Poryatown Press/Lurian Weekly/Issue 13

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The contents of this page are not readily available to everyone, either because it is sensitive or because it is rare or otherwise little known knowledge. It is here for the purpose of archiving or making it more accessible to a certain audience, and this should be kept in mind while reading the contents of this page and all it's subpages.
In short, the contents of this page are to be considered OOC knowledge, except for characters who work on the Lurian Weekly newspaper.

Lurian Weekly
Price: Free! Reporting on the Big and the Small! Issue #13
Previous Issue Apr. 27 - May 03 Next Issue
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Arbitratorial Elections in Pian!
May 5th Zanaras
With the strange disappearance of Ludovico Sforza, that mens that the position of Royal Arbitrator is up for applicants and election. The primary candidates are: Former Royal Arbitrator Finegus O'Shea, Henning II Augustus, Gwendolyn Elorie Archbane, and myself Zanaras Tian. Those are the ones who have actually announced their running to the realm atleast. Amongst the other candidates are: Darfix, Marie Euphrasia Le Fois, Nicholas, and Nnaoj.
No War Perhaps?
May 6th Zanaras
It remains to be accurately seen whether or not there will actually be a war between Pian en Luries and the Grand Duchy of Fissoa. Though both are actually in a state of war, militaries on both side seem unwilling to actually attack. Of course, this alludes to talks of peace and perhaps an end to this war that won't result in death on both sides. It may not help either that Fissoan forces were temporairly setback by a monster attack in the Palm Sea.
Duke Giask Missing!
May 5th Zanaras
Rumors abound from a simple sickness to the practicing of forbidden forms of witchcraft as far as the disappearance of Royal Abitrator and Duke of Giask Ludovico Sforza. Of course this means that both positions he currently occupied are officially open for new applicants, and I for one am somewhat thankful he's gone.