Madina (Realm)/Library/book7

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The Book of Claims

Written by Abbot the Acelet, updated by the Republican Bureau of Local Claims.

This book serves only as a register of personal claims of interest, any citizen, knight or lord of the Republic of Madina are free to officially state there personal claim of interest at the Republican Bureau of Local Claims who in turn are obligated to write your statements in this register. Everything that is stated in this book of registry is officially acknowledged by the Grand Doge and the Grand Council of Madina.

It is requested from the Republican Bureau of Local Claims that the original layout is being kept and that all claims and statements are clearly written with the intention to be readable by all Madinan audience. Claims should be assisted with the following information: Name, Family name, Rank in Hierachy, Statement(if possible) and time of register. All these bits of information will be taken into notice by the Grand Doge in case someone is apointed to any of these regions. In most cases, the date of registry will be the most important aspect in your claim.

OOC Information

  • Everyone who has a character in Madina is free to add or edit his claim and statement to this page as long as the layout and roleplay purpose are kept intact.
  • You can state your characters claim of EVERY region on Dwilight unconditionally of the owner of the region, of course you might wonder if it would have any purpose to claim for example the city of Darfix, however, if your character is a mad man, your free to RP that.
  • Those who are not sure how to edit the table, add your claim here. Someone who knows will add it for you. You can also message Kolya Ishimu ingame (and hope he doesn't miss it). Just remember to make an attempt to address him properly or he might ignore your letter, if it's an IC letter.
  • An entrance here will not guarantee your character will get the region, just as an ingame claim (region details->politics) will not guarantee you the region. It depends on lots of different factors - the relative strength of the ingame claims, the claims made here, honour, prestige, relationship with those who do the appointing, etc. Lack of an ingame claim will almost certainly preclude you from getting a region, unless absolutely no one is interested.
  • The most useful aspect of this page is for those who do the appointing to know who to consider when it comes to appointing. Whilst ICly one would think that everyone will want to rule a region, however that's not always the case. Indeed, in the old islands, there's an option to NOT want to hold certain positions. That's gone on dwilight for whatever reason. Thus, an entrance here makes sure that those who do the appointing know that you are actually interested. Everyone who takes part in a TO generates a claim, but not everyone is interested in that particular region. (Though the constitution does say that we shouldn't take a region without knowing that someone wants to rule it beforehand.)

Claims by Region

Region (A to Z)


Current Lord/Lady


Date of Registry


East Fatmilak Island

Amhearst Toldor

Amhearst Toldor

28th May 08

Amhearst Toldor, former Lord of Bol. Whilst traveling, Amhearst has made contact with the native population and has seen this land for himself. The beautiful rolling hills simply invite one to stay and drink in the scenery. Amhearst has truly fallen in love with the area and has made it his fond wish to safeguard this land for Madina.
Redna Irapuan

12th July 08

Claimed on grounds of former Knighthood of Bol and endorsement of former Lord of Bol, Amhearst Toldor.

West Dwilight Continent


Langford Mason-Kennit

7th June 08

Valiant Explorer. I explored this area and met with the locals. They greeted me with gifts and open arms. If anyone was to take possession and hold this beautiful and culturally diverse region, it should be someone who has already been welcomed and is beloved of the indigent peoples. For me to not be the Governor of Candiels would be a crime.
Kaidessa Icemea

11th November 08

In the days before the state of emergency in Madina I met with the people of Candiels, and they gave me many gifts in return for instilling the ideas of the republic upon them.
Candiels Fields

West Dwilight Continent


Kolya Ishimu

24th May 08

Whilst Madina had always laid claim to the City of Candiels and the surrounding regions, it was not until some time after he stood down as the Governor of Madina City before Kolya decided to lay claim to Candiels Fields himself. Should he stand down as Grand Doge, he would seek guardianship of the western flank of the Republic. It must not fall into foreign hands.

West Dwilight Continent


Escent Noble

16th May 08

Escent was the first noble to set foot in Twainville, Wurzburg and Evanburg. On 2008-05-16 Escent, with a company of 50 men, arrived in Evanburg. While he was not able to stay more then a few days he assured the people there that he would return and bring the peace and security of the realm of Madina with him. As such, Escent Noble lays claim to the townsland of Evanburg.

West Fatmilak Island


Iodem Ezrin

7th June 08

Iodem, after being banished from Melodia, traveled through Fatmalik Island en route to Madina. Iodem, with company of 26 archers, entered the largest village in the areaand spoke to it's elders. Lacking any noble lord to lead them, they quickly informed the former general of their wish for him to lead them. As such, Iodem Exrin laid claim to the region of Fatmalik.
Merkandur Castillo

15th June 08

Merkandur Castillo, of House de Castillo, was a hardworking knight and staunch defender of Lugagun when he travelled through Fatmilak during a financing expedition for his lord. He meet with the locals and showed them the power of Madina and the many benefits that the realm could bring to them.

