Dubhaine Family/Brigdha/October 2008 Battles

From BattleMaster Wiki

6th October

Evening -- Skirmish -- Oberndorf

No. Role Unit Commander Realm Unit Formation Org CS 1 A Undead Horde (Undead) (rogue) 78 other line 10 % 1500 2 D Avamar Bowmen Drake Fontan 31 Arch line 11 % 411 3 D Black Earth Ramona Fontan 21 Arch box 89 % 298 4 D Black Guard Frederick Fontan 36 Inf box 89 % 344 5 D Black Storm Rising Zadek Fontan 14 Inf box 9 % 170 6 D Moira's Sharpshooters Moira Fontan 25 SF line 12 % 596 7 D The Black Swans Brigdha Fontan 25 Arch box 13 % 383 8 D ~=FSR=~ Angelic Archers Connor Fontan 22 Arch box 86 % 248 9 D ~=FSR=~ Band of the Hawk Requiem Fontan 35 Inf box 90 % 455 10 D ~=FSR=~ Banshees Lillith Fontan 23 Arch box 88 % 301 11 D ~=FSR=~ Hylor's Guard Hylor Fontan 29 Inf box 84 % 239 12 D ~=FSR=~ Rough Night Laynceloth Fontan 22 Inf box 87 % 238 13 D ~=FSR=~ Siempre Viva Leilla Fontan 23 Arch box 91 % 344

Total: 1 attackers (78 other) 12 defenders (136 Inf, 145 Arch, 25 SF) Total combat strengths: 1500 vs. 4027 The region owner Fontan and their allies defend. The (rogue) troops attack because they are at war with Fontan.

Strong winds and gusts are making ranged combat a game of luck. Sir Requiem Rai, Count of Oberndorf, Marshal of the Fontan Strike Regiment takes command of his army. They deploy in They Shall Not Pass formation.

Turn No. 1

Black Earth (3) have no enemy in range and advance to better firing positions. ~=FSR=~ Banshees (10) have no enemy in range and advance to better firing positions. The Black Swans (7) fire on Undead Horde (1), scoring 70 hits. Moira's Sharpshooters (6) move closer to get better shots. ~=FSR=~ Angelic Archers (8) have no enemy in range and advance to better firing positions. ~=FSR=~ Siempre Viva (13) have no enemy in range and advance to better firing positions. Avamar Bowmen (2) fire on Undead Horde (1), scoring 115 hits. Undead Horde (1) advance towards the enemy. ~=FSR=~ Hylor's Guard (11), Black Storm Rising (5), Black Guard (4), ~=FSR=~ Band of the Hawk (9) and ~=FSR=~ Rough Night (12) advance towards the enemy.

Close Combat: 2 Fontan banners are visible in the melee. Undead Horde (1) score 574 hits. Moira's Sharpshooters (6) score 264 hits. Total hits suffered: Attackers: 264, Defenders: 574

Undead Horde (1) take 449 hits (264 in close combat, 185 from archer fire), which cause 15 casualties. Moira's Sharpshooters (6) take 574 hits in close combat, which cause 11 casualties. Total casualties: 15 attackers, 11 defenders

Turn No. 2

~=FSR=~ Siempre Viva (13) have no enemy in range and advance to better firing positions. Black Earth (3) have no enemy in range and advance to better firing positions. The Black Swans (7) hold their fire. ~=FSR=~ Banshees (10) have no enemy in range and advance to better firing positions. Avamar Bowmen (2) hold their fire. ~=FSR=~ Angelic Archers (8) have no enemy in range and advance to better firing positions. ~=FSR=~ Rough Night (12), Black Guard (4), Black Storm Rising (5), ~=FSR=~ Band of the Hawk (9) and ~=FSR=~ Hylor's Guard (11) advance towards the enemy.

Close Combat: 2 Fontan banners are visible in the melee. Undead Horde (1) score 434 hits. Moira's Sharpshooters (6) score 155 hits. Total hits suffered: Attackers: 155, Defenders: 434

Undead Horde (1) take 155 hits in close combat, which cause 5 casualties. Moira's Sharpshooters (6) take 434 hits in close combat, which cause 9 casualties. Total casualties: 5 attackers, 9 defenders

Turn No. 3

Avamar Bowmen (2) hold their fire. Black Earth (3) hold their fire. ~=FSR=~ Siempre Viva (13) hold their fire. ~=FSR=~ Banshees (10) move closer to get better shots. The Black Swans (7) move closer to get better shots. ~=FSR=~ Angelic Archers (8) hold their fire. Black Guard (4), ~=FSR=~ Hylor's Guard (11), ~=FSR=~ Band of the Hawk (9), Black Storm Rising (5) and ~=FSR=~ Rough Night (12) advance towards the enemy.

Close Combat: 3 Fontan banners are visible in the melee. Black Guard (4) score 193 hits. Undead Horde (1) score 413 hits. ~=FSR=~ Hylor's Guard (11) score 111 hits. ~=FSR=~ Band of the Hawk (9) score 403 hits. ~=FSR=~ Rough Night (12) score 154 hits. Moira's Sharpshooters (6) score 73 hits. Total hits suffered: Attackers: 934, Defenders: 413

Black Guard (4) take 158 hits in close combat, which cause 6 casualties. Undead Horde (1) take 934 hits in close combat, which cause 31 casualties. ~=FSR=~ Hylor's Guard (11) take 93 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties. ~=FSR=~ Band of the Hawk (9) take 90 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties. ~=FSR=~ Rough Night (12) take 44 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties. Moira's Sharpshooters (6) take 28 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties. Total casualties: 31 attackers, 14 defenders

Turn No. 4

The Black Swans (7) have no viable target and wait for one to appear. ~=FSR=~ Banshees (10) have no viable target and wait for one to appear. Black Earth (3) move closer to get better shots. ~=FSR=~ Siempre Viva (13) hold their fire. Avamar Bowmen (2) hold their fire. ~=FSR=~ Angelic Archers (8) hold their fire. Black Storm Rising (5) advance towards the enemy.

Close Combat: 3 Fontan banners are visible in the melee. Black Storm Rising (5) score 81 hits. Undead Horde (1) score 227 hits. Black Guard (4) score 185 hits. Moira's Sharpshooters (6) score 65 hits. ~=FSR=~ Hylor's Guard (11) score 112 hits. ~=FSR=~ Rough Night (12) score 159 hits. ~=FSR=~ Band of the Hawk (9) score 334 hits. Total hits suffered: Attackers: 936, Defenders: 227

Black Storm Rising (5) take 69 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties. Zadek Dragul (Knight of Fontan, Fontan) has been wounded. Undead Horde (1) take 936 hits in close combat, which cause 27 casualties, wiping the unit out. Black Guard (4) take 41 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties. Moira's Sharpshooters (6) take 34 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield. ~=FSR=~ Hylor's Guard (11) take 40 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties. ~=FSR=~ Rough Night (12) take 43 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties. Total casualties: 27 attackers, 7 defenders

Defender Victory!

