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* Virtue is absolutely necessary. If we adhere to these virtues, we will interact excellently. There will be far less disagreement and strife, the quality of life will go up. Virtue is necessary for the progress of humanity. We must have technological advance, yes, but we must not be merely primitives wielding newer and shinier swords. As our technology advances, so must we advance. We must define virtue, and virtues, and live out our lives, as best we can, following those virtues.
* Virtue is absolutely necessary. If we adhere to these virtues, we will interact excellently. There will be far less disagreement and strife, the quality of life will go up. Virtue is necessary for the progress of humanity. We must have technological advance, yes, but we must not be merely primitives wielding newer and shinier swords. As our technology advances, so must we advance. We must define virtue, and virtues, and live out our lives, as best we can, following those virtues.
* These virtues establish guidelines and principles with how to interact with other good people. Amongst evil people, they shift from being "overriding principles", to "strong guidelines". Attempt to adhere to them, but at times, to achieve the greater good of bringing about a humanity which respects a single moral code, there must be breaches of virtue. Understand, a little evil done for a greater good is STILL evil, though it may have been necessary. Keep in mind, no matter the motive, it is still not a GOOD thing.
* Honesty is defined as "telling the truth, as best you know it". Tell the truth, always, even if it leads to your death. The Blackest Cult advocates lying. The Summa advocates truth. Do not lie, do not tell falsehoods. If we speak honestly to each other, we prevent the intrigues which so wound and maim the heart, soul, spirit, and body. This does not mean you should be unkindly blunt in what you say, though. Be truthful, but try to be kind as well.
* Loyalty is defined as "remaining true to causes and authorities you have previously submitted yourself to". Examples would be one's leige or realm. Stand by that which you are given your allageince to, stand by it unto death.
* Friendship is defined as a "bond of loyalty moving beyond obligation, to happily choosing to aid and serve another". Friendship often grows out of loyalty, yet is more. One may be loyal to one's leige, yet not particularly like them. There are few greater goods than strong friendship, a friendship strong enough that you would sacrifice your own life for a friend's. Stay close to your friends, cherish, aid, and protect them. Mourn their losses, celebrate their victories. Friendship is a crucial component to building a better world.
====Integrity and Honor====
====Integrity and Honor====
* Integrity and Honor are defined as "doing that which you have said you will do, and standing by your word through danger and trials". If you have strength of character, integrity and honor, you will stay strong in your loyalty to your WORD, no matter the price. If you have said you will do X, then you WILL do X. There is no need to take a special oath or promise, simply do as you say. If you need a promise or oath to make your word count, then you need to work on having more integrity.
* Mercy is defined as "refraining from giving ill turn that is deserved". A criminal may deserve a fine of 50 gold, yet mercy would be lowering it to 25, or removing it altogether. Often, the murderer you are merciful to today, will save you tommorrow. Admittedly, mercy can easily be taken too far, for there comes a time when justice must occur. But keep in mind that mercy is preferable to justice, though justice is often necessary.
* Justice is defined as "giving proper, fitting, and equal punishment for evil or unlawful deeds done". He who rapes, shall be castrated. He who steals 50 gold, shall be fined 50 gold. He who murders, shall be himself executed. Yet, remember to show mercy. For blind justice will often drive men further from goodness. Sometimes a theif shown mercy will change his ways. Use good judgement to decide when to give full punishment, reduced punishment, or full grace and forgiveness.
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==On Deity==
==On Deity==

Revision as of 23:00, 16 September 2006


"The Summa" is a book I, Onliana Vellos, am writing. The world has many philosophies, many issues of right and wrong, many struggles of philosophy and ideology, and many conflicts in it. In recent times, an organization known as the Blackest Cult has sprung up which advocates full freedom of human action, total relativism, a world of chaos, anarchy, and evil. All is permissable to them, and their goals are vile. As such, I have seen fit to combat this evil. I shall seek to deal with every issue, great and small, in this life we live, and tackle the right and wrong of it, to establish a moral code. You may agree, you may disagree. Feel free to send me your thoughts via courier (OOC- the discussion option), you may sway my opinions, or inspire me to write on some new issue. Keep in mind, I do not presume to know all things, I merely place my beliefs in this book, and they are always open to change and discussion. Thus, without further, ado, I shall begin.

