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Viceroyalty of Xerolco
Xerolco-Banner.jpg Xerolco-icon.png
(Coat of Arms) (Icon)
Continent / Island Beluaterra
Capital Region
Largest City Region
Government System Theocracy


Region Numbers ?
Population ?
Characters ?
Last Statistics Update (date stamp)

Notice: This is the rework of the old idea.

Draft of a future realm

This realm would be a Blood Cultist theocracy that centers around the god Teros.




   A. The Code defines the basic criminal laws of Xerolco. Other,
      lesser administrative laws are created by the Onyx Consortium and bound
      under the title of Imperial Legislation.


   A. These laws are the supreme criminal law within Xerolco.
      Where there is conflict between this Code and an Imperial Legislation, the Code has 

   B. These laws apply uniformly to all citizens of any nation, within Xerolco,
      and all citizens of Xerolco, in any nation.


   A. All people are inherently endowed with essential rights. These are, in order 
      of importance,

     1. the right to be governed, as this is the basis of our society;

     2. the right to be obey, because our cohesion defines what we can accomplish;

     3. the right to property, so that which we earn shall remain our own; and

     4. the right to action, to pursue our lives as we please.


   A. The rights of an individual must not deny a more essential right of another 
      individual. Where the rights of two individuals overlap, the lesser right 
      becomes a priviledge, which must be specifically granted by the other individual 
      before it can be expected.

      1. Actions of an individual must be restricted

         A. within, or with regards to, the property of another,

         B. if it restricts the abilities of the realm, or

         C. if it harms the life of another citizen of equal rank.

      2. No individual may become the property of another.


   A. Those whose actions violate the rights of another, shall forfeit their own 

      1. All violations of rights can be punishable by capital punishment.


   A. The Inquisition shall be entrusted to enforce these laws.

   B. Suspected Criminals shall be charged and prosecuted by the High Inquisitor of 
      the Theocracy.

As signed by Nicolas Chénier, sovreign of Xerolco.



In recognition that our nobles deserve a strong realm to call home and in which to worship our Lord, that the purpose of government is to provide protection and pride for its people, and that the former governments of these lands were violating the trust placed by their people to uphold these truths, it is necessary to correct this injustice by establishing a strong and centralized government of Xerolco in the promised lands of Fwuvoghor.


These Articles of Governance set forth the powers and limitations that bind the government of the Xerolco. There shall be no law passed that is in conflict with these Articles as these Articles may not conflict with the Code. These Articles cannot be amended except by a two-thirds majority of the Onyx Consortium or a three-fourths majority of the citizens of Xerolco.

The Code of Xerolco creates a core set of laws which define criminal misconduct and appropriate punishment. The Code is the supreme law of the Theocracy, and is final should there be any conflict with a lesser law. The Code cannot be amended except by a two-thirds majority of the House of Ministers, including the Tlatoani Xerotl and the High Inquisitor.


The Onyx Consortium shall be composed of the Theocracy's regional lords and councillors as well as the priests of Teros who have become citizens of the realm. It shall compose the general administrative body of the government, and its members will be referred to as Consortes Imperii (Consors Imperii when singular).

The Consortium shall pass civil and criminal laws, approve changes in official diplomatic relations, create and organize a National Militia for the protection of the Theocracy from foreign invasion, and create and organize an Economic Policy to levy taxes and distribute revenues as necessary to fund the expenses and prosperity of the Theocracy. All questions before the Consortium shall be decided by a majority vote of the Consortes Imperii.

A Consors Imperii of the Onyx Consortium (or a citizen if none are fit for duty) shall be appointed by the Tlatoani Xerotl, with the approval of a majority of the Consortium, to direct the Inquisition in accordance with the laws and declarations of the Consortium.

A Consors Imperii of the Onyx Consortium (or a citizen if none are fit for duty) shall be chosen at the beginning of each month, or whenever the position is vacant, by the nobles to direct the National Militia in accordance with the laws and declarations of the Consortium.

A Consors Imperii of the Onyx Consortium (or a citizen if none are fit for duty) shall be chosen at the beginning of each month, or whenever the position is vacant, by the nobles to direct the Treasury in accordance with the laws and declarations of the Consortium.


The Tlatoani Xerotl shall be elected every month by the citizens of the realm. The Tlatoani Xerotl acts as the head of the Onyx Consortium and shall lead the discussion as well as initiate the votes. The Tlatoani Xerotl is the head of state of the Theocracy and represents it in diplomatic affairs. He is chosen for his strength to lead and his devotion to the Lord Teros.


The Inquisition of Xerolco shall be composed of the dukes, infiltrators, and priests of the realm, and shall be lead by the High Inquisitor, in order to enforce the laws and policies adopted by the Onyx Consortium. The Tlatoani Xerotl shall have a seat in the Inquisition as spectator, but will not have a vote unless granted so by another position. Inquisitors shall judge all proceedings of the Inquisition, in accordance with the laws of the Theocracy. Priests and infiltrators who are not dukes are only admissible to act as Inquisitors if they have held either profession for at least 7 consecutive days prior to a hearing.


The Republic of Fwuvoghor shall be host of one or more churches, cults, or other religious orders. They shall all accept the Dark Lord Teros, patron of Xerolco. Particular cases are as follows:

  • The Blood Cult, which has adopted what remained of the original Church of Teros, shall be accepted for as long as they promote the Dark Lord.
  • Eretzism, which has aided in the realm's Ascension, shall be tolerated for as long as they do not oppose the Dark Lord.
  • All faiths who do not accept the Dark Lord Teros shall be forbidden from entering and practising in Xerolco.