The battle lasted for 2 hours. You have gained 1 Honour and 1 Prestige. None of your men were killed in this battle. Morale of your troops falls by 20 points. Your men's equipment suffers 1 % damage. Combat training increases by 2 points. Unit cohesion rises 5 points.

20th October

Evening -- Battle -- Montijo

No. Role Unit Commander Realm Unit Formation Org CS 1 A <OoT> Mosat Belendel Fontan 48 Inf line 87 % 509 2 A =D†A= Avamar Angels of Vengeance Amroth Fontan 25 Inf line 90 % 320 3 A =D†A= Deathwing Company Katsuyori Fontan 7 Cav wedge 92 % 200 4 A An Najaf Roughnecks Chengiz Fontan 19 Inf line 86 % 218 5 A Avamar Bowmen Drake Fontan 26 Arch line 90 % 393 6 A Ayleen's Elite Unit Ayleen Fontan 27 Inf line 87 % 329 7 A Black Rain Frederick Fontan 10 Arch line 87 % 123 8 A Death Strike Alec Fontan 26 Arch line 86 % 224 9 A Infantry center Kimi Fontan 9 Inf line 81 % 80 10 A The Black Swans Brigdha Fontan 30 Arch line 91 % 444 11 A Warriors of Fontan Antonio Fontan 18 Inf line 89 % 268 12 A Zarath's bozos Zarath Fontan 27 Inf line 90 % 366 13 A [FR] Persaud Fiona Fontan 20 Inf line 83 % 183 14 A [FR] The Fontan Slayer's Aewyn Fontan 29 Inf line 86 % 275 15 A |DG| Frenzied Berserkers Zartos Fontan 60 Inf line 89 % 675 16 A |DG| 1st Oligarch Defense Force Jonas Fontan 20 Inf line 86 % 225 17 A |DG| The Righteous Shield Theros Fontan 25 Inf line 88 % 331 18 A |DG| This is Fontan! Sandra Fontan 47 Inf line 86 % 433 19 A |DG| Toldor Rangers Malus Fontan 30 Arch line 88 % 393 20 A |DG|Foresters Arloest Fontan 29 Arch line 89 % 309 21 A |FR| Fencini Elite Ettore Fontan 26 Inf line 88 % 330 22 A |FR| Joukko Belenal Fontan 12 Inf line 86 % 207 23 A |FR| Light Infantry Loster Fontan 21 Inf line 83 % 188 24 A |FR| Stormguard Malfurion Fontan 71 Inf line 94 % 864 25 A |FR| Wrigley's Spearmen Guthrinc Fontan 14 Inf line 87 % 200 26 A ~=FSR=~ Band of the Hawk Requiem Fontan 28 Inf line 92 % 358 27 A ~=FSR=~ Banshees Lillith Fontan 23 Arch line 91 % 340 28 A ~=FSR=~ Hylor's Guard Hylor Fontan 38 Inf line 88 % 337 29 A ~=FSR=~ Rough Night Laynceloth Fontan 36 Inf line 89 % 352 30 A ~=FSR=~ Siempre Viva Leilla Fontan 40 Arch line 90 % 459 31 A ~=FSR=~ Sledgehammer Karlean Fontan 18 MI line 90 % 268 32 A ~=K.D.F=~ The Kilgahn Crusaders Reko Fontan 60 Inf line 15 % 765 33 D Ard's Advancers Ardamin Sirion 24 Inf line 66 % 339 34 D Centauri Crazies Betus II Sirion 44 Inf line 63 % 345 35 D Ciaran Chargers Vader Sirion 20 Cav wedge 63 % 298 36 D Dale Marauders Aryk Sirion 48 Inf line 64 % 453 37 D Delmar's Fist Delmar Sirion 31 Arch line 70 % 456 38 D Elven Archers Melinda Sirion 15 Arch line 67 % 245 39 D Elven Bows Vlaed Sirion 40 Arch line 93 % 622 40 D Elven Horsemasters Circle Sirion 65 Cav wedge 67 % 1086 41 D Elven Swordmasters Faith Sirion 61 Inf line 91 % 720 42 D Huz IV Billmen Salahud Sirion 20 Inf line 61 % 178 43 D Iron Legion Romul Sirion 30 Inf line 67 % 407 44 D Light's Crusaders Leonidas Sirion 19 Inf box 66 % 324 45 D Limbar Armored Halberdiers Sotomayor Sirion 40 Inf line 65 % 446 46 D Loose Ballistae Alain Sirion 113 Arch line 92 % 1036 47 D Maharbal's Evil Horde Kurai Sirion 30 Inf line 62 % 288 48 D Maharbal's Evil Minions Maharbal Sirion 21 Inf line 68 % 287 49 D Marshal's Bodyguard Meristenzio Sirion 35 Inf line 69 % 517 50 D Mice and Men Coran Sirion 30 Inf line 65 % 366 51 D Personal Guard Justus Sirion 38 Inf line 67 % 445 52 D Phoenix Finest Thomsen Sirion 20 Inf line 66 % 253 53 D Popped Bastian Sirion 40 Inf line 61 % 349 54 D Resistance is futile Blackwing the second Sirion 24 Inf line 67 % 330 55 D Riders of Sirion Urimesai Sirion 20 Cav wedge 65 % 343 56 D River Castle Guard Andrei Sirion 37 Inf line 64 % 417 57 D Sapphire Blades Tung Sirion 24 Inf line 88 % 324 58 D Sardaukar Melkor Sirion 22 Cav wedge 62 % 315 59 D Seadak Archers Seadak Sirion 40 Arch line 70 % 618 60 D Seige Mel Sirion 71 Inf line 70 % 764 61 D Sirion Templars Daniel Sirion 29 Inf line 69 % 477 62 D Spears of Clarity Scion Sirion 21 MI line 70 % 394 63 D Stormwalkers Erik Eyolf Sirion 45 Inf line 69 % 634 64 D Swords of Pain SFC Dick Sirion 20 Inf line 61 % 165 65 D the grand band lucica Sirion 15 MI line 95 % 249 66 D The Hunters Huntsman Sirion 10 Arch line 4 % 78 67 D unbeatable soldiers sasahara Sirion 21 Inf line 60 % 204

Total: 32 attackers (680 Inf, 18 MI, 214 Arch, 7 Cav) 35 defenders (771 Inf, 36 MI, 249 Arch, 127 Cav) Total combat strengths: 10966 vs. 14772 The region owner Sirion and their allies defend. The Fontan troops attack because they are at war with Sirion.

