Darka/School of Obedience/Recruitment and maintenance of units

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Recruitment and maintenance of units

You will be allowed to hire and control a unit in war, monster hunts and many other operations within Battlemaster. First you must hire a unit (one was provided for you when you started here) but if you ever find yourself without a unit you will need to know the following.

Hire the Dogs

To hire a unit you must be in our Capital city of Azzal where our barracks are located. There you will see what units are open for purchasing through the “Orders menu” (on your left of your screen) then hit “recruit unit”. You will now be inside the barracks looking at all available units for hire.

Judge the Dogs

Each unit has a separate set of stats showing everything from combat strength to the quality of weapon strength to training level. The higher these numbers are, the better. But the more expensive the unit will be to purchase and pay each week. Be wise to never be completely broke incase you need to pay your men. You will want to pay your men every 5-7 days. If you fail to keep them paid and happy they may leave after a few warnings of their tempers rising. Also note how many soldiers are available. There may not be enough of that type of unit to fill your order. Using the “hint” link that is placed at the end of the unit’s stats in the barracks menu will allow you to see how many you can recruit, how many are available, and how much it would cost to pay them per week.

Buy and rename the Dogs

The price you see for each type of unit is based on the price of ten men. So if the price says 50 gold, it would cost 100 gold for 20 of them. There are different types of units (Archers, Infantry, Cavalry, Special Forces, Mixed infantry, etc). Depending on what type of unit you may already lead or have chosen (and some units are limited to class) you will buy a unit from here. After you buy a unit you will be given a chance to rename them if you please. My unit has always been "The Black Dogs"

Lead the Dogs

From here you can do what you please, or are allowed to do under kingdom law. You can go right to war, fight monsters or train your unit to better their strength and skill. But remember, training you men will drop moral and damage weapons a tad. But you can also repair weapons and entertain your men in cities as well.

Captain of the Dogs

Sometimes a captain is added to your unit with a name and combat bonus listed under your unit's stat page. You will be informed of this captain (and his/her name) only after you hire a unit. it is randomly decided if your unit needs a captain. The captain's combat bonus can increase over time with victory and age. If your unit is destroyed, or ditched in a river, the captain is also lost.

Know your Dogs

And lets not forget that the people who make up your unit are peasants, and in Darka that makes them lower class creatures. It is not wise to abuse, kill or molest your unit. But, I have killed many of my soldiers for no other reason then they disappointed me. Gruesome acts of torture and mutilation that ended in slow death. No one cares…these men are entrusted to you. You can treat them how you want. You OWN them…blood, bone and soul. So befriend them, love them, hate them, kill them...you are thier last and only master.

Did you pass this lesson?

  • Do you feel like you understand the "basics" of your unit and how to hire them?
  • Did this make sense? If not...tell me.
  • That is the end of this lesson. Feel free to ask me questions if anything is confusing or left unanswered. If you have not benefited from this and wish to inform me of things I could do to better with this course, my ear is always open to my students.