The Daily Estonite

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Eston Shield copy small.jpg The Daily Estonite Eston Shield copy small.jpg

Daily news from the Northern Kingdom

Minas Ithil evacuates Amriel
Apr 26, 2006
For no apparent reason, the Ithilian occupants have left Amriel, and are heading home. One must wonder why they wasted a full week in the field without even attempting to deal a blow to their enemy. The only movement seen from them lately was a small force sent out to liberate the Barony capital of Sale. For the rest, the Ithilians did nothing more than sit around their encampments in Amriel, most likely still shaking at the sight of the glorious mountain city of Barad Riel, where they experienced first hand why the city will never fall to the enemy.

Helpless Barony calls for allies
Apr 26, 2006
The cowardice and ineptitude of the Barony of Makar has once again been demonstrated, as the 'ferocious' raiders begged their allies for relief forces. With their own armies reduced to a mere few hundred soldiers, the Barony was unable to halt the Talerian invaders from ravaging their capital. A large force from Norland, backed by a handful of Ithilian troops, has been dispatched to liberate Sale and deal with the Talerians. The Barony has once again been exposed as the weak, pathetic nation it has been since they bent over for Krypton and his cronies.

Sale sacked and looted
Apr 23, 2006
At sunset today, the Talerian army struck in the heart of the Barony, as they succesfully invaded their capital, the coastal city of Sale. They hit the city with outstanding force, resulting in the deaths of two Barony heroes, and the destruction of the stronghold fortifications. This attack was a retaliation for the continuous slaughtering of innocent Estonite civilians at the hands of the Barony forces, and the Alliance will not hesitate to launch another such attack, if the raids continue.

Moramroth soaked in blood
Apr 22, 2006
Today, a particulary bloody page of the war has been written on the mountains of Moramroth, as Estonite and Norlandic forces clashed. The battle was ferocious and resulted in heavy casualties on both sides. Kyra Barghouti, a young heroine from Eston, and sister to Marouane Barghouti, Marshal of the Army of Massillion, sacrificed her life to save those of her fellow troop leaders. When the dust settled, only a handful of Estonite archers were left standing on the battlefield. The battle had been won, but the toll was heavy.