Ledoux Family/Banner of the Bladed Suns

From BattleMaster Wiki

The sworn household guards of House Ledoux, they wear chain mail dyed blue on the right, and white on the left, trimmed with yellow. They are often distinguished by carrying the banner of House Ledoux at all times, parading the sun for all to see. Their faith in their commander shows as the Banners have never been known to rout from a fight, and their close-knit nature has more than once ensured they held when facing deadly foes.

They are known for wielding bill-hooks designed for monster slaying, and armed with cinqueda as a side arm, eschewing shields entirely.

Their first commander was Aubin Ledoux, who brought them to Thalmarkin in 1019 to serve him in his bids for knighthood. There they engaged in several successful campaigns to suppress monsters and undead in the northern regions of the realm, while growing better armed with time and Bladesworn from Vatrona.

Despite having formed primarily for dealing with monsters, they were not shy from facing mortal men in combat, such as in the Western Campaign where they brutally suppressed Caelish peasants during the sacking of Daisha with nary a complaint.

Members of the Company

Name Lord Description
Heidric Aubin Ledoux Officer of a Bladesworn unit incorporated into the Banners, and veteran of many wars. His invaluable advice has helped steer Aubin away from disastrous military mistakes on more than one occasion.


Battle of Baqua on Augest 25th, 1019