On Commerce


  • Traders have an honorable way of life. While, in our society, the path of the warrior perhaps gains one more prestige in the eyes of the public, the trader, the merchant, is a good class. Yet, among traders, one often sees three distinct types of traders. The first is what shall be called a "goods merchant". A merchant who buys low, sells high, making a profit, and using that money to continue making profit, possibly sending money home, or to the realm. While this is not an evil thing to do, it does have a selfish goal: increase of personal wealth. It might be wise to, as a goods merchant, be careful to keep an eye on one's desire for wealth, lest it get out of hand. For it is in self-centered greed that so many of the world's other vices have their origins. Would we have expansionist wars (which slaughter many and ruin vast tracts of land) if we had no greed? Of course not! Thus, to the goods merchant, I say, remain humble, buy and sell, yes, but remember to give to the poor, for the betterment of humanity is more important than the fattening of your purse. The second sort of trader I have seen is the hauler merchant. This trader merely hauls food supplies, often losing money, as a service to a realm, to get food where it is needed. Typically, these traders are government sanctioned. To them I say, well done! For in service to mankind, you are furthering the cause of humanitarian good! When one has reached a level of humility that one is willing to deprave oneself of finances to serve the needs of the masses, then there is goodness. The third sort of merchant I have seen is what I shall call a swindler merchant. WHile I do not like to stereotype, often these traders are bankers, who can manipulate prices. They cheat poeole out of money, or starve realms buy purchasing much needed supplies via the black market. To these traders I say, woe betide you. The proper practice for a merchant is not to cheat and swindle, but to buy for an honest price, and sell for an honest price.


  • Taxes are levied, primarily, upon the peasentry and, to a lesser degree, upon wealthy nobles. To the bankers and rulers, I say, do not overtax your people! Excercise benevolence as a ruler, for a virtuous ruler is the greatest ruler. Yes, your realm may be able to support a high tax rate. But you do not need such a tax rate, you can do without the extra, and your peasent population is already living a hard life. One cannot, with good conscience, place a high tax on the people for any lengthy duration. Do not tax widows who have no work, or the earnings of orphans, for they need all they can get. Tax only enough to gain what is needed to keep your realm alive and prospering, for, as said earlier, greed leads to so many other vices, which prove detrimental to the progress of humanity towards harmony, unity, and prosperity for posterity.

Use of Money

  • Be careful how you use your money! Do not waste it. Poor stewardship of your money is nearly as bad as greed. For is it any worse to overtax, and use well, than it is to undertax, and waste? No, they are the same. Do not hire more soldiers than you can support, do not throw away money to useless causes, do not support organizations which espout beliefs which hinder the progress of mankind. Does it make a difference whether you are in the Blackest Cult, or support it? No, not at all. Those who espout beliefs that further the cause of the Blackest Cult may as well be in it. If I stab a man for one reason, and you stab him for another, does it change the fact that he is now bleeding? No. And the social, cultural, scientific, artistic, philosophical, moral, and political progress of mankind is the same. He who espouts relativism in the name of the Blackest Cult is only slightly worse in effect than he who spouts relativism in a misguided sense of good. The primary difference is that the BC member likely will cling to their beliefs to death, yet say they have reformed, where as the innocent yet misguided relativist may be more easily shown the truth, and dissuaded from their destructive path.

Family Gold

  • Saving money is a good habit to have, for it is not a waste of it. But do not be a miser! Remember to give to the poor, remember to serve your realm bravely and loyally, and support those worthy causes who further the progress of mankind. Family treasuries form an excellent place to save money for hard times, or to build up for a charitable donation, or to support far-off causes which are worthy.