North Madina Island


El Cid Testaverde

5th Sept 08

The Noble El Cid set out to travel to Panafau but ended up in the dangerous region of Laraibina instead, where he found his way to a village. The locals seen the well dressed noble and sought his aid in riding the lands of the rogue rulers and vile beast that had plagued the people for many years. El Cid could not refuse the faces of those in need and made a vow to return to liberate them after he gathered help among the Madina nobles and filed the appropriate claims. Hence on this day the claim was set.
Nightling Balewind

20th October 08

Nightling Balewind claims everything that El Cid Testaverde once claimed as she has the right of conquest over him and everything he has ever done in Madina.
Sorbad D'Saferate

7th Sept 08

Sorbad's claim to the region is simple. He was one of the only people that cared enough to actually do something about the peasants of Laraibina. Being an active member of the military and leading the takeover from the rebels established the claim formally.

East Madina Island

Daniel Allard

Daniel Allard

11th April 08

Knight of Lawataling. I am a loyal knight laying claim to the region I am sworn to protect, should my liege be unable to act in this official capacity.
Halicos Stalker

11th April 08

Lord. According to my scribes and underlings, I am seen by the peasants as one of the most honourable men in the whole of Madina, and even the whole continent! I was also a most loyal knight of Lawataling and then its Lord until my vacation to shake off the weariness of monster combat [OOC: Holiday]. In my time as Lawataling's lord I was able to bring it to near perfection in the eyes of the local bureaucrats and increase production greatly, even through continuous monster attacks that plagued the region. My family has a great amount of gold which I can invest into the region to bring it to it's full potential.

West Madina Island

Karpur Dur

Tacin Uskarik

21st March 08

In addition to being the first pledged knight in service of Alfus Centauri and helping to bring order to the region after we established control, Lord Centauri specifically noted that my claim should be honoured before he was forced to honour personal obligations abroad. I held the Barony for nearly six months before being appointed Doge and passing the reigns to another.
Karpur Dur

5th September 08

An upstanding knight under Baron Tacin, Karpur's loyal service to the region earned him a strong claim to succeed to the Barony.

South Madina Island

Sage Meadowcrest

Kolya Ishimu

23th March 08

Ex Governor. A knight of Madina City practically since the foundation of the Republic. Kolya had been a loyal knight of the City and a dedicated member of the Expeditionary Fleet until he lost his unit in battle. Since then, he had been carrying out inspections on the local government officials in various regions of the duchy. Succeeded Gilead Draconic Occam as Governor. Stepped down when voted himself in as Grand Doge.
Kyra von Ulthuan

21st June 08

Long standing member of the realm, though never a knight of the city, she has been loyal to the duke since her assuming the position of lady of the Gardens. Upon seeing that no one but the Grand Doge had laid claim on the city and in light of Duke Abbot Nosferatu's unresponsiveness and negligence, she saw fit to put her name into consideration for the position.

13th November 08

Founder of the City and first Grand Doge of the Republic. served as Governor two times, the first and the third time(temporarily).
Madina Gardens

South Madina Island

Kyra von Ulthuan

Rupert Luegg

15th April 08

A loyal knight of the Madina Gardens ever since he joined the Dwilight. Upholded our control, worked diligently to improve the production and morale of the people.
Kyra von Ulthuan

15th April 08

Long standing knight of the region, Thales' second knight. Aside from a short stint as lady of Panamana she had been loyal to the people of the Gardens. She has occupied the seat of the Gardens since the position was vacated by her now departed lord Thales.

West Dwilight Continent


Margel Somra

27th June 08

The most holy of the Goddess Estiana's lands, the forest of Nark is sacred to Estiana and can be held to no other claim.

West Dwilight Continent


Margel Somra

27th June 08

As stated by the Goddess Estiana, the forest and lands of Twainsville and Rettleville are the holy lands of her religion. Claim is declared in Estiana's name, as High Priest and Prophet of Estiana on the Western Continent.

West Madina Island

Borealis Neuropa

Margel Somra

12th July 08

Claim by right of prior lordship of the region.
Amhearst Toldor

12th July 08

Claim by right of official succession to Margel Somra.
Borealis Neuropa

22th July 08

One rainy evening several peasants came to Borealis hunting camp. They wanted to offer their support and wilingness to see Borealis as lord of Panabuk, because they already knew how tolerant and wise this noble was while serving as a knight. After some consideration Borealis agreed to become lord of Panabuk.

East Madina Island

Langford Mason-Kennit

Langford Mason-Kennit

17th March 08

Former Lord. I was rightfully appointed as the Baron of Panafau, but due to a rash of monsters and unruly peasants, they decided to take control and asked me to leave momentarily, to return and lay claim upon the land, and rule it in the same just and likeable fashion I had before. For me to not be the Baron of Panafau would be a crime.

