Unti Family/Gnaeus

From BattleMaster Wiki

Gnaeus - Leader of Men

The Journal of Gnaeus
“The past that lead to my arrival here is a complicated one. At a young age I was drafted into the Oligarch army, given basic training and sent to battle during the Coimbra Campaign. During my term I often found myself doing battle among the trees and against the defenders of the star crown as well as the warriors of democracy on occasion. Thus I was there during the battle of Braga when Sir Antonio Unti finally fell in battle at the hands of commander Jain Sun. He had proven to be a dangerous opponent during the war, single handedly defeating most of the forward scouts and raiders and killing many of my regiment along with a few others.” Gnaeus paused a moment seeming lost in the past, “I remember the battle well….. Tale of Antonio

…..”I alone survived that fateful encounter. The courts of the Coimbrian king were a wonder to behold for one such as I, but I could not stay long, my duty lay elsewhere and Olgarans were not welcome. When I returned to Oligarch city I stopped at the ancestral manor of the Unti house to deliver the sad news on my way to the barracks. A strange people the Unti’s were, they welcomed me as an equal and said it was alright, that I need not be sad. The evening seemed to go on forever with highborn nobles treating me like I mattered, until finally the uncle approached with an offer that would change my life; a place in their house, not as a servant, but as a son.”

“I was stunned to say the least, but he was instant, saying that my courage and honour proved I was worthy and that Antonio would have agreed. In the end I was convinced, what other choice did I have, and so I rose to the rank of noble and began my education.”

“It has been a long road but finally I was deemed ready to make my own way in the world. Still I could not fight for Oligarch, for I had often served under the various nobles of the land of my birth. So when my adopted sister returned with tales of the valour and nobility of the Republic of Avamar my choice was clear and here I came to make a name for myself.”

Soldiers of the Iron Guard

Total served: 16
Wounded: 12
Killed: 4