  • One of the greatest things which can be done is an investment. A gift to the people, a jolt into the economy, an investment is a good usage of money, generally speaking. It aids one's realm prolifically, it aids the people by providing more jobs, gold, and food, and it is a sign of moral uprightness in the giver. To give so much money so unselfishly is a sign of a person who cares more about the cause than themselves. Of course, investing in a city which was part of a BC realm would not be a good cause, remember to keep context in mind in all things.

Buying Lordships

  • This is a difficult issue. A lordship costs an enormous amount of money, and is an underhanded tactic. As such, generally speaking, purchasing a lordship is not a morally upstanding action. It is blatant usurpation of a region, through bribery and cajoling. There may be times, extreme circumstances, when it is necessary. But, generally speaking, there is no cause for such gigantic expenditure on a lordship. It is often done for goals entirely self-centered, seeking to simply gain power for oneself, in which case buying a lordship is entirely wrong. It is only acceptable at all when done in service to a good cause, in combat against a definite and indisputable force of evil.

Calling Aid

  • Calling aid is morally sound. If you have saved money in your family treasuries, it is all right to withdraw it when you need it.

  • Paid work is also morally sound. In fact, it may do you good to humble yourself, and work among the people for a bit. Experiencing the life of the poor may perhaps show you why one should not overtax, why one should do all morally sound and necessary to keep one's realm fed. I highly recomend paid work every so often, as a reminder of what most of the world's people do... all.... day.... long. We nobles are immune by our standing, but not by any inherent right. Our fathers and mothers gave us what we have, and they were given what they have.

Personal Abilities

  • One should cultivate one's abilities, so as to do the greatest good, so that humanity may progress into a better age. If we all take the talents we have, and use them together, guided by a common moral code (as I am attempting to establish in this, "The Summa"), then we will make a better world. All builders will build mighty structures, well made, for causes of good. All warriors will fight well for good causes, spreading dominion over the Earth. All diplomats will use their influence for good causes, making war unnecessary, thus sparing precious lives.


  • Swordfighting is a good skill for a noble to have. One cannot defend the people in a time of need if one cannot wield a sword. If the time comes when the BC begins open war, they may use assassins, and sword-wielding may be one's last line, after pen-wielding has failed.


  • Another good skill to have. No world is a good world which does not have enjoyment, song and dance, love and romance, tournaments and fairs. Cultivate your leisure skills, your hobbies, have fun within moral bounds, and you willl greater appreciate what you have.


  • As nobles it is our duty to lead. We have a purpose; and that is to protect those who pay taxes to us. We must organize them for defense of good and the realm, we must manage their large-scale affairs, so cities do not starve, and rural regions do not wallow in poverty. LEadership is a must, for to lead men, one must lead well. Do all things to the best of your ability, do not be lazy, but do not be overly ambitious, for that is greed.


  • Assassins and sabotures are in a dark trade. So long as the only TLs they assault are acknowledged forces of evil, on a PERSONAL level (i.e. merely being a member of an evil realm does not qualify, there must be specific evidence for that person), that specific act may be just. Not good, but perhaps justified. The changing of road signs is a morally sound military tactic, for it does no dircet harm in the end. Torching of food supplies is inherently wrong, for it starves the people, making worse their already difficult situation. Do not starve the people, for if we wish to propagate goodness, we set a poor example by starving ntire populations. Instead, bring food with your army, and sell it to the people at low prices if you can, feed the people, relieve their hunger.


  • Beaurocracy, like leadership, is a must. We must organize and manage the nation, so that we can be cohesive. If we do not work together in cohesive groups (and, on a greater scale, as a single cohesive body of humanity) we shall have no human progress. Evil has unified in the Blackest Cult. We, as good, must also unify against them. Be they few or numerous is irrelevant, for their philosophies can shake the world.


  • Another morally sound skill. So long as that which you preach is morally sound, is not favorable to an evil cause, preach long and well! Spread the word of that which is good. The word is one of our greatest weapons against evil. For with words, we may win wars before they ever begin. Ideologies cause wars, differences of moral codes. Thus, we must spread ONE moral code to unify, to end all wars. To do this, we must have those who will boldly speak of said code.

