Arcaea/Dining Hall Late 08-09/Calindra's Angels of Death

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She was young, with mousy brown hair that hung to her shoulders and curled at the bottom in twenty different waves. The horse was a good one, as were her clothes, so the guard decided to give her the benefit of the doubt. Probably some high ranking administrator's daughter - didn't pay to make a mistake.

"Your name, m'lady?" he asked.

"Cally - er, Calindra. Lady Calindra," she answered.

He looked up at her doubtfully. "Lady Calindra....?"

She hesitated. She's hoped to at least get in the damn gates before having to bring this up.

"Namtrah," she said in a hushed tone. "Lady Calindra Namtrah."

The guards at the gate straightened, and seemed at a loss as to what to do. Finally the watch captain stepped forward.

"Marshal Namtrah's...?" His question trailed off.

"My father," she said.

The guardsmen opened the gate, stepping aside wordlessly.


Calindra Namtrah (Noble)

"They're good men," the sergeant said, as he led her to the group of infantrymen. "A little green, but they'll pick things up quick enough."

The men formed up ranks, each holding his shield rigidly in front of him.

"Had a little trouble finding volunteers at first, you being a young lady and all," the sergeant admitted. "But when they heard you were Hemming Namtrah's daughter, hell, they practically jumped out of the woodwork."

Calindra fought to keep her face emotionless.

"So...will you being calling them the Hellraisers, then?" the sergeant asked.

Calrinda straightened up to her full 5'6". "No, I have chosen another name," she answered. "Angels of Death."


Calindra Namtrah (Noble)