Unti Family/Lina/Explorer

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-Picking up the tattered scrolls you flