Dubhaine Family/Brigdha/Roleplays/2008/August

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Revision as of 13:00, 2 August 2008 by Eleanor McHugh (talk | contribs)
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2nd August - Viseu

Sat in her tent on the other side of the impromptu parade ground Brigdha blanched and for the briefest moment she was ten years old with her sister bearing down on her in the apple orchard, a switch in her hand and her face full of righteous indignation.

She took a deep breath to compose herself, carefully setting down the scout reports she'd been studying, and stood calmly. Brigdha was no stranger to battles or conflict, indeed she'd been wounded several times in the war with Falasan and never once had it occurred to her to turn tail and run. But there had always been something about Moira's temper that terrified her to the core.

When they were growing up Brigdha had always been the odd one out, the bookish sister who read the law and mathematics. Not like Moira and Aoifa, they were always getting into trouble, fighting the estate boys and disappearing for days at a time to perform who knew what mischief. She guessed she took more after their mother Sorcha where the other two were like unto their father, whoever he might have been: the Dubhaines had little time for men and the old lady had never bothered to keep track of which of her lovers had sired whom.

"COMING SISTER!" she set her face in its warmest smile.

Their tutors had always found Moira a grave disappointment, possessed as she was of such a keen mind and yet so little willingness to study. Brigdha on the other hand worked hard at her studies and the praise she received had been another barrier between them, and yet for all that she couldn't help but envy her wild and devastating sibling.

She flicked the flap of her tent open and stepped out, steeling herself for the whirlwind. Her leather arming jack might turn a blade or arrow, but against that volcanic temper it was utterly useless. And in that instant as she watched her sister approaching like a magnificent force of nature she wondered how on earth any man could bear to face her in battle. A mischievous thought ran through her mind: perhaps if her sister dressed so informally for war, she might have less need to skewer men with her sword?