On Government Reform


  • There are grounds for when a rebellion is acceptable, but they are relatively extreme. A rebellion is morally acceptable when it is rebelling against a government which advocates, repeatedly, even after protest and discussion, evil behavior, which ignores the needs of its people (i.e. overtaxation, starvation, lack of adequate beurocrat force), AND which has put the lives of good people in jeopardy without cause (i.e. banning several TLs for extremely poor or entirely unfounded reasons, executing people for relatively minor crimes). Yet remember; Rebellion is a LAST RESORT. When all else fails in reforming a government, it may need to be overthrown. Yet it is infinitely better, and often actually easier, to reform your government, especially in a democratic nation. Take any path other than openly rebellious activity, try them all, before you even consider rebellion as an option. Never seek to incite rebellion in foreign lands, use it only as a tool to save one's own nation from regressing extremely into a state of evil behavior.


  • See "Rebellion"


  • Protests should be lodged only in relatively extreme circumstances. Try talking it out first, try petitioning the government, try winning the next election, before you protest. But, if thos ethings fail, do not hesitate to protest. Do so confidently, and make known your disagreement. Explain it well and fully. Be polite and respectful, no matter what grievance has been done to you.

Public Arguement and Debate

  • This is the best solution to domestic problems. Discuss, make known your beliefs. Be polite, do not shout or be accusative. Behave respectfully and humbly, a kind word often dissuades anger. Participate in discussions and debates, and always work for the influence of good in the world, and for the betterment of one's realm.


  • This is also a very good solution. When elections come, try to get a more virtuous candidate elected. Campaign beforehand, make known your ideas, be respectful, do not sling mud or make false accusations, do not use propaganda. But do run an active campaign, seek to meet and refute all arguements. Remember to try to further the cause of good, and strive to do what is best for one's realm.


  • See "Infiltration" under "On Abilities"

On Dueling

To First Blood

  • A good way to solve arguements which seem to have no resolution forthcoming in words, a duel to first blood is unlikely to hurt anyone. WHile working things out with words is preferable, it is better to settle a matter over a first blood duel, than divide a realm over an arguement for a long time.

To Surrender

  • Only do this in truly grievous situatuations. There must be some serious crime committed against the cause of order and goodness in the world. But remember, talking is better, try to find a solution, violence is not the first answer.

To Death

  • The person you're dueling had BETTER be an acknowledge force of evil, a tru enemy of good. An example might be Vatticus. Yet, still, try to talk first. Only resort to violence when words fail.

On War

  • Most can agree that war is a horrible thing, for people lose there lives, both soldier and peasent. Every war hurts the people. As such, while at times war may be justified, it is never good, or sacred, or holy. Keep that in mind, that war is not to be loved, for it is the greatest cause of death in the world


  • As I said, war may be justified. War is justified if one's ally's continued existence as a realm is threatened, war is justified if one wages a solely defensive war, war is justified if the enemy realm is a known supporter of evil in the world, and refuses to back down from their stance or accept reform, and rebellion and secession have already been tried by the residents of said realm, or if the residents of said realm are themselves also evil, and will not rise up against said government. War is justified if the targeted realm has committed multiple unprovoked breaches of honor (TLs accidently crossing borders, infiltrators burning warehouses, black market trading), and does not appropriately punish the candidates, AND can be verified as a source of evil.

Civil War

  • See "Rebellions" under "Government Reform".

Drafts and Recruitment

  • Drafting is a necessary evil in our world. If you must draft, do so as kindly as possible. I have said many times that the peasentry live a hard life; drafting makes it harder. If you must do this, at least be polite and civil about it. Select the men who have other male relatives to take care of their wives, sisters, daughetrs, and mothers. Select the men who can be spared from the society, be understanding of the people's situation. Keep in mind that just because you wield power, because you are educated, does not make you, on a deep level of the psyche, a greater creature than they. You have more power and ability, and perhaps more worth, but all humans are, finally, equal: we are all subjugated to the same fate of death. So be good to those beneath you while here.