It is quite windy and the archers will have to aim very carefully.

Erik Eyolf Serpentis, Count of Dolmbar is spotted wearing the Sturdy Chain Mail of the Maiden. Alain Revan, Banker of Sirion, Count of Glinmar is spotted wearing the White Girdle of Glinmar. Sir Circle Tezokian, Duke of Sirion is spotted wielding the Brilliant Aegis. Sir Circle Tezokian, Duke of Sirion is spotted wielding the Emerald-Studded Sword of Slaying. Alain Revan, Banker of Sirion, Count of Glinmar is spotted wearing the Blessed Jacket of the Maiden. Sir Requiem Rai, Count of Oberndorf, Marshal of the Fontan Strike Regiment takes command of his army. They deploy in Infantry Charge formation. Sandra Jimenez, Marshal of the Democratic Guard takes command of his army. They deploy in Infantry Charge formation. Malfurion Stormrage, Minister of Defense of Fontan, Count of Commonyr, Marshal of the Fontan Rangers takes command of his army. They deploy in Infantry Charge formation. Meristenzio Peristaltico, Count of Lissambar, Marshal of the Army of Sirion takes command of his army. They deploy in no particular formation. Faith Balthazar, Countess of Ustimbar, Marshal of the Glinmar Light Raiders takes command of his army. They deploy in Fortification Defense formation.

Turn No. 1

Elven Archers (38) fire on |FR| Stormguard (24), scoring 69 hits. Avamar Bowmen (5) fire on Loose Ballistae (46), scoring 63 hits. Black Rain (7) fire on Loose Ballistae (46), scoring 28 hits. Spears of Clarity (62) move in, hoping to reach close combat. Spears of Clarity (62) fire on ~=K.D.F=~ The Kilgahn Crusaders (32), scoring 93 hits. ~=FSR=~ Sledgehammer (31) fire on Loose Ballistae (46), scoring 98 hits. Death Strike (8) fire on Seige (60), scoring 47 hits. |DG| Toldor Rangers (19) fire on Elven Swordmasters (41), scoring 133 hits. Delmar's Fist (37) fire on |FR| Stormguard (24), scoring 84 hits. the grand band (65) fire on |DG| Frenzied Berserkers (15), scoring 105 hits. |DG|Foresters (20) fire on Loose Ballistae (46), scoring 61 hits. The Hunters (66) fire on ~=K.D.F=~ The Kilgahn Crusaders (32), scoring 8 hits. Seadak Archers (59) fire on ~=K.D.F=~ The Kilgahn Crusaders (32), scoring 247 hits. Loose Ballistae (46) fire on |FR| Stormguard (24), scoring 567 hits. ~=FSR=~ Banshees (27) fire on Seige (60), scoring 74 hits. Elven Bows (39) fire on <OoT> Mosat (1), scoring 322 hits. The Black Swans (10) fire on Seige (60), scoring 193 hits. ~=FSR=~ Siempre Viva (30) fire on Elven Swordmasters (41), scoring 109 hits. =D†A= Deathwing Company (3) ride on, closing in on the defenders. Sardaukar (58), Elven Horsemasters (40), Riders of Sirion (55) and Ciaran Chargers (35) ride on, closing in on the enemy. Phoenix Finest (52) stay behind their camp fortifications. Light's Crusaders (44) stay behind their camp fortifications. |DG| Frenzied Berserkers (15), [FR] The Fontan Slayer's (14), =D†A= Avamar Angels of Vengeance (2), |DG| The Righteous Shield (17), |DG| 1st Oligarch Defense Force (16), |FR| Wrigley's Spearmen (25), [FR] Persaud (13), ~=FSR=~ Rough Night (29), ~=FSR=~ Hylor's Guard (28), ~=FSR=~ Band of the Hawk (26), |FR| Fencini Elite (21), Ayleen's Elite Unit (6), ~=K.D.F=~ The Kilgahn Crusaders (32), Infantry center (9), Warriors of Fontan (11), |FR| Stormguard (24), |FR| Joukko (22), <OoT> Mosat (1), |DG| This is Fontan! (18), |FR| Light Infantry (23), Zarath's bozos (12) and An Najaf Roughnecks (4) advance towards the enemy. River Castle Guard (56), Swords of Pain (64), Limbar Armored Halberdiers (45), Elven Swordmasters (41), Resistance is futile (54), Marshal's Bodyguard (49), Stormwalkers (63), Mice and Men (50), Seige (60), Sirion Templars (61), Iron Legion (43), Dale Marauders (36), Maharbal's Evil Horde (47), unbeatable soldiers (67), Sapphire Blades (57), Popped (53), Centauri Crazies (34), Huz IV Billmen (42), Personal Guard (51), Ard's Advancers (33) and Maharbal's Evil Minions (48) advance towards the enemy.

Close Combat: 4 Sirion banners are visible in the melee. 15 Fontan banners are visible in the melee. |DG| Frenzied Berserkers (15) score 513 hits. [FR] The Fontan Slayer's (14) score 143 hits. =D†A= Avamar Angels of Vengeance (2) score 153 hits. Elven Swordmasters (41) score 599 hits. |DG| The Righteous Shield (17) score 158 hits. |DG| 1st Oligarch Defense Force (16) score 121 hits. Seige (60) score 385 hits. |FR| Wrigley's Spearmen (25) score 117 hits. [FR] Persaud (13) score 85 hits. ~=FSR=~ Rough Night (29) score 172 hits. ~=FSR=~ Hylor's Guard (28) score 170 hits. ~=FSR=~ Band of the Hawk (26) score 275 hits. |FR| Fencini Elite (21) score 261 hits. Maharbal's Evil Horde (47) score 58 hits. Ayleen's Elite Unit (6) score 203 hits. ~=K.D.F=~ The Kilgahn Crusaders (32) score 463 hits. Infantry center (9) score 52 hits. Warriors of Fontan (11) score 185 hits. Sapphire Blades (57) score 250 hits. Popped (53) score 301 hits. |FR| Stormguard (24) score 588 hits. |FR| Joukko (22) score 134 hits. <OoT> Mosat (1) score 379 hits. |DG| This is Fontan! (18) score 251 hits. |FR| Light Infantry (23) score 82 hits. Personal Guard (51) score 276 hits. Zarath's bozos (12) score 192 hits. An Najaf Roughnecks (4) score 130 hits. Total hits suffered: Attackers: 1869, Defenders: 4827

