Brilliant Band of Glory

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Type Ring
Discovered By Pyr
Discovery Date 2013-08-07
Discovery Location Nocaneb, Far East
Abilities Prestige +4
Current Owner Pyr

The story of how Pyr first found the ring...

Lunge and twist! The shoulder which was big and strong was still only rotting flesh, the twisting sword combined with the weight of a very heavy scythe forced the creature's weapon to clatter to the ground. With all the speed and force he could muster he spun, flashing out with his sword at the large undead creature's head.

This time his blow was true and the head rolled across the room. The massive body slumped down to its knees and then keeled over, finished. The creature's hand grabbed at some small pouch tied around its neck.

Moving very carefully, he opened the pouch and emptied the contents into his hand: a very ornate golden ring, inlaid with the finest craftsmanship he had ever laid eyes on.

What was it worth? He'd heard ancient stories of rings with magical powers both amazing and terrifying. Was this one of those? How had the massive creature come upon something so refined and beautiful?

Pyr remembered the Sartan Priest Martin Octavius once told him that if he found something truly unique and valuable, that it could be the key to him finally becoming a priest, but was that still what he wanted? Was it even really possible?

Pyr had a feeling his life was about to get a little more interesting.