Helios's Trumpet of Thunder

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Type Accessory
Discovered By Pisces Blue Star
Discovery Date March 1, 2016
Discovery Location Paisland, Dwilight
Abilities Prestige +8
+10% Swordfighting
Current Owner Salvador Zond

Fighting a Horde of Monster in Paisland this item was discovered with a Den of Cruel Trolls. After the battle this and other treasures were found. This being discovered as Helios's Trumpet of Thunder truly a gift that the Gods had forsaken or simply forgotten about as the Titan departed the Island of Western half of Dwilight he had given it to a man only now know as the Nefelibata. It is said this trumpet can cause the Clouds to Thunder and create storm clouds.

This item once belonged to the Nefelibata or Cloud Walker of the Silver Moon Clansmen he sounded this Trumpet every time right before he would take up his Legendary Axe of the Clouds and go to battle. It is a honor to be have this accessory or to find it for the Cloud Walker is said to have become a God and till this day watches from the clouds.

Zond (talk) 19:41, 6 January 2017 (CET)

Since then, this unique artifact has has been passed down among the noble leaders as a symbol of trust and leadership, on the D'Haran Isles (the middle islands of Dwilight) -otherwise known as the Dragon Isles, in hopes to "trumpet forward", and keep moving towards the goal... It is hoped that stable colonization and control of the western continent of Dwilight will become a "manifest destiny".