|DG| Frenzied Berserkers (15) take 461 hits (356 in close combat, 105 from archer fire), which cause 13 casualties. [FR] The Fontan Slayer's (14) take 379 hits in close combat, which cause 16 casualties. One Fontan banner is lost. =D†A= Avamar Angels of Vengeance (2) take 295 hits in close combat, which cause 10 casualties. Elven Swordmasters (41) take 1139 hits (897 in close combat, 242 from archer fire), which cause 36 casualties. 3 Sirion banners fall. |DG| The Righteous Shield (17) take 210 hits in close combat, which cause 5 casualties. |DG| 1st Oligarch Defense Force (16) take 89 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties. Seige (60) take 1597 hits (1283 in close combat, 314 from archer fire), which cause 53 casualties. |FR| Wrigley's Spearmen (25) take 71 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties. [FR] Persaud (13) take 118 hits in close combat, which cause 4 casualties. ~=FSR=~ Rough Night (29) take 81 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties. ~=FSR=~ Hylor's Guard (28) take 65 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties. ~=FSR=~ Band of the Hawk (26) take 56 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties. |FR| Fencini Elite (21) take 59 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties. Maharbal's Evil Horde (47) take 1047 hits in close combat, which cause 30 casualties, wiping the unit out. Ayleen's Elite Unit (6) take 42 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties. ~=K.D.F=~ The Kilgahn Crusaders (32) take 396 hits (48 in close combat, 348 from archer fire), which cause 10 casualties. Sapphire Blades (57) take 589 hits in close combat, which cause 15 casualties. Popped (53) take 494 hits in close combat, which cause 17 casualties. |FR| Stormguard (24) take 720 hits from archer fire, which cause 19 casualties. <OoT> Mosat (1) take 322 hits from archer fire, which cause 8 casualties. Loose Ballistae (46) take 250 hits from archer fire, which cause 7 casualties. Personal Guard (51) take 517 hits in close combat, which cause 17 casualties. Total casualties: 100 attackers, 175 defenders

Turn No. 2

|DG|Foresters (20) fire on Loose Ballistae (46), scoring 45 hits. ~=FSR=~ Sledgehammer (31) fire on Loose Ballistae (46), scoring 118 hits. ~=FSR=~ Siempre Viva (30) fire on Loose Ballistae (46), scoring 141 hits. Spears of Clarity (62) fire on =D†A= Deathwing Company (3), scoring 90 hits. |DG| Toldor Rangers (19) fire on Elven Bows (39), scoring 101 hits. The Hunters (66) fire on ~=FSR=~ Sledgehammer (31), scoring 7 hits. ~=FSR=~ Banshees (27) fire on Loose Ballistae (46), scoring 64 hits. Elven Archers (38) fire on ~=FSR=~ Sledgehammer (31), scoring 103 hits. Death Strike (8) fire on Elven Bows (39), scoring 64 hits. Avamar Bowmen (5) fire on Loose Ballistae (46), scoring 107 hits. Loose Ballistae (46) fire on =D†A= Deathwing Company (3), scoring 361 hits. Black Rain (7) fire on Elven Bows (39), scoring 25 hits. Seadak Archers (59) move closer to get better shots. Delmar's Fist (37) fire on ~=FSR=~ Sledgehammer (31), scoring 120 hits. The Black Swans (10) fire on Seadak Archers (59), scoring 143 hits. Elven Bows (39) fire on ~=FSR=~ Sledgehammer (31), scoring 307 hits. the grand band (65) fire on =D†A= Deathwing Company (3), scoring 61 hits. Ciaran Chargers (35) and =D†A= Deathwing Company (3) charge forward. Riders of Sirion (55), Sardaukar (58) and Elven Horsemasters (40) charge ahead, into the attackers' ranks. Swords of Pain (64), Maharbal's Evil Minions (48), Centauri Crazies (34), Stormwalkers (63), River Castle Guard (56), Mice and Men (50), Limbar Armored Halberdiers (45), Light's Crusaders (44), Ard's Advancers (33), Phoenix Finest (52), Dale Marauders (36), Iron Legion (43), Resistance is futile (54), Sirion Templars (61), unbeatable soldiers (67), Huz IV Billmen (42) and Marshal's Bodyguard (49) advance towards the enemy.

Close Combat: 6 Sirion banners are visible in the melee. 14 Fontan banners are visible in the melee. Elven Swordmasters (41) score 292 hits. Riders of Sirion (55) score 818 hits. An Najaf Roughnecks (4) score 160 hits. [FR] The Fontan Slayer's (14) score 93 hits. Infantry center (9) score 41 hits. |FR| Stormguard (24) score 400 hits. Ciaran Chargers (35) score 213 hits. |FR| Wrigley's Spearmen (25) score 109 hits. ~=K.D.F=~ The Kilgahn Crusaders (32) score 453 hits. Sardaukar (58) score 564 hits. <OoT> Mosat (1) score 347 hits. Personal Guard (51) score 198 hits. Warriors of Fontan (11) score 150 hits. ~=FSR=~ Band of the Hawk (26) score 247 hits. |FR| Light Infantry (23) score 84 hits. |DG| This is Fontan! (18) score 307 hits. Sapphire Blades (57) score 160 hits. Seige (60) score 198 hits. Elven Horsemasters (40) score 3262 hits. ~=FSR=~ Hylor's Guard (28) score 195 hits. |DG| The Righteous Shield (17) score 123 hits. |FR| Joukko (22) score 107 hits. |FR| Fencini Elite (21) score 210 hits. =D†A= Avamar Angels of Vengeance (2) score 125 hits. |DG| Frenzied Berserkers (15) score 478 hits. Ayleen's Elite Unit (6) score 240 hits. ~=FSR=~ Rough Night (29) score 202 hits. |DG| 1st Oligarch Defense Force (16) score 100 hits. =D†A= Deathwing Company (3) score 382 hits. [FR] Persaud (13) score 69 hits. Zarath's bozos (12) score 222 hits. Popped (53) score 172 hits. Total hits suffered: Attackers: 5877, Defenders: 4844