Peasent Levies

  • Refrain from peasent levies! The ONLY time when a peasent levy is justified is when forces from a realm which is UNDOUBTEDLY AND VERIFIABLY EVIL (i.e. proven to harbor and be heavily influenced by the BC or its philosophies) are threatening the very existence of a realm which is UNDOUBTEDLY AND VERIFIABLY GOOD (i.e. has led the hunt for the BC, combating it physically and philosophically, a good example would be Eston). There is no other justification for the forced entry of hundreds of peasents into the military.

Peasent Uprisings

  • Sometimes, when a region is being brutalized, the people rise up of their own will, en masse. It is regretable that the peasentry sometimes sacrifice themselves so, but it shows devotion to a cause, surely enough. Hopefully a good cause. If the peasents rise up to support you, respect their contribution, and do all within your power to make their uprising MEANINGFUL. Make it count for something in the battles that follow. If the peasents rise up to fight you in vast hosts, withdraw, for the slaughter of innocent peasents is abhorrent (a peasent levy may be slain). Yet if they come in reasonably sized groups, fight them, for, in war, sometimes a little eveil must be done to do a greater good.


  • Looting in general is to be avoided. It is the ultimate most evil part of war.

Killing and Marauding

  • This is NEVER justifiable. The blatant massacre of peasents who do not take up arms against you is inherently wrong, and must NEVER be done. Genocide is not an option to a virtuous realm, massacre is not an option. I dont care how even the enemy is, you shall not, in good conscience, commit such vile as to kill them in their homes, and maraud them in horrible ways. Case closed.

Raiding Taxes

  • Raiding taxes is to be avoided but, if one must loot, this is perhaps one of the best ways to do it. While it does steal, albeit indirectly from the peasents, it may prevent that money from going to enemies (who, if you followed the proper justification of war, are probably verifiably evil), thus shortening the war. If you must loot, this is perhaps your best option.

Burning Food

  • This is NEVER justifiable. To steal food from peasents who work so hard to grow it, and who are already living on such thin margins is abhorrent and evil.

Destroying Infrastructure

  • This is the most acceptable form of looting. While all are unfortunate, this one directly targets enemy infrastructure; that which supports its evil government. If you are going to loot, this is the most morally sound option, though it is often a poor military or strategic course of action.


  • Sometimes men and women of the shadows are used, spies, insurgents, and operatives. Two major branches of espionage will be covered here.


  • Information is valuable. There is nothing inherently morally wrong with spying, though the spy going turncoat from their realm is a sign of disloyalty in them. There is nothing morally wrong with spying on one's allies, or one's enemies, one needs to justification to watch them. Yet do so cautiously, for while it may not be morally wrong, it may one day come back to bite you.

Covert Operations

  • Insurgency movements, causing rebellions or secessions, etc, are inherently wrong. Rebellion and secession are a domestic tool, not a weapon for you to use against a realm. To incite such actions is morally wrong, no excuses. Now, if a rebel movement already exists, supporting it is not wrong, but it MUST fulfill the requirements for governmental overthrow. See "Rebellions".


  • Wars always have battles. In battle, show mercy to the captured, fight hard, die well. If you must fight a war, fight as few battles as possible, in as concentrated an area as possible. If one is fighting a war, one is probably fighting a verifiably evil realm. Thus, fight to either destroy or reform that realm, yet do so as quickly as possible with as little death and suffering for the people as possible.


  • Honor one's treaties. NEVER break a treaty. After it has been violated by an enemy, continue to obey YOUR end of the treaty for at least another week or two, to make a display of honor and integrity. Let wars be as short as possible. Achieve one's good and moral goals, and then sign peace. Do not force drastically disadvantageous peace, but give fair peace, relative to damages done in the war, and behavior of both realms.

Allied Support

  • Do not bring in allied support unless the survival of one's realm is threatened, or if the enemy is UNDENIABLY AND VERIFIABLY EVIL, and in a very great way. As in, open acknowledgement of the BC and favor towards it.

