and the Cagilan Empire battle on the plains of Chato and Chagasu.
June 11th - Twin defeats for Minas Ithil in Elost and Mansbridge.
June 8th - The rebellion in Darka has failed.
June 6th - Takeover attempt of Elost by Norland fails.
June 5th - Baron Raziel Himoura the Third appointed Field Marshal.
June 4th - Rebellion in Darka.
June 2nd - Harod, an Infiltrator from the Barony of Makar was hung for assaulting the King.

By Roxas Sypher Farewell Tournament June 26th

King Dead Angel 3 has announced a tournament. The tournament will be the King's last as King as he will step down at the end of the month due to ongoing health problems. All of Atamara is invited to what is sure to be a tournament to remember.

By Roxas Sypher The next King? June 25th

With Lord Sidd Kingsley's announcement that he seeks to be King, the final list of candidates, we think, has emerged. One of these men will be the next King of Minas Ithil.

  • Justiciar Mordoc Selemnir, Viscount of Rotherthorpe
  • Sir Raoul De La Fere, Earl of Cantervern
  • Field Marshal Raziel III Himoura, Baron of Dunstoke
  • Relkin Sypher, former Duke of Barad Riel
  • Sidd Kingsley, Earl of Lothruin

Lord Rowan MacGregor has been removed due to his endorsement of Lord Mordoc Selemnir. Sir Ealdur Cranford was found to be too ill to be eligible.

By Roxas Sypher Another candidate June 20th

Lord Mordoc Selemnir has announced he is seeking to be King. Lord Mordoc of course is the Justiciar, Viscount of Rotherthorpe, and Marshal of the Homeland Security Force. Lord Mordoc is the oldest of those seeking the position, with all the wisdom and experience that age brings.

By Roxas Sypher Letters from Elost June 18th

In the wake of the failed attempt to free Elost from Norland's takeover letters were in exchanged between the two sides. For the most part the two forces were cordial. Of interest of course is Eston's reasons for joining the war. According to the Duke of Massillion, "We do not attack you because we desire it. We attack you because the treaty we signed and our honor compel us."

By Targon Valerian Lux A Bloodbath in Lyton June 14th

After two defeats Ithilian army finally pulled its grip together, engaging the Federation forces in the vast plains of Lyton. Rallied by the King himself, Ithilian infantry held the field remarkably well against prevailing Estonite infantry force (430 to 390), and decisevely won a battle, supported by the constant archer fire and occasional cavalry onslought, espacially the one lead by Sir Roxas Sypher (though that was the end of his unit, Wayfarers Return). The battle of Lyton only proved what was already known, the inability of the Estonites to engage Ithilians without a strong support from Norland and The Barony. This battle was won in the open field with no fortifications whatsoever, which is even more demoralizing for Eston.

Another day seemed to bring another battle, as the numbers in Lyton were about equal. But, just as Minas Ithil cavalry reinforcments were arriving from direction of Shanandoah and Cheltenborne, led by the General Raziel III Himoura, the cowardly Estonites showed their true worth, displaing a panicky retreat from the field. Obviously, the help expected from the Vikings was never to arrive, as Norlanders were too busy rampaging in unprotected Elost, one of two things they're very good at; the other being stealing gold, but in this art they are by far outmatched by The Barony of Makar.

Thus Lyton is now secure, since the few slowest Eston units, unable to flee in time, got massacred by Ithilian vanguard. At this moment the Federation forces must be licking their wounds in Elost, plotting yet another united strike at the brave Ithilian defenders. As much as the Ithilian ranks are concerned, Sir Raoul De La Fere, still imprisoned by Norland, is dearly missed, and all are eagerly expecting his return. However, what the future brings is hard to say, but all hope that the tide turns...

By Roxas Sypher Breaking news! June 13th

Fenrig Harkonnen,the Duke of Belegrond has been spotted reading from Ucdauh's Book of Necromancy and the Old Book of the Dead. Shocking I know, who knew vikings could read? More investigation will have to be done to determine if vikings can read or if they are merely picture books.

By Roxas Sypher Across Atamara June 8th

The war continues here in Minas Ithil. Eston and Norland have pulled most of their forces from Elost to refit. Minas Ithil banners have already been seen in the area.

In other areas of Atamara our allies seem to be fairing well. Ash Sea Islands secured a victory in the island city of Wor'ight this week. In addition Caergoth lost control over the region of Worav. Still, the war has gone badly for Ash Sea Islands, with many regions lost.

Falasan on the other hand has been able to successfully defeat the combined forces of Cagilan Empire, Darka, Talerium, and Tara on multiple occasions. This week alone Falasan defeated them in the plains of Corniel and then took the fight to them in Chagasu. Falasan's army seems to have only honed its skills after the war with Eston.

By Roxas Sypher Battle in Elost June 5th

After a long wait Eston and Norland have made their move. Forces began marching up the roads from both Barad Riel and Hernepoole and quickly outnumbered the defenders. The fiercest fighting happened just after sunrise on June 4th. More than 1900 troops from the Northern Federation attacked the 1250 defenders. The Northern Federation forces suffered casualties of 1080 while Minas Ithil suffered 1015 casualties. King Dead Angel 3 among others was wounded during the battle.

As the sunset the battle continued as Minas Ithil rallied around the King. Hagen Ehrenstein and Fennel Thundar, fighting valiantly in defense of their homeland were slain. Both will be remembered as heroes. Troop casualties for the Northern Federation was 374 while Minas Ithil had 394 casualties. Field Marshal Voragh Orim was captured as well.

By Jearom Gaiden and Roxas Sypher The search begins June 2nd

Dear Warriors of Minas Ithil

After all those years serving my realm on the various battlefields my task as king brought me too, i have fallen for a mysterious illness and my healers do not give me much hope, i soon will not be able to forfill my tasks as king anymore. I will at the end of the month retire from my duties as i then soon will be too weak to and as i have no heir i will let the kingdom decide who they want to as my successor.

King Dead Angel3 of the White Guardians

With that proclamation the search for a new King has begun. The following nobles have proclaimed their desire to ascend the throne of our fair realm.

1) Sir Raoul De La Fere, Earl of Cantervern

2) Raziel III Himoura, Baron of Dunstoke, Marshal of the First Ithillian Dragoons

3) Ealdur Cranford, Knight of Leohampton

4) Relkin Sypher, Lord

5) Rowan MacGregor, Viscount of Lyton, Marshal of the Mounted Knights of Minas Ithil