Unti Family/Philip/Act 4/Act 4 Scene 4

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Roleplay from Eilonwy
Eilonwy stands shocked as she watches the scene unfold at the banquet. She had been expecting a quiet night, one where she could finally relax -- maybe -- after the recent trials, and perhaps send some time talking of the Virtues with Philip. Not this. Not seeing Philip, who she thought more highly of than any other, revealed to be a monster. This had to be a nightmare of some sort. It had to. Soon, she would awake in her bed. It was all the stress of the recent days.

But dreams always make sense in their own perverted ways. A dream always seems to be real. Only does painful reality seem untrue. Eilonwy runs, as fast as she can, for her guards. She was the Grand Justicar of Avamar. She couldn't let a disaster like this happen on her watch. But it was. She ran.

Message from Kira Yamato
Kira so stunned by the current ruckus taking place at the party he drops his glass of wine on the stone floor and the glass shatters splashing wine on his clothing.

This clothing may be red but that's going to be a pain in the ass to clean.

Kira stands up abruptly pushing the table forward and the chair back hard enough to hit the table behind him. What the, did I just hear Philip say you're going to die and I'm going to walk through a field of entrails. What the heck is going on? Who and what are you? And what have you done to Philip?

Roleplay from Lalakis
Lalakis watches the story that unfolds in front of his amazed eyes without knowing what to do... Is Philip, a friend of his, one of the oldest and noblest Avamarians a real monster?

Phi-lip...e? he whispers, his lips trembling as he pronounces the "e"

Like waking up from a nightmare, Lalakis unseaths his long sword and moves against the monster he considered friend for so long

Prepare...to...die...? The last word faints away as Philipe turns his head looking Lalakis into the eyes. Is this the old spark the heated his friend's heart? Unsure of what to do Lalakis turns his back to Philip and leaves the hall...

GUARDS! He shouts just outside the big entrance of the nightmarish celebration for the nearly new Duke of Avamar

You are my most trusted and capable men. I want you to encircle and guard this building. No one is to leave it without a written permission, signed by ME. Beware. There is a skilled warrior in there that he could easily fool you or beat you in 1 on 1 fight. So you better for teams of three soldiers each and keep your attention to best possible level. Nothing to be changed until my return.

Lalakis mounts his horse and leaves for his office..

I have to think...to think...How can this be possible? He wonders as he rides, puzzled by the strange event

Philip...my dear friend...Philipe..a mosnter to be extinguished... I have to ask Julia's advice! He changes his way and heads to Julia's mansion

Roleplay from Philip
Philippe glanced over his shoulder at Kira, "Shut up you feeble minded idiot. You always were slow on the uptake. Once I'm done with these two I will speak with Avamar about the new future; until then try not to irritate me too much while I take care of business."

Roleplay from Kira Yamato
I may be slow, but at least I don't move like a pile of bricks. Replies Kira in an extremely angry voice. He pulls his katana from its sheath and leaps upon the table and charges at Philip. He brings the blade down on Philip with a vicious strike. But glances off the helm and shoulder of Philip.

Kira stops stunned from how his blow did nothing to Philip not even a scratch. ÒWhat? That strike would have cut a solid slab of rock.

Roleplay from Philip
Philippe turns very slowly to look at Kira before shouting, "You, DARE!" His original targets all but forgotten he backhands the warrior.

Roleplay from Kira Yamato
Kira snaps out of the daze just in time to block Phillips back hand with his blade but the hit still sent him skidding across the table top. if that hit had that much force when I blocked it I am glad it didn't hit me.

Kira flips back onto his feet. yes Philip I do DARE TO! I DO DARE TO FIGHT AN EVIL, DECITFUL, COWARD!

Roleplay from Philip
Turning back to Kira, Philippe sneered, "Is that it? Another fool who hungers so eagerly for death? I'd hate to disapoint..."

Roleplay from Kira Yamato
Kira readys himself still on top of the table and charges at Philip but instead of attacking with his katana on first strike he plants the metal plated wooden sandal of his onto Philips face and uses him a spring board behind him an slashes across his back with no luck again. crap.

Roleplay from Philip
Philippe spun around with his blade leading as the sword skidded across his back. A series of quick cuts on the right side was followed by a sharp jab with the handle on the left as he pushed his foe backwards through sheer weight.

Roleplay from Kira Yamato
Kira stumbles back as he grabs at his stomach trying to stop the blood loss. Thw wound is to deep all ha can do his stop his internal organs from falling out. He stumbles to the doorway and slouches against it. ÒDamn this hurts but there are more important things that me right now.AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!Ó screams Kira as he is in excruciating pain.


Roleplay from Eilonwy
Lady Eilonwy returns to Philip's dukal estate, this time with a large contingent of Avamar's best guards in tow. "Disperse around the building, half of you. This is a war zone now, but still an internal matter. Try to keep people from getting hurt here. Detain anyone leaving, except for trusted nobles and their retainers. The rest of you, come with me. We're going in."

Roleplay from Philip
Philippe looked down in surprise at his dripping blade, "That was easier then expected... and completely unnecessary. I have plans for Avamar, I can't go killing them all." Looking around the room he eventually located the instigators of this mess, unconscious against and the wall. "Now their deaths on the other hand, would be useful."