Elven Swordmasters (41) take 1097 hits in close combat, which cause 25 casualties, wiping the unit out. Riders of Sirion (55) take 1004 hits in close combat, which cause 20 casualties, wiping the unit out. An Najaf Roughnecks (4) take 1529 hits in close combat, which cause 19 casualties, wiping the unit out. Sir Chengiz BayLaN (Knight of Oligarch, Fontan) has been wounded. [FR] The Fontan Slayer's (14) take 914 hits in close combat, which cause 13 casualties, wiping the unit out. Infantry center (9) take 825 hits in close combat, which cause 9 casualties, wiping the unit out. |FR| Stormguard (24) take 705 hits in close combat, which cause 19 casualties. ~=FSR=~ Sledgehammer (31) take 537 hits from archer fire, which cause 18 casualties, wiping the unit out. Ciaran Chargers (35) take 642 hits in close combat, which cause 14 casualties. One Sirion banner is lost. |FR| Wrigley's Spearmen (25) take 515 hits in close combat, which cause 11 casualties, wiping the unit out. ~=K.D.F=~ The Kilgahn Crusaders (32) take 403 hits in close combat, which cause 10 casualties. Sardaukar (58) take 581 hits in close combat, which cause 12 casualties. Melkor Bauglir (Knight of Sirion, Sirion) has been wounded. <OoT> Mosat (1) take 168 hits in close combat, which cause 4 casualties. Personal Guard (51) take 442 hits in close combat, which cause 15 casualties. Warriors of Fontan (11) take 213 hits in close combat, which cause 6 casualties. ~=FSR=~ Band of the Hawk (26) take 91 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties. Loose Ballistae (46) take 475 hits from archer fire, which cause 14 casualties. |FR| Light Infantry (23) take 150 hits in close combat, which cause 6 casualties. |DG| This is Fontan! (18) take 62 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties. Sapphire Blades (57) take 385 hits in close combat, which cause 9 casualties, wiping the unit out. Seige (60) take 230 hits in close combat, which cause 8 casualties. Elven Horsemasters (40) take 307 hits in close combat, which cause 6 casualties. Seadak Archers (59) take 143 hits from archer fire, which cause 4 casualties. ~=FSR=~ Hylor's Guard (28) take 52 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties. |DG| The Righteous Shield (17) take 50 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties. |FR| Joukko (22) take 56 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties. |FR| Fencini Elite (21) take 48 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties. =D†A= Avamar Angels of Vengeance (2) take 44 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties. |DG| Frenzied Berserkers (15) take 18 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties. Ayleen's Elite Unit (6) take 34 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties. Elven Bows (39) take 190 hits from archer fire, which cause 5 casualties. =D†A= Deathwing Company (3) take 512 hits from archer fire, which cause 7 casualties, wiping the unit out. Katsuyori Takeda of Fontan has been wounded. Popped (53) take 156 hits in close combat, which cause 5 casualties. Total casualties: 137 attackers, 137 defenders

Turn No. 3

Spears of Clarity (62) move in, hoping to reach close combat. Spears of Clarity (62) fire on ~=FSR=~ Siempre Viva (30), scoring 67 hits. ~=FSR=~ Banshees (27) fire on Loose Ballistae (46), scoring 90 hits. the grand band (65) fire on The Black Swans (10), scoring 64 hits. Death Strike (8) fire on Loose Ballistae (46), scoring 53 hits. The Black Swans (10) fire on Loose Ballistae (46), scoring 103 hits. ~=FSR=~ Siempre Viva (30) fire on Stormwalkers (63), scoring 100 hits. Black Rain (7) fire on Seadak Archers (59), scoring 21 hits. Elven Archers (38) fire on Avamar Bowmen (5), scoring 74 hits. Loose Ballistae (46) fire on |DG| Toldor Rangers (19), scoring 306 hits. Avamar Bowmen (5) fire on Elven Bows (39), scoring 70 hits. |DG| Toldor Rangers (19) fire on Marshal's Bodyguard (49), scoring 135 hits. The Hunters (66) have no enemy in range and advance to better firing positions. Seadak Archers (59) fire on |DG|Foresters (20), scoring 165 hits. Elven Bows (39) fire on ~=FSR=~ Banshees (27), scoring 275 hits. |DG|Foresters (20) fire on Sirion Templars (61), scoring 96 hits. Delmar's Fist (37) fire on ~=FSR=~ Siempre Viva (30), scoring 68 hits. Maharbal's Evil Minions (48), Limbar Armored Halberdiers (45), Marshal's Bodyguard (49), Dale Marauders (36), Ard's Advancers (33), Iron Legion (43), Resistance is futile (54), Phoenix Finest (52), Mice and Men (50), Centauri Crazies (34), Light's Crusaders (44), Stormwalkers (63), Sirion Templars (61), Huz IV Billmen (42), River Castle Guard (56), unbeatable soldiers (67) and Swords of Pain (64) advance towards the enemy.

Close Combat: 17 Sirion banners are visible in the melee. 14 Fontan banners are visible in the melee. Zarath's bozos (12) score 234 hits. Ayleen's Elite Unit (6) score 213 hits. Personal Guard (51) score 108 hits. Maharbal's Evil Minions (48) score 315 hits. Spears of Clarity (62) score 128 hits. Limbar Armored Halberdiers (45) score 333 hits. Marshal's Bodyguard (49) score 472 hits. Dale Marauders (36) score 335 hits. |FR| Joukko (22) score 115 hits. Ard's Advancers (33) score 214 hits. Iron Legion (43) score 334 hits. Resistance is futile (54) score 256 hits. Mice and Men (50) score 284 hits. Popped (53) score 166 hits. Seige (60) score 135 hits. |DG| 1st Oligarch Defense Force (16) score 120 hits. Warriors of Fontan (11) score 129 hits. Ciaran Chargers (35) score 57 hits. ~=FSR=~ Hylor's Guard (28) score 164 hits. Centauri Crazies (34) score 81 hits. |FR| Stormguard (24) score 276 hits. |FR| Fencini Elite (21) score 253 hits. ~=FSR=~ Band of the Hawk (26) score 259 hits. |FR| Light Infantry (23) score 71 hits. Light's Crusaders (44) score 246 hits. Stormwalkers (63) score 463 hits. |DG| Frenzied Berserkers (15) score 502 hits. Sirion Templars (61) score 416 hits. Huz IV Billmen (42) score 100 hits. =D†A= Avamar Angels of Vengeance (2) score 137 hits. ~=FSR=~ Rough Night (29) score 204 hits. [FR] Persaud (13) score 67 hits. Elven Horsemasters (40) score 1130 hits. |DG| The Righteous Shield (17) score 149 hits. River Castle Guard (56) score 358 hits. |DG| This is Fontan! (18) score 258 hits. ~=K.D.F=~ The Kilgahn Crusaders (32) score 307 hits. unbeatable soldiers (67) score 94 hits. Swords of Pain (64) score 105 hits. Sardaukar (58) score 151 hits. <OoT> Mosat (1) score 330 hits. Total hits suffered: Attackers: 6281, Defenders: 3788

