Poryatown Press/Monster Compendium/L

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Monster Compendium of Dwilight
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  • Spotted By: Leon Agenor
  • Located: Palm Sea and Fissoan Marshes
  • Active Time: Variable
  • Pack Size: Variable
  • Picture: None Yet

In the dessert on might encountered beasts locally referred to as "Leapers", they're small but fast. While afraid alone they do dare to attack small mobs or even an army when they have the numbers. They are perfect ambushers hiding under the sands and rocks the dessert and can easily overwhelm a careless unit when they have the numbers. Their brown sandish scales offer some protection but the real danger are there small claws and teeth. As said, these small creatures about 2 feet in height can live solitaire or in enormous packs.

In the marshes locals have encountered a similar beast, it seems related but this one is able to swim and has a more green/blue like colour. It also is a little larger then its dessert cousin.