Arcaea/Dining Hall Late 08-09/Here lies FANG, A DOG

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Madelena had at last arrived home after completing her errands in Nocaneb and Remton. She quite enjoyed being on the road, but always equally found that she was glad to be home, at least for a while. The only difficult part she encountered on her return was that her dog, Fangs, lay gravely ill. He was in his usual bed in her bed chamber, and as soon as she was told of his condition, she ran up the stairs, taking them two at a time, and refused to leave his side.

Fangs barely lifted his head when she came in the room, but he did open his eyes and try to lick her hand when she drew near. Madelena could see that his vision was cloudy, and from the dryness of his tongue she could tell that it would not be long. She lay down next to him and gently lay her head on his bed next to him so that he could see her without moving, and she quietly stroked his head.

"Fangs, don't leave me," tears welled up in her eyes as she spoke to her old friend. "I don't know what I will do without you," she pleaded.

Her servants tried to persuade her to leave and eat, and eventually get into bed herself, but she would not leave his side. Instead, they lay a blanket over her right there on the floor and she fell asleep, dreaming of her childhood with Fangs playing in the garden of her father's home. Fangs was always Madelena's loyal protector. He was always there. He even took a nip in his ear when a mountain lion tried to attack Madelena once. Needless to say the mountain lion lost.

Fangs died in the night and come morning Madelena was lifted into bed in a sobbing state. She did not wish to be parted from him, but the gardener promised that they would bury him in due state under the old oak tree at the foot of the garden. Madelena declared a day of mourning and wore black as she began the long hard process of grieving the loss of her longest and most beloved friend.

Lady Madelena Rossini Imperial Magistrate of Arcaea, Countess of Orbeh

He had been scratching his head for over a day, deciding on how exactly to approach this letter. Several attempts lay balled up on the floor, cast aside in frustration. Tenal knew it was a delicate balance between tact, honesty, and love. He tried again.

~Lady Madelena,

I am sorry to hear about the loss of your dog. Fangs was a good old boy. ~

With a sigh, he crumbled that letter as well and added it to the pile. Perhaps some wine would help...

Sir Tenal Quasath (Knight of Orbeh)

After days of on again off again thinking, Tenal finally sits down and hammers out a letter to his beloved.

~Lady Madelena,

The first time I met you, or rather, the first time I heard about you, there was also mention of Fangs. When you grew up he was always your companion and protector, so the stories went. His whole life was spent by your side, even as you came of age and joined the courts and battles that is your birthright. Fangs waited patiently for you to come home, always ready to greet you. There never was a more loyal friend. Fangs had a good, long and happy life. Nothing more can be asked for. Your sadness is a tribute to his passing. He will always be remembered. Cherish his memories.

I am here if you need me. Love, Tenal~

Sir Tenal Quasath (Knight of Orbeh)