Ironsides Family/Hades/Mourners/you need only ask

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"You May Only Ask"

Those words have some gravity to them. Lady Cimiko did ask and here is their private correspondence.

Letter from Raziel III Himoura

Lady Cimiko,

If there is anything at all I can do for you and your family, you need only ask. Dunstoke will always be open to you.

Sir Raziel III Himoura

Baron of Dunstoke, Marshal of the First Ithillian Dragoons

Letter from Hades Ironsides

(Personal message to Raziel III Himoura)

Baron Raziel III,

Your kindness is greatly appreciated, but we have found comfort with my family in Leohampton.

My husband was very fond of your commitment to the faith. He said you were stern with opponents, and he respected that. If he had survived, I am sure he would have mentioned to you that he was involved with an occult group who studied very meticulously the lives of the royal crowns. The intention, to discover which one was the Imperceptible Saint. Discovering that would reveal when the end of our world was. It was something he took very seriously, but kept very privately. The Lord of Occultation was his saint of choice. Perhaps you would continue his quest for the Last King of Men? It would be great to have an inheritor to his legacy...

In Mourning,

Lady Cimiko,

Hades Ironsides (Priest of The Way of the Warrior Saints)

Letter from Raziel III Himoura

I would be honored to Lady Cimiko.

Sir Raziel III Himoura

Baron of Dunstoke, Marshal of the First Ithillian Dragoons

Roleplay from Hades Ironsides

(Personal message to Raziel III Himoura)

A package arrives sealed and bound. It is from the Ironsides Estate. You open it and find some documents in hand writing. The major works tell you this:

The Cult of Occultation

The Sleeping Father has selected the Final King before he returned to sleep after the Great Cataclysm. When that King dies, the world will come to an end. This King is the Imperceptible Saint, the Lord of Occultation, the Last King of Men. It may even be the Last Queen.

The Imperceptible Saint will be unveiled at the time of the Great Prestige, the very moment of his death when the world realizes it was him the whole time. He will die at the twilight hour before the sun rises on the last day. The Second Awakening will commence that day.

The Order, also known as the Cult of Occultation, has been unceasingly studying the lives of every crown to try and find who the Final one may be. I met them when I first joined the faith in Menedor. Their cabal is most likely international as I have met some even here in Minas Ithil, but even I am not that far in their circles to know their locations. They are devout followers of the Warrior Saints, but are concerned on a more focused path. They are trying to predict the day of the Second Awakening by discovering this King. It is unknown what actions they plan to take if they ever find who they are looking for. There are few who are aware of their existence, and of those who do, most ignore them and think that they will find the Last King when it is too late. The others, the few who believe, hope that the monks of this Order will be able to interrupt the Second Awakening somehow. Interrupt the end of days.

Clues as to who must be qualified to be the Imperceptible: • Born in Dunstoke, Atamara • Holds royal blood of a far reaching family • Is loyal to the Sleeping Father to death • Commands a prized and rare item • Inherently rejects disorder and lawlessness

Likely Candidate in Minas Ithil: Raoul De La Fere!

You notice written on the package is a short note.

Dear Baron Raziel, here is my husband's work on the subject. I believe these are the specifics, he left clues in his writings on the subject that have been published. Notably his sermon and the piece on the Saint itself. Use it as you will. Farewell and bless your faith. A mournful Lady Cimiko.

Hades Ironsides (Priest of The Way of the Warrior Saints)