Zarath's bozos (12) take 1416 hits in close combat, which cause 27 casualties, wiping the unit out. Ayleen's Elite Unit (6) take 588 hits in close combat, which cause 17 casualties. One Fontan banner is lost. Personal Guard (51) take 607 hits in close combat, which cause 6 casualties, wiping the unit out. Justus Williams (Knight of Sir Temple, Sirion) has been wounded. Maharbal's Evil Minions (48) take 669 hits in close combat, which cause 21 casualties, wiping the unit out. Spears of Clarity (62) take 402 hits in close combat, which cause 10 casualties. ~=FSR=~ Banshees (27) take 275 hits from archer fire, which cause 10 casualties. Limbar Armored Halberdiers (45) take 254 hits in close combat, which cause 7 casualties. Marshal's Bodyguard (49) take 321 hits (186 in close combat, 135 from archer fire), which cause 10 casualties. Dale Marauders (36) take 184 hits in close combat, which cause 7 casualties. The Black Swans (10) take 64 hits from archer fire, which cause 2 casualties. |FR| Joukko (22) take 992 hits in close combat, which cause 10 casualties, wiping the unit out. Belenal of Frogmorton (Knight of Krimml, Fontan) has been captured by Sirion forces. Ard's Advancers (33) take 357 hits in close combat, which cause 10 casualties. Iron Legion (43) take 260 hits in close combat, which cause 7 casualties. Resistance is futile (54) take 200 hits in close combat, which cause 5 casualties. ~=FSR=~ Siempre Viva (30) take 135 hits from archer fire, which cause 5 casualties. Mice and Men (50) take 74 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties. Popped (53) take 149 hits in close combat, which cause 5 casualties. Seige (60) take 76 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties. |DG| 1st Oligarch Defense Force (16) take 465 hits in close combat, which cause 10 casualties. Warriors of Fontan (11) take 657 hits in close combat, which cause 12 casualties, wiping the unit out. Ciaran Chargers (35) take 89 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties. ~=FSR=~ Hylor's Guard (28) take 396 hits in close combat, which cause 15 casualties. Loose Ballistae (46) take 246 hits from archer fire, which cause 7 casualties. Centauri Crazies (34) take 56 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties. |FR| Stormguard (24) take 379 hits in close combat, which cause 10 casualties. |FR| Fencini Elite (21) take 313 hits in close combat, which cause 10 casualties. ~=FSR=~ Band of the Hawk (26) take 289 hits in close combat, which cause 9 casualties. |FR| Light Infantry (23) take 140 hits in close combat, which cause 6 casualties. Avamar Bowmen (5) take 74 hits from archer fire, which cause 2 casualties. Light's Crusaders (44) take 38 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties. Stormwalkers (63) take 154 hits (54 in close combat, 100 from archer fire), which cause 4 casualties. |DG| Frenzied Berserkers (15) take 164 hits in close combat, which cause 5 casualties. |DG| Toldor Rangers (19) take 306 hits from archer fire, which cause 10 casualties. Sirion Templars (61) take 142 hits (46 in close combat, 96 from archer fire), which cause 4 casualties. Huz IV Billmen (42) take 22 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties. =D†A= Avamar Angels of Vengeance (2) take 135 hits in close combat, which cause 5 casualties. ~=FSR=~ Rough Night (29) take 103 hits in close combat, which cause 4 casualties. [FR] Persaud (13) take 73 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties. Seadak Archers (59) take 21 hits from archer fire, which cause 1 casualties. Elven Bows (39) take 70 hits from archer fire, which cause 2 casualties. Elven Horsemasters (40) take 14 hits in close combat. No casualties. |DG|Foresters (20) take 165 hits from archer fire, which cause 7 casualties. |DG| The Righteous Shield (17) take 47 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties. River Castle Guard (56) take 22 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties. |DG| This is Fontan! (18) take 42 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties. ~=K.D.F=~ The Kilgahn Crusaders (32) take 42 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties. unbeatable soldiers (67) take 29 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties. <OoT> Mosat (1) take 40 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties. Total casualties: 183 attackers, 119 defenders

Turn No. 4

Avamar Bowmen (5) fire on Loose Ballistae (46), scoring 76 hits. ~=FSR=~ Banshees (27) fire on Loose Ballistae (46), scoring 49 hits. Elven Archers (38) fire on ~=FSR=~ Siempre Viva (30), scoring 66 hits. |DG|Foresters (20) fire on Loose Ballistae (46), scoring 49 hits. ~=FSR=~ Siempre Viva (30) fire on Loose Ballistae (46), scoring 75 hits. Death Strike (8) fire on Seadak Archers (59), scoring 62 hits. The Black Swans (10) fire on Elven Bows (39), scoring 139 hits. Black Rain (7) fire on Seadak Archers (59), scoring 18 hits. Elven Bows (39) fire on |DG| Toldor Rangers (19), scoring 259 hits. |DG| Toldor Rangers (19) fire on Loose Ballistae (46), scoring 113 hits. Delmar's Fist (37) fire on The Black Swans (10), scoring 98 hits. the grand band (65) fire on Avamar Bowmen (5), scoring 44 hits. Loose Ballistae (46) fire on ~=FSR=~ Banshees (27), scoring 251 hits. The Hunters (66) fire on |DG|Foresters (20), scoring 5 hits. Seadak Archers (59) fire on |DG|Foresters (20), scoring 222 hits. Phoenix Finest (52) advance towards the enemy.

Close Combat: 17 Sirion banners are visible in the melee. 12 Fontan banners are visible in the melee. |DG| 1st Oligarch Defense Force (16) score 58 hits. [FR] Persaud (13) score 67 hits. Ayleen's Elite Unit (6) score 109 hits. |DG| This is Fontan! (18) score 233 hits. Mice and Men (50) score 271 hits. Light's Crusaders (44) score 211 hits. <OoT> Mosat (1) score 324 hits. Swords of Pain (64) score 110 hits. ~=K.D.F=~ The Kilgahn Crusaders (32) score 353 hits. unbeatable soldiers (67) score 92 hits. |DG| Frenzied Berserkers (15) score 439 hits. Stormwalkers (63) score 471 hits. Dale Marauders (36) score 263 hits. ~=FSR=~ Band of the Hawk (26) score 173 hits. ~=FSR=~ Hylor's Guard (28) score 107 hits. Resistance is futile (54) score 207 hits. =D†A= Avamar Angels of Vengeance (2) score 96 hits. Sirion Templars (61) score 328 hits. River Castle Guard (56) score 345 hits. |FR| Light Infantry (23) score 70 hits. Popped (53) score 127 hits. |DG| The Righteous Shield (17) score 141 hits. Centauri Crazies (34) score 66 hits. Sardaukar (58) score 162 hits. Ard's Advancers (33) score 195 hits. ~=FSR=~ Rough Night (29) score 153 hits. Spears of Clarity (62) score 190 hits. |FR| Fencini Elite (21) score 162 hits. Seige (60) score 104 hits. Marshal's Bodyguard (49) score 375 hits. Phoenix Finest (52) score 170 hits. Limbar Armored Halberdiers (45) score 341 hits. Elven Horsemasters (40) score 1287 hits. Ciaran Chargers (35) score 43 hits. Iron Legion (43) score 239 hits. Huz IV Billmen (42) score 115 hits. |FR| Stormguard (24) score 271 hits. Total hits suffered: Attackers: 5712, Defenders: 2756