On Proper Rulership and Realm Management


  • Diplomacy should be based firstly upon moral grounds. You will quickly find that, when you base your diplomacy upon moral grounds, you will probably lose some allies, and gain some allies. You will probably find yourself seperate from all continental factions, yet part of them all. Yet, sometimes, to do good, one must do a little evil (emphasis on LITTLE), and sometimes slant political standing. (i.e. a realm which, morally, should merely be neutral or peace, may become an ally for the purpose of unifying against a foe, who, assuming you followed the justifications for war, is evil) As such, base diplomacy first on proper morality, and second upon expedience. Do not hide behind diplomacy, but have honest politics. If you despise a realm, do not have a peace treaty with them, have neutrality. If you feel a great kinship to a realm, a brotherly sense, do not have a peace treaty, but an alliance or federation. Have honest politics, and do not hide behind them; make them state what you truly mean.


  • Promotion should be based equally upon competence, and virtue. If a realm promotes solely absed upon competence in doing an office, it will become corrupt. If a realm promotes solely on virtue, it will soon be mismanaged. As such, seek out those TLs who ar eboth competent AND virtuous, and promote them, be it to lordships, dukeships, marshalls, or council positions. Also, keep a rotation going. Do not keep power in the same hands for all time. Always consider newer TLs, for one day the Old Guard will be dead, and the young now will be the leaders. We must give them experience now, to lead when we are gone.


  • In an election, vote for those who, firstly, are virtuous and, secondly, are competent. But make sure at least one of the positions in the council is someone enormously experienced and competent, so that, while the new electee may lack some experience due to his being elected on virtue firstly and competence second, he may rely upon others who have great competence and virtue.

Judicial Decisions

  • Judicial decisions must ALWAYS uphold goodness. Punish those who do wrong, but be merciful. The law is the greatest ally of good, for the BC advocates total lawlessness. Let laws reflect morality as closely as possible, let them encourage virtue, and discourage vice. In this way, as well as in the promotion and election of the virtuous, forces of good will become more widespread and powerful, and the Blackst Cult may be upheld. On the other hand, do not forget that there are different opinions. Allow freedom, but not the unbridled anarchy that the Blackest Cult desires. Remember that law is the guardian of the people, so guard well, and guard against vice, in favor of virtue.

Tax Distribution

  • Keep tax distribution relatively equal. Yet it is good to reward those who have served a realm for long, and hold upstanding position or are prestigious in the eyes of the world. Accomplishment should be rewarded. Yet do not slant taxes too much in their favor, and always keep in mind that you do not DESERVE those taxes any more than the peasents do, they are a gift and a PRIVELIGE OF NOBILITY, not a right. With this mindset, you will be more appreciative, and greater appreciation will lead to less strife.

Tax Rate

  • See "Taxes"

Region Lord Shares

  • To those who preside of regions, give an extra share, but not too much. ENough to reward them for their services, and give them the added bit necessary to maintain and improve their lands, but remember to keep tax shares relatively equal.

Government Systems

  • No government system is inherently good, and no system inherently evil. As such, an analysis of the pros and cons of each is necessary.


  • In a monarchy, the king wields close to absolute power. If the king is a good, virtuous King, this is excellent. It allows freedom for him to act as he needs for causes of good. Also, in a monarchy, the judge ranks quite high, a good distinction, for it shows the importance of law in a monarchy. The voting system for rulers in monarchy is slanted towards the "Old Guard", in that it favors the prestigious, and it is difficult to remove a monarch. All the same, monarchies as easily good as bad.


  • Many tyrannies are good tyrannies, contrary to common belief. The absolute power wielded by the Dictator could easily corrupt, it can ruin good men. Yet, if properly wielded, the absolute power of a Tyranny can be very good. In a time when good is splintered and seperated, this may be an age when we need more tyrannies, unified nations under one head which wields full power. So, while this does not respect the will of the people, and could easily result in corruption, a tyranny also has great potential for good.


  • Theocracies, like tyrannies, can easily be good, and easily be evil. If they are cenetred around a religion which advocates evil practices (i.e. the Blackest Cult), then they will be a catastrophically powerful force of evil. If they are organzied around a force of good, then they have great potential to make the world a better place. The fact that their enforcers of law and morality, the ruler and judge, are essentially life terms can grant them some impunity to the whims of the masses, which often blow in the wrong direction, but can also result in corruption.


