Talk:Unit Naming Guide

From BattleMaster Wiki
Revision as of 14:36, 13 July 2006 by Shoenaemaeh (talk | contribs)

Maybe some changes could be made taking into account that now EQ is divided between armour and weapons...

Good point, mysterious anonymous person. Would we need several separate sections: 'High Weapon, High Armour', 'High Weapon, Low Armour' [Beserks, anyone?], 'Low Weapon, High Armour' and 'Low Weapon, Low Armour'?--Egregious 15:17, 13 July 2006 (CEST)

Maybe through:

  • -[HH]- / -[HL]- / -[LH]- and -[LL]-
  • Although i would either use something like -[5/4]- which would mean 50% weapon and 40% armour. Of course rounding is allowed; it has to give an aproximate view of the power of the unit.

Problem is when mixing units (like make a second recruit from a different type: you would have to rewrite the name of the unit...: 2 hours. Shoenaemaeh 16:36, 13 July 2006 (CEST)