|DG| 1st Oligarch Defense Force (16) take 1350 hits in close combat, which cause 8 casualties, wiping the unit out. Jonas Angevil (Knight of Oligarch, Fontan) has been wounded. [FR] Persaud (13) take 1344 hits in close combat, which cause 13 casualties, wiping the unit out. Fiona Onyxien (Dame of Commonyr, Fontan) has been wounded. Ayleen's Elite Unit (6) take 581 hits in close combat, which cause 8 casualties, wiping the unit out. Avamar Bowmen (5) take 44 hits from archer fire, which cause 1 casualties. |DG| This is Fontan! (18) take 412 hits in close combat, which cause 14 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield. Mice and Men (50) take 469 hits in close combat, which cause 12 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield. ~=FSR=~ Banshees (27) take 251 hits from archer fire, which cause 9 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield. Light's Crusaders (44) take 435 hits in close combat, which cause 11 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield. 2 Sirion banners fall. Leonidas Castillo, Count of Elmbar has been wounded. <OoT> Mosat (1) take 494 hits in close combat, which cause 13 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield. Swords of Pain (64) take 278 hits in close combat, which cause 12 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield. ~=K.D.F=~ The Kilgahn Crusaders (32) take 446 hits in close combat, which cause 11 casualties. Reko Kilgahn (Knight of Negev, Fontan) has been wounded. unbeatable soldiers (67) take 347 hits in close combat, which cause 10 casualties. |DG| Frenzied Berserkers (15) take 205 hits in close combat, which cause 6 casualties. Stormwalkers (63) take 270 hits in close combat, which cause 7 casualties. Dale Marauders (36) take 230 hits in close combat, which cause 9 casualties. ~=FSR=~ Band of the Hawk (26) take 240 hits in close combat, which cause 8 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield. Sir Requiem Rai, Count of Oberndorf, Marshal of the Fontan Strike Regiment has been wounded. |DG|Foresters (20) take 227 hits from archer fire, which cause 10 casualties. ~=FSR=~ Hylor's Guard (28) take 114 hits in close combat, which cause 4 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield. ~=FSR=~ Siempre Viva (30) take 66 hits from archer fire, which cause 2 casualties. Resistance is futile (54) take 139 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties. The Black Swans (10) take 98 hits from archer fire, which cause 3 casualties. =D†A= Avamar Angels of Vengeance (2) take 149 hits in close combat, which cause 5 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield. Sirion Templars (61) take 65 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties. River Castle Guard (56) take 100 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties. |FR| Light Infantry (23) take 75 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield. Loster Lear (Knight of Krimml, Fontan) has been captured by Sirion forces. Popped (53) take 94 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties. |DG| The Righteous Shield (17) take 76 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties. Centauri Crazies (34) take 70 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties. Sardaukar (58) take 57 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield. Melkor Bauglir (Knight of Sirion, Sirion) has been captured by Fontan forces. Elven Bows (39) take 139 hits from archer fire, which cause 4 casualties. |DG| Toldor Rangers (19) take 259 hits from archer fire, which cause 8 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield. Ard's Advancers (33) take 46 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties. ~=FSR=~ Rough Night (29) take 73 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties. Spears of Clarity (62) take 42 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield. |FR| Fencini Elite (21) take 79 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield. Loose Ballistae (46) take 362 hits from archer fire, which cause 10 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield. Seige (60) take 48 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield. Marshal's Bodyguard (49) take 32 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties. Phoenix Finest (52) take 34 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties. Seadak Archers (59) take 80 hits from archer fire, which cause 2 casualties. |FR| Stormguard (24) take 74 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties. Total casualties: 136 attackers, 97 defenders

Turn No. 5

The Black Swans (10) fire on Seadak Archers (59), scoring 163 hits. Delmar's Fist (37) fire on ~=FSR=~ Siempre Viva (30), scoring 131 hits. |DG|Foresters (20) fire on Elven Bows (39), scoring 36 hits. Elven Archers (38) fire on Avamar Bowmen (5), scoring 70 hits. Seadak Archers (59) fire on Avamar Bowmen (5), scoring 248 hits. Death Strike (8) fire on Elven Bows (39), scoring 41 hits. ~=FSR=~ Siempre Viva (30) fire on Elven Bows (39), scoring 107 hits. the grand band (65) retreat from the close combat near them. Elven Bows (39) fire on The Black Swans (10), scoring 141 hits. Black Rain (7) fire on Seadak Archers (59), scoring 22 hits. Avamar Bowmen (5) fire on Seadak Archers (59), scoring 80 hits. The Hunters (66) fire on Death Strike (8), scoring 7 hits.

Close Combat: 13 Sirion banners are visible in the melee. 8 Fontan banners are visible in the melee. Stormwalkers (63) score 397 hits. River Castle Guard (56) score 278 hits. Iron Legion (43) score 246 hits. Elven Horsemasters (40) score 1243 hits. unbeatable soldiers (67) score 59 hits. Centauri Crazies (34) score 70 hits. Ard's Advancers (33) score 184 hits. Phoenix Finest (52) score 165 hits. Ciaran Chargers (35) score 47 hits. Limbar Armored Halberdiers (45) score 319 hits. Marshal's Bodyguard (49) score 423 hits. ~=K.D.F=~ The Kilgahn Crusaders (32) score 267 hits. Dale Marauders (36) score 239 hits. Huz IV Billmen (42) score 103 hits. |DG| The Righteous Shield (17) score 112 hits. Resistance is futile (54) score 176 hits. |FR| Stormguard (24) score 214 hits. |DG| Frenzied Berserkers (15) score 322 hits. Popped (53) score 104 hits. Sirion Templars (61) score 305 hits. ~=FSR=~ Rough Night (29) score 146 hits. Total hits suffered: Attackers: 4358, Defenders: 1061

