Ash Sea Chronicle/Issue 13

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(diff) ← Older revision | Latest revision (diff) | Newer revision → (diff) The Ash Sea Chronicle
Price: Free Editor: Landesred Stromsfiordspace Issue: No. 13 - 20th July

Printed in Ash'rily for the glory of the Islands


The city of Ash'rily, ancient capital of the Ash Sea Islands and the center of the island's culture, has been liberated by Ashlantean forces. The occupation forces put up minimal resistance and the city fell soon after sunrise on 20 Jul 2006. Judar of Abington was wounded and phoenix of Abington was captured by ASI forces.

The capture of the city was an emotional event for the Ashlantean troops, particularly those who hail from Ash'rily. Many of these were greeted by family that they had not seen or heard from since the city was occupied. ASI officials have not had an opportunity to assess the state of the city, but it is clear that the inhabitants have been poorly fed and ill-cared for.

Some diplomatic talk is still ongoing, but it is not clear where that will go.


The Ash Sea Chronicle press machinery was transported by mule with the army and this issue has been printed in Ash'rily for the first time since the exile. Unfortunately there is a paper shortage in the city as most of the stocks have been used for either heat, or food. Thus, the Chronicle has made do with available resources, which is essentially wallpaper from houses on Lake Street near the newspaper office. We hope to have some proper materials in from Ser'quea by the next issue.


We hear some rumor of fears promoted in the south about Ash Sea Islands and the Islands part of its name. That ASI will become a new Abington if it, once again, really are "Islands". We have good news. ASI has no interest in becoming something it is not. It has no interest in emulating Abington, has no interest in devolving into some great bloated empire, and has no interest in making a power for power's sake transformation.

ASI could have caused Carelia some trouble during our last conflict by "piling on". But that was judged to be the wrong thing and so we held back our hand. When Sullenport was taken, ASI could have cleansed it of all RedSpanian influence, but its guilds, buildings, and monuments remain as they were and were not dishonored or disturbed. During ASI's weakened state, it would have been quite profitable for our pocketbooks to loot, but that was judged to be the wrong thing, and unprofitable for the soul of the looter.

Very often it is the case that a party, in an effort to divert attention, will accuse someone of doing or contemplating the very same thing that they contemplate doing. ASI at least attempts to deal in a forthright manner with some eye toward justice, honor, and tradition. We are not always perfect, but at least we make an effort.

So, to put that rumor to rest, ASI is not suddenly going to try to become some Fortress Islandia, the conciousless power to be reckoned with. That is simply not who we are.

King's Statement

To be perfectly honest, I was quite surprised with all the change around us these recent weeks. Shamus--an excellent King, gone--and Carriantor--another honorable King, gone.

On other matters, however, we offered RedSpan an identical proposition, as the one Kronos offered to us--which we accepted. However, Manaydur shot it down, and I have decided that we will not work with a man that clings so ardently to another realm's tit. We hope that he will abdicate or step down someday that ASI and RedSpan can work towards the same kind of progress achieved under Kronos in Carelia. It is true for many that noted, Manaydur has little respect in my eyes, but I value the realm he happens to be the voice the status quo shall remain: Peace between our nations. If Manaydur goes through with what he implied, however, RedSpan will live with the they a peaceful return of Byblack and Sullenport, or any other fate in which ASI is partially involved.


DISCLAIMER: Ash Sea Chronicle is an independent journal. Opinions contained herein are not necessarily the opinion of the government of Ash Sea Islands and are strictly the responsibility of its editor.