  • Democracies are a breeding ground for the Blackest Cult. The idea of popular rule is good in theory, the idea that the people will select the best ruler is good in theory. Yet a democracy, at a fundamental level, mandates the belief "that which has the popular majority, is that which is true". Truth becomes subject to a vote. Also, the increased freedoms of democracy can result in people leaning more towards the full-freedom ideologies of the Blackest Cult, which is very dangerous. That said, democracies, when in nations guided by moral conscience, can be among the greatest of things, a source of good, and democracies also often produce great cultural rennaisances.


  • Republics are a wonderful thing. The balance between the totally election-based system of a democracy, and the more tradition-based system of a monarchy is a great thing.

On Truth

  • The fundamental problem with the Blackest Cult is not that they are murderers, or cannibals, or have dark and twisted rituals. Those are surely problems, surely signs of evil, but not the worst aspect of the Blackest Cult. The absolute greatest crime the BC has committed is to say that good and evil do not exist. They surely do exist. The idea that the supreme ethical decision-making force in the universe should be EACH INDIVIDUAL is inherently evil, for each individual is selfish, and if hundreds of thousands of individuals all live a life of sheer self-interes, the world will degrade into a primitive state of chaos and destruction. Of course, this is the BC's belief as well, they DESIRE this. We, the good nations, wish for cultural and social progress and developement. For humanity to do this, we must achieve a common moral standard that we all accept as UNDENIABLE TRUTH. Just as we all agree (even many of the BCers agree) that the BC is evil, we must all agree on exactly what GOOD is, and, once we have found this moral standard, it must be accepted unfailing, regarded as absolute truth, applicable regardless of context, a total moral law.

Proveability of Anything

  • Unfortunately, nothing, no moral standard, can be proven. We cannot prove the color I see as green is the color you see, so how on earth can we prove moral standards exist? We cannot even prove the reality we know exists. The tangible world, the empirical evidence, MAY all be an illusion, we cannot PROVE anything. Also, when I say, "good", I am thinking of a slightly different thing (possibly drastically different thing) than when YOU say "good". As such, it is outrageously difficult to make meaningful progress inphilosophical or ethical debates.

The Singularity

  • There is ONE exception. We can prove the existence of ONE ENTITY: the Singularity. Even if all of reality is a dream, there must be a dreamer: one entity. Even if it is an illusion, there must be an illusionist. Thus, we can prove that there is SOMETHING in the universe, but only one somnething. Nothing else can be proven on any truly definitive level.

Necessity of Belief

  • The Blackest Cult says that, because nothing can be proven, there is no moral code. The BC is of the belief that, because we cannot see the moral code, there is no code. They say because the green I see may not be the green you see, we should abolish green altogether. The truth is that we should not abolish green. For FUNCTIONALLY, we see the same color. I see green one way, you another, yet our perspectives, so nearly as we can tell from the human experience, are roughly the same: while the green you see may be orange to me, at least you see orange EVERY TIME I see green. Now, to make any progress as a human race, as a society, we must, firstly, realize that there IS an absolute moral code which can be found and applied. Secondly, we must realize that, while we cannot PROVE it, we must (to have any progress) BELIEVE it. It is a leap of faith, one the cowards of the BC dare not make, hence why they will always be regressive primitives, a mere cult in a world of religions. Thirdly, we must agree on EXACTLY what that moral code is. That is the attempt of this document, to establish the logic of the need for a moral code, to to OFFER A SUGGESTION as to what it maybe should be. This document is, nbaturally, still being worked on, and open to revision. Yet I say again, to make any progress as a human race, we must have a universal moral code, which we all agree upon. This document, The Summa, is the first step to that.

