Sacred Shield of Ejarr Puutl

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Tidey Grindle was reading a letter from her brother, Baz. He didn't often write, and when he did it was usually to complain about people - this time, about the Arcachonian ex-Judge, who had wronged him in some way. Still, it was good to hear from him, she didn't get much to read.

She was interrupted by a distant noise. Perhaps someone with food, she thought. She was hungry, and keen to find someone willing to trade food for some of her gold. For a moment, she worried that it would be more of the monsters she'd fought the previous day, but she heard a human voice, and was comforted by that.

Then the human voice rose an octave, to a shrill squeal, and Tidey ran towards it. The squeal continued, and soon she was close, and could make out another noise - one she knew to fear - that of the undead.

As she arrived on the scene, she found a priest in the grip of an undead man. The priest was screaming in pain, and trying to defend himself, but with only books as weapons, he was not succeeding.

Tidey ran to the beast, attacking it and slashing down with her sword, causing it to lose its grip. She attacked again, ducking from its counter attack, and out-stepped it a few times before finding a chance to lunge with the sword point. The sword rammed against bone, and the undead collapsed. Tidey made sure to end its challenge with another slash to the head.

The priest was badly hurt, and Tidey picked up the undead's shield as she went to him. The priest was lying on the floor with blood pooling at his arm, and looked up at her.

Priest: Miss, you have... much skill.

Tidey: Thank you - but what can I do to help you?

Priest: No, it is too late for me - the pain is increasing and... it is my time. But you... you have won a trophy, no?

The priest pointed to the shield, and placed his hand on it.

Priest: This shield has been used by the undead against the people of Ejarr Puutl. I will bless... bless it, so that it... it will be used for good.

The priest muttered some words, and Tidey looked at her new trophy. The now sacred shield of Ejarr Puutl. She smiled at it and looked back to the priest. the pain had overcome him, and his blessing of her shield would be his last action.