The Black Swans (10) take 141 hits from archer fire, which cause 4 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield. Stormwalkers (63) take 223 hits in close combat, which cause 6 casualties. River Castle Guard (56) take 168 hits in close combat, which cause 5 casualties. Iron Legion (43) take 108 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties. Elven Horsemasters (40) take 62 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties. unbeatable soldiers (67) take 106 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield. Centauri Crazies (34) take 75 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties. Ard's Advancers (33) take 68 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties. Seadak Archers (59) take 265 hits from archer fire, which cause 7 casualties. Phoenix Finest (52) take 53 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties. Ciaran Chargers (35) take 72 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield. Limbar Armored Halberdiers (45) take 38 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties. Death Strike (8) take 7 hits from archer fire. No casualties. ~=FSR=~ Siempre Viva (30) take 131 hits from archer fire, which cause 5 casualties. Marshal's Bodyguard (49) take 42 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties. ~=K.D.F=~ The Kilgahn Crusaders (32) take 1392 hits in close combat, which cause 28 casualties, wiping the unit out. Dale Marauders (36) take 46 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties. Elven Bows (39) take 184 hits from archer fire, which cause 5 casualties. |DG| The Righteous Shield (17) take 1101 hits in close combat, which cause 16 casualties, wiping the unit out. |FR| Stormguard (24) take 781 hits in close combat, which cause 21 casualties, wiping the unit out. Malfurion Stormrage, Minister of Defense of Fontan, Count of Commonyr, Marshal of the Fontan Rangers has been captured by Sirion forces. |DG| Frenzied Berserkers (15) take 735 hits in close combat, which cause 20 casualties, causing panicked flight among the survivors, 4 additional men get slaughtered during the retreat. ~=FSR=~ Rough Night (29) take 349 hits in close combat, which cause 13 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield. Avamar Bowmen (5) take 318 hits from archer fire, which cause 10 casualties, causing panicked flight among the survivors, 1 additional men get slaughtered during the retreat. Total casualties: 117 attackers, 42 defenders

Turn No. 6

Seadak Archers (59) fire on ~=FSR=~ Siempre Viva (30), scoring 178 hits. Delmar's Fist (37) move closer to get better shots. Death Strike (8) fire on Elven Horsemasters (40), scoring 62 hits. the grand band (65) have no enemy in range and advance to better firing positions. The Hunters (66) fire on |DG|Foresters (20), scoring 9 hits. Black Rain (7) fire on Elven Horsemasters (40), scoring 20 hits. ~=FSR=~ Siempre Viva (30) fire on Elven Horsemasters (40), scoring 94 hits. |DG|Foresters (20) fire on Elven Horsemasters (40), scoring 64 hits. Elven Bows (39) fire on Death Strike (8), scoring 159 hits. Elven Archers (38) fire on |DG|Foresters (20), scoring 72 hits. Elven Horsemasters (40) charge ahead, into the attackers' ranks. River Castle Guard (56), Iron Legion (43), Popped (53), Phoenix Finest (52), Limbar Armored Halberdiers (45), Resistance is futile (54), Centauri Crazies (34), Marshal's Bodyguard (49), Sirion Templars (61), Dale Marauders (36), Ard's Advancers (33), Stormwalkers (63) and Huz IV Billmen (42) advance towards the enemy.

Close Combat: 2 Sirion banners are visible in the melee. 1 Fontan banners are visible in the melee. Death Strike (8) score 26 hits. Elven Horsemasters (40) score 3279 hits. Black Rain (7) score 12 hits. ~=FSR=~ Siempre Viva (30) score 59 hits. |DG|Foresters (20) score 25 hits. Total hits suffered: Attackers: 3279, Defenders: 122

The attackers are vastly outnumbered, and panic spreads throughout their ranks.

Death Strike (8) take 1717 hits (1558 in close combat, 159 from archer fire), which cause 26 casualties, wiping the unit out. Elven Horsemasters (40) take 362 hits (122 in close combat, 240 from archer fire), which cause 7 casualties. Black Rain (7) take 550 hits in close combat, which cause 10 casualties, wiping the unit out. Frederick Rimida (Knight of An Najaf, Fontan) has been captured by Sirion forces. ~=FSR=~ Siempre Viva (30) take 1013 hits (835 in close combat, 178 from archer fire), which cause 28 casualties, wiping the unit out. |DG|Foresters (20) take 417 hits (336 in close combat, 81 from archer fire), which cause 12 casualties, wiping the unit out. Total casualties: 76 attackers, 7 defenders

Defender Victory!

The battle does extensive damage to the local infrastructure. Production falls 31 %. The local roads network has also been damaged.

The battle lasted for 2 hours. You have gained 1 Honour. Your captain has improved his skill level. 2 of your men were killed and 7 were wounded in this battle. Morale of your troops falls by 5 points. Your men's equipment suffers 7 % damage. Combat training increases by 2 points. Unit cohesion rises 2 points.

21st October

Morning -- Monster Hunt -- Oporto

No. Role Unit Commander Realm Unit Formation Org CS 1 A Moira's Sharpshooters Moira Fontan 35 SF line 12 % 694 2 A The Black Swans Brigdha Fontan 22 Arch skirmish 14 % 355 3 D Monsters (Monsters) (rogue) 2 other line 6 % 225

Total: 2 attackers (22 Arch, 35 SF) 1 defenders (2 other) Total combat strengths: 1049 vs. 225 The troops from (rogue) set up defenses because they control the battlefield. The Fontan troops attack because they are at war with (rogue).

It is quite windy and the archers will have to aim very carefully.

Turn No. 1

Moira's Sharpshooters (1) move closer to get better shots. The Black Swans (2) fire on Monsters (3), scoring 155 hits. Monsters (3) advance towards the enemy.

Monsters (3) take 155 hits from archer fire, which cause 1 casualties. Total casualties: 0 attackers, 1 defenders

Turn No. 2

Moira's Sharpshooters (1) move closer to get better shots. The Black Swans (2) fire on Monsters (3), scoring 209 hits. Monsters (3) advance towards the enemy.

Close Combat: 2 Fontan banners are visible in the melee. The attackers crowd around the outnumbered defenders - Overkill! Moira's Sharpshooters (1) score 412 hits. Monsters (3) score 75 hits. Total hits suffered: Attackers: 75, Defenders: 65 (412 before overkill)

Moira's Sharpshooters (1) take 75 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties. Monsters (3) take 274 hits (65 in close combat, 209 from archer fire), which cause 1 casualties, wiping the unit out. Total casualties: 2 attackers, 1 defenders

Attacker Victory!

The battle lasted for 1 hours. You have gained 1 Honour. 1 of your men were killed and 1 were wounded in this battle. Morale of your troops falls by 4 points. Your men's equipment suffers 2 % damage. Combat training increases by 1 points. Unit cohesion rises 1 points.