Arrakis Family/Giskard

From BattleMaster Wiki

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Character Description
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House Asterion.png

Giskard is the second son to Asterion and a younger brother to Palidor. After Palidor's death he took full control of the House of Asterion and was then proclaimed as the leader. Like the rest of his House Giskard is very chivalrous noble, sworn not to lowly kill and torture the meek, and is firm to uphold a certain standard of conduct. Prior to his arrival to Toupellon Giskard was not a very religious man. However, in Toupellon he discovered the Temple of Sartan, and joined The Church of Sartan. From thereon he remains to be a very zealous and slightly fanatical believer. Giskard is a tall man, strongly build. He has a short, dark hair and gray eyes. His favorite weapon is a sword and round shield, while two small, light maces are hang on his belt; one for the left hand and the other for the right. This secondary weapon he uses only in situation where he is deprived of his sword. He is often portrayed as a very energetic, ambitious and narrow minded man who usually settles his feuds with a sword instead of words.
The claims listed are supported by the Arrakis family and Giskard is in their eyes a rightful claimant: Barony of Abilotiel.


Giskard started off his career in the Kingdom of Minas Ithil on Atamara. He participated in several raids of Taran domain, and several large battles against the enemies of Minas Ithil. But his service was rather short for Giskard didn't really feel at home on the Atamaran soil. So one day he boarded a ship to Far East where he landed in the Kingdom of Toupellon. At his arrival Toupellon was in disarray which eventually lead to its fall, separating the realm to North and South. In the north a Blessed Sartanian Kingdom Sorraine was formed, while the southern part of Toupellon was later to be reborn as a Kingdom of Cathay. Just before Toupellon fell apart Giskard was awarded with the Barony of Abilotiel by Duke Jatha Cyrith of Ossaet who appointed Giskard as the Baron of Abilotiel. So, Giskard remained in the northern part of what once was known as Toupellon.

Sartan and the Blessed Kingdom of Sorraine


At behest of his liege Lord Duke Jatha of Ossaet, Giskard joined the Church of Sartan. This proved to be a very important and life changing event that greatly shaped Giskard. The God of War gave purpose to his life, inner strength and zealous desire to serve Sartan fanatically. At the time when Sorraine was formed out of Ozrat the Duchy of Ossaet was supposed to follow the newly born theocracy. However, due to the unpredictable events Ossaet remained cut off from Sorraine, and then made a sudden move to join Ohnar West so that Ossaet doesn't starve. The plan was to have Ossaet leave Ohnar West and join Sorraine, but Ohnarians were reluctant to let Ossaet go. This resulted in all the Lords of Ossaet receiving a ban for supporting Duke Jatha, and Giskard was one of them. The exiled Lords of Ossaet quickly found shelter in Sorraine, who, outraged by Ohnarian behavior, quickly declared the holy war to reclaim Ossaet. Sartain King Caspius Arundel od Sorraineled the legions of Sartan to war with the goal to finally restore Ossaet for his Kingdom, and has been supported by Arcaea in this. The war was short and had only one major battle where the troops of Arcaea and Sorraine stormed Ohnarian city Sasrhas, and Giskard participated in the siege. Ohnar West surrendered shortly after and the exiled Lords got their land back. Giskard returned to Abilotiel.

Drama in Ozrat

As the war was over Giskard was chosen by King Caspius Arundel to fight as a Champion against Lady Maria Norrel, a convicted traitor that tried to keep Ossaet away from Sorraine. Giskard had his own honor to defend against her, for she had fooled him into helping her to become the Duchess of Ossaet during his days in Ohnar West, as she promised to bring Ossaet back to Sorraine once she is elected. But she never did. The great feast to celebrate the victory in war was to begin after the duel to death which was to happen in Ozrat. However, Sartan turned his tricks on his children as Maria managed to defeat Giskard. This brought great turmoil among the nobles and great shame to Giskard. More blood was to be spilled because of this as Maria then challenged Caspius himself, and Caspius agreed. But Giskard, ashamed of his defeat and clearly driven by madness, jumped between the two of them, and stuck a dagger in his heart with hopes that no more blood will be spilled because of him.

Roleplay from Giskard Arrakis
Message sent to everyone in your realm (22 recipients)
As the mayhem in front of him kept increasing Giskard knew what he had to do. A few of the nobles were trying to calm down the tempered aristocrats, but to no avail. Even the comforting words of beloved Duke Jatha were not enough to ease the feeling of guilt he endured. "This is all my fault", he whispered, "they bicker and scream at each other because I failed. Now even the King is willing to risk his life because of me. I must redeem myself. I must give Sartan my ultimate sacrifice".

Giskard pushed the nobles in front of him and squeezed to the center of the throne room. His heart was beating out loud and he started to shake without control. "My Lords!" he screamed to get the attention and fell on his knees right between the King and Lady Maria. "I have failed thee and Sartan does not tolerate failures. Let his will be done! If duel did not end what Sartan devised, then I shall end it for him!" His hungry eyes searched for the dagger, that same bloody dagger that wounded him earlier, and he grabbed it. He raised it high in the air and screamed: "God of War, take me into your embrace! Hail to Sartan!" and stabbed the dagger right into his heart. In a screaming agony his eyes were wide open, his last breath filled with both madness and despair. Slowly, his body started to fall down on the floor until his head finally rested on the marble floor of the throne room. Just next to his head stood one of the scariest statues of Sartan, showing the mighty God of War as a half man half beast, descending from the heavens as if laughing and mocking the lowly world of Man and their sacrifices. But it sure did look majestic to Giskard. He closed his eyes and the world was no more.
Giskard Arrakis

Thus ended Giskard of House Asterion of Arrakis family.