Indirik Family/Brance/Falconry

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Brance has appointed a local falconer as the Falcon Master of Libidizedd. The old local hunter has had many years of experience working with the local birds. Brance now works with the Falcon Master to learn the rare art of training the Sea Eagle, a bird which Brance had never seen prior to his arrival in Libidizedd. Kingfisher
The sea eagle being trained by
Brance Indirik
Roleplay from Brance Indirik
Message sent to Everyone in the region of Libidizedd
Brance's arm was tired. It wasn't just that he had been holding his arm up for so long. That wouldn't have been anything special. Anyone who trained with the sword could have done so for much longer without difficulty. No, it wasn't that at all. It was the bird perched on his arm that was the problem.

The sea eagle was a large bird. Quite a bit larger than the hawks had grown up with, or those he had worked with in Linhai. They seemed to grow them quite large on the island. That made sense. It would take a big bird to dive into the surf and bring forth a fish that was worth catching.

Brance had been working with this particular sea eagle for several weeks now. At the suggestion of the master falconer he had been spending time with the bird to help get it used to his scent and his mannerisms. So at least twice a day he went to the aviary and brought out the sea eagle. He would put the bird on his arm and talk to it, occasionally stroking the bird's feathers. Soon he and the master falconer would begin to take the bird on a few test flights to get it used to his commands. Then in a few months maybe it would be ready for a real flight from the shores. That would be the real test. Would it hunt for him? Would it come back of it's own accord and surrender it's prey?

The falconer had named the bird Kingfisher. Brance was of the opinion that Kingfisher was a silly name for a sea eagle. The Kingfisher was a tiny little bird, not such a magnificent creature as this eagle. Maybe Sea Diver? No, that was almost as bad as Kingfisher. Well, he had some time yet to come up with an appropriate name.

Brance was speaking softly to the eagle and stroking the wing when the door to the aviary opened to admit a young page. Brance continued to talk to the eagle without pause, hoping the sound of his voice would reassure it. He didn't mind the page's interruption. The boy was only doing his job, and besides, the eagle needed to be able to handle minor distractions without getting upset. The page was a good one, too. He didn't say a word, or make any sudden movements. He just stood inside the door and waited to be addressed.

Brance continued working with the eagle a few more minutes before returning it to the cage. The eagle was used to this routine by now, and made no fuss as Brance did so. Having finished that, he turned and look at the page. "And what may I do for you, young Sir?"

The page flushed, embarrassed at the Duke's gentle jesting. Still, he managed to stammer out his message. "Your grace, word has come from the Temple that His Holiness, Prophet Hossenfeffer, has arrived at the Temple!"

The news surprised the Duke. His recent correspondence ran through his mind, and found no mention at all of a visit from the His Holiness. Indeed, no messages from him at all so far as he could recall. Well, that one about Magna Eccless... something-something-something, or whatever it was called. But nothing about a visit.

"Has His Holiness sent word regarding the purpose of his visit? Is this an official visit, or is he traveling through the city unofficially?"

The page looked confused. The finer points of official and unofficial business obviously beyond his few years. "Your Grace, I... I do not know. Word only came that he had arrived and taken rooms at the Temple of Sanguis Astroism. He asked that word be sent to you of his arrival, and that you would no doubt wish to see him."

Brance glanced out the window at the sun, still rising in the east. It was still about two hours before noon. "Very well, then. Have a messenger dispatched to the Temple with word that I will receive His Holiness at the palace for lunch, if that is convenient for him, and if he has had time to recover from his journey."

The page bowed, opened the door, and hurried off across the courtyard. Brance took off the heavy falconer's glove and returned it to the rack by the door. He looked back at the majestic sea eagle in it's cage. It looked back at him, cocked it's head to the side, and gave a soft screech. Soon, my friend. Soon you shall soar over the waves once again.

Brance left the aviary and closed the door behind him, headed for his morning court session.

Cliff Diver? Better, but still not right.

Fish... Hunter... Waves...

Well, there was still time.
Brance Indirik (Duke of Libidizedd)

Roleplay from Brance Indirik
Message sent to Everyone in the region of Libidizedd
The palace page found Brance in the aviary. It was not exactly hard to find him, as he had been spending many mornings there lately. The sea eagle had been progressing well. It's training was nearly complete. The Master Falconer had proclaimed that within the next two weeks he would begin open air training flights. Brance was looking forward to this with great anticipation. It would be magnificent to see the eagle flying across the waves searching for fish to snare with it's sharp claws and bring back to the shore. This was a much greater challenge than hunting rabbits with the small falcons of Linhai had been. The results would be so much more the greater.

As usual the page waited patiently inside the entrance to the aviary for Brance to return the sea eagle to the cage before he approached to deliver his message.

"Your Grace, I bear a message for you from the Vasila. She sent the message immediately upon her arrival in the city. It is urgent."

Brance looked puzzled. The Vasila was supposed to be in Eidulb. In fact, Earl Stormcrow had just left the city this morning, returning to Morek because he believed the Vasila would not return for several more days. Brance had told the Earl that at the Vasila's own request...

"Are you sure, boy? The Vasila is not due to return for several days."

The page nodded vigorously. "Absolutely, Your Grace. Her standard flew from the mast of the ship. She also directed that a message be sent to you as soon as the ship docked. She wishes a meeting with Your Grace and Strategos Greystone as soon as possible."

Brance shrugged. Plans do change, after all. "Very well, then, boy. Summon the Strategos, and inform the palace Steward to make ready one of the small council rooms immediately. Better yet, go find the Strategos yourself, and send someone else to inform the Steward. And have him make sure that chilled wine and fruit is made available the instant the Vasila arrives."

The page bowed before he rushed from the aviary across the courtyard. Brance could hear him calling for a few more scribes to help find the Strategos and also to deliver the message to the Steward. Brance followed at a more sedate pace, closing the door to the aviary securely behind him.

Brance pondered the problem of naming the sea eagle as walked through the courtyard. He had still not found an appropriate name for the bird. All his efforts had been as bad as, or even worse than, the Master Falconer's attempt: Kingfisher. The time was rapidly approaching when he would have to decide on the name. Perhaps he would delve back into the local histories of the people of Libid and search for inspiration. Their language was nearly incomprehensible, but some of the words could be spoken by a civilized tongue.

Ter'bitte? He seemed to recall that meant something like "fish-biter".

Berix'khern? That should be "sharp-claw". Or would that be Bix-kair'lith instead?

Perhaps the Falcon Master could help him with the proper diction...
Brance Indirik (Duke of Libidizedd)