West Madina Island

Fionn MacCumhal

Draz Solari

15th March 08

Former Lord. Not only did I participate in both of the region's takeovers, I have been both a former Knight and Baron of the region. In addition, while the region was a rogue state, I spent a great deal of time living with Panamana's original native inhabitant learning the location of Panamana's every mountain pass, hidden valley, rock, and stone like the back of my hand.
Merkandur Castillo

20th June 08

Faithful Servant of Madina. Participated in the recent takeover of Panamana. Relentlessly attacked the monsters plaguing the lands of Madina earning great honor and prestige.

West Dwilight Continent


Margel Somra

27th June 08

As stated by the Goddess Estiana, the forest and lands of Twainsville and Rettleville are the holy lands of her religion. Claim is declared in Estiana's name, as High Priest and Prophet of Estiana on the Western Continent.

West Dwilight Continent


Margel Somra

27th June 08

As stated by the Goddess Estiana, the forest and lands of Twainsville and Rettleville are the holy lands of her religion. Claim is declared in Estiana's name, as High Priest and Prophet of Estiana on the Western Continent.

West Dwilight Continent


Margel Somra

27th June 08

As stated by the Goddess Estiana, the forest and lands of Twainsville and Rettleville are the holy lands of her religion. Claim is declared in Estiana's name, as High Priest and Prophet of Estiana on the Western Continent.

South Fatmilak Island


El Cid Testaverde

18th September 08

In exchange for financial an political assistance rendered to the Dwilight colonization effort, the Testaverde was promised first right to ownership should the Republic of Madina prosper and expand to include it.
Nightling Balewind

20th October 08

Nightling Balewind claims everything that El Cid Testaverde once claimed as she has the right of conquest over him and everything he has ever done in Madina.
Tower Fatmilak

North Fatmilak Island


Langford Mason-Kennit

11th April 08

Valiant Explorer. I explored this area and met with the locals. They greeted me with gifts and open arms. If anyone was to take possession and hold this beautiful and culturally diverse region, it should be someone who has already been welcomed and is beloved of the indigent peoples. For me to not be the Baron of Fatmilak Tower would be a crime.
Vallyn Rothach

12th April 08

Baron of Laraibina, Former Knight of Madina Gardens -- As one of the first amongst the Madina Nobles to command a full compliment of forces I myself commanded the takeovers of Panafau and Laraibina, also I aided the conquering of Panabuk and Lawataling. It was only upon the assurance from His Grace Doge Abbot that I would receive a more prestigious Lordship that I took the title of Baron of Laraibina. Those who seek to dispute my claim to the Tower of Fatmilak can face my blade and spill their blood for the land they seek to rule over -- less they are cowards and unfit to command anything but farmers and sheep.
Merkandur Castillo

24th May 08

Protector, knight Lugagun, then Lord of Panamana. I do not feel the need to speak many words, for my actions speak for themselves. Day and night I have hold court in the devasted region of Panamana showing my distinguished devotion to the realm. When I was a knight of Lugagun, with a group of valiant soldiers, I have booted the monsters out of Tower Fatmilak during a pillaging journey for my liege, Lord Uskarik. I was also known to be as forward in my desire to charge into the monsters plaguing our lands as to help rebuild these lands.

West Dwilight Continent


Margel Somra

27th June 08

As stated by the Goddess Estiana, the forest and lands of Twainsville and Rettleville are the holy lands of her religion. Claim is declared in Estiana's name, as High Priest and Prophet of Estiana on the Western Continent. Claim was declared months prior, but offically made it's way through Madina bureaucracy on the 27th of June. This claim was then promptly followed by the surprising claim of Sir Renquest.
Renquest McGahee

27th June 08

Renquest arrived in the city that grew out of the dense forest, at first the honest hard working people were standoffish, but once word had spread that he was from the Noble family of McGahee they were calmed.

They sought hope in his being there, they pleaded with him to deliver them from the rogues that now ruled the city, but Renquest was saddened to tell them that he had no means yet to do this. he urged them to continue on as they had and to do what they needed to to survive, then he comforted them in telling them that he would soon return with more Nobles and many troops to free them from their oppressors. Many took hope in this and bowed to kiss his hand and declare him their Duke.

Renquest then sent his squire back to Madina city to have his claim offically recorded on this the 27th day of June.


West Dwilight Continent


Margel Somra

27th June 08

As stated by the Goddess Estiana, the forest and lands of Twainsville and Rettleville are the holy lands of her religion. Claim is declared in Estiana's name, as High Priest and Prophet of Estiana on the Western Continent.

South-West Dwilight


Iodem Ezrin

14 June 08

While Sleeping one night in his tent, the valiant commander Iodem Ezrin received a vision from a goddess. She told him of her name, Tesla, and that he was to spread word of her faith and travel to Wurzburg, the city where he was to begin this faith. The honorable man, upon this revelation, quickly ran to the library of Madina and laid claim to the region of Wurzburg.