Arcaea/Dining Hall Late 08-09/Arthur's Proud Acceptance

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This was probably the happiest day of his life, he had finally proven his Nobility and rised to the rank of a Noble and fulfilled the promise that he had made to his mother, he still did wish his mother was alive to see this joyous moment and enjoy it, but that was the way of life, the most important people in your life were never present when you needed them, either because of misfortune or the bloody fate that had taken them away.

He just wished that no one would ask him of his heritage or about his father, since he didn't know anything about it himself, he had made it till here on his own and ofcourse thanks to Lady Edara and the great Queen Dentara. He was forever in their debt and he would serve them till his death and try and see if he can pay off their debt. He had to immediately search for Lady Dentara and see if an official proclamation of his nobility can be done and then to go in search of Lady Edara and see if he could start his career as one of her Knights.....

Arthur Immortals (Noble)

Madelena was an incorrigible snob. When she read the reports of this nouveau nobleman that had supposedly risen within the ranks of Arcaea it was all she could do to resist putting pen to paper and writing to her friend Edara and the Queen expressing her objections. Instead she went outside and proceeded to angrily fire arrows at a large target set up on her back patio while her Irish wolfhound, Fangs, watched on.

All the servants knew to avoid Madelena when she was in one of her moods. Even Sarah went to help with the linens.

Madelena stayed out all morning until the tips of her fingers were sore. She then took off her archery gloves and stomped back inside, acting anything but like a lady, and went in search of lunch.

Lady Madelena Rossini Countess of Orbeh

He walked into the Royal palace halls where the Queen sat on her throne and looked after the well being of the realm. This was the first time in his life he had entered the royal palace, as a commoner he was never allowed into it.

He had bought new clothes when his Nobility had been proved, but he still wasn't sure if that was enough since the Lords and Ladies in the Royal hall looked more majestic with their shiny glowing robes, well he just had to wait until he got gold, for serving the realm and the Crown, during the taxes and then buy much better ones.

He waited until all the proceedings in the court were finished and then walked up to the throne and bowed down to the Queen and held up his sword, that he used all his life t hunt undeads and monsters, and said "Good day to you Queen Dentara. I am Arthur and thanks to you and Lady Edara, I have just proven my nobility to the officials of Arcaea. I was told by one of the officials that until I swore allegiance to you and to the realm I wont be accepted as a Knight of this realm. Would you please accept my services as a Knight and allow me to serve you and this glorious realm? I swear to protect and serve the crown and the realm until the last drop of blood is left in my veins." He finsihed and awaited the Queen's reply....

Arthur Immortals (Noble)

Dentara watched as the newly knighted Arthur Immortals approached the throne. "Of course Sir Arthur, I welcome all who would bind their lives and being to this great realm. Take the place you have proven is your right in the ranks of Arcaean nobility."

Dentara deLacy Queen of Arcaea

"Thank you My Lady, I thank you for accepting me as one of Arcaea's Knights." he rose and walked out of the Royal halls, he didn't want to waste any more of the Queen's time.

He walked out and met the captain of his unit, Erkenbrand, whom he had sent out to get news of the different lands belonging to Arcaea and als to find out the location of Lady Edara.

"My Lord, Just received news that monsters have sprung up in saex, they says its a group of 9 monsters" reported the captain and to his surprise saw the Knight jump out in joy.

It had always been fun for Arthur when it came to hunting monsters and undeads,that had been his favorite job as an adventurer and now just when he had been knighted, he saw a chance to prove his abilities.

He immediately got hold of a few archers and made his way to saex, what he didn't expect was to see a whole army together to kill those monsters. He was always alone when it came to hunting those hellspawn before. This was a new experience to him, fighting along side others. He just hoped he didn't get in the way of other experienced nobles and incur their wrath.

He somehow got lucky and got in the front line, but it was of no use since it was pretty windy making the arrows go haywire.

It was glorious to see the whole army fight in tandem though, it was the first battle that he had witnessed and he had loads of stuff to learn from it. The battle lasted for just an hour, a lot less time than he would have taken to clear them by himself.

His unit did pretty okay in the battle, they were still new recruits and he hoped they would learn to fight better pretty fast.

Once the battle was over, he ordered his captain " Pack the things ASAP, we leave for Remton and then to Nocaneb right away."

Arthur Immortals (Noble)