Relativism vs. Moral Code

  • Thus, with these things said, allow me to show you what the battle between the BC and the good societies really is. It is NOT a battle between the civil and the savage, between the criminal and the law, between the cultist and the priest. It is NONE of these. Perhaps sometimes those conflicts will come into play but, FIRST AND FOREMOST, the struggle against the Blackest Cult is a struggle between TOTAL RELATIVISM (the Blackest Cult), and MORAL CODE (the good forces). Those who espout relativism are, albeit possibly indirectly, supporting the Blackest Cult. Do not hate or despise them, do not hate or despise the BCers, for then you have become like on of them. Instead, despise their IDEALS, yet work to show them the truth, work to show them the value of a moral code.

On Virtue

  • Virtue is an absolutely essential part of life. Virtues are principles which we live by. They are used to define th OVERRALL WORLDVIEW AND PERSPECTIVE that shapes the functional behavior (above listed in the previous topics) described in this document. It has been said many times, that one should support good people and nations, promote and elect the virtuous, support the virtuos. "Virtuous" could be defined as following the virtues listed here below with relative consistency (unfortunately, nobody is perfect, we all fail sometimes), and/or adhering to the functional guidelines already given. Preferably AND, not OR.

The Necessity of Virtue

  • Virtue is absolutely necessary. If we adhere to these virtues, we will interact excellently. There will be far less disagreement and strife, the quality of life will go up. Virtue is necessary for the progress of humanity. We must have technological advance, yes, but we must not be merely primitives wielding newer and shinier swords. As our technology advances, so must we advance. We must define virtue, and virtues, and live out our lives, as best we can, following those virtues.


  • These virtues establish guidelines and principles with how to interact with other good people. Amongst evil people, they shift from being "overriding principles", to "strong guidelines". Attempt to adhere to them, but at times, to achieve the greater good of bringing about a humanity which respects a single moral code, there must be breaches of virtue. Understand, a little evil done for a greater good is STILL evil, though it may have been necessary. Keep in mind, no matter the motive, it is still not a GOOD thing.


  • Honesty is defined as "telling the truth, as best you know it". Tell the truth, always, even if it leads to your death. The Blackest Cult advocates lying. The Summa advocates truth. Do not lie, do not tell falsehoods. If we speak honestly to each other, we prevent the intrigues which so wound and maim the heart, soul, spirit, and body. This does not mean you should be unkindly blunt in what you say, though. Be truthful, but try to be kind as well.


  • Loyalty is defined as "remaining true to causes and authorities you have previously submitted yourself to". Examples would be one's leige or realm. Stand by that which you are given your allageince to, stand by it unto death.


  • Friendship is defined as a "bond of loyalty moving beyond obligation, to happily choosing to aid and serve another". Friendship often grows out of loyalty, yet is more. One may be loyal to one's leige, yet not particularly like them. There are few greater goods than strong friendship, a friendship strong enough that you would sacrifice your own life for a friend's. Stay close to your friends, cherish, aid, and protect them. Mourn their losses, celebrate their victories. Friendship is a crucial component to building a better world.

Integrity and Honor

  • Integrity and Honor are defined as "doing that which you have said you will do, and standing by your word through danger and trials". If you have strength of character, integrity and honor, you will stay strong in your loyalty to your WORD, no matter the price. If you have said you will do X, then you WILL do X. There is no need to take a special oath or promise, simply do as you say. If you need a promise or oath to make your word count, then you need to work on having more integrity.


  • Mercy is defined as "refraining from giving ill turn that is deserved". A criminal may deserve a fine of 50 gold, yet mercy would be lowering it to 25, or removing it altogether. Often, the murderer you are merciful to today, will save you tommorrow. Admittedly, mercy can easily be taken too far, for there comes a time when justice must occur. But keep in mind that mercy is preferable to justice, though justice is often necessary.


  • Justice is defined as "giving proper, fitting, and equal punishment for evil or unlawful deeds done". He who rapes, shall be castrated. He who steals 50 gold, shall be fined 50 gold. He who murders, shall be himself executed. Yet, remember to show mercy. For blind justice will often drive men further from goodness. Sometimes a theif shown mercy will change his ways. Use good judgement to decide when to give full punishment, reduced punishment, or full grace and forgiveness.






Defense of the Weak




On Deity