Talk:The Elven Tribute/Issue 6

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Revision as of 19:14, 7 August 2006 by Primus Family (talk | contribs) (reply to "safest")


What in blazes are you talking about. You just want bragging rights. The safest city in Perdan? Well, that'd be Perdan city, our economical and defensive center. Sure it's not the capital, but considering the numbers, it was definently safer, and still is. --Kag 08:23, 1 August 2006 (CEST)

More often than not, a Capital is considered the safest region in a realm's empire. It was not folly to state that the real center of your realm, where ALL mobile troop recruitments take place, from your NUMEROUS centers across the Island, is not the safest. I stand by my assessment of the situation, as would anyone else that can see this for what it really is. If we had sacked Perdan instead, it would have fallen...but no one would have been able to recruit troops from inside it...unlike the case with Partora, where the defeated, were able to recruit troops immediately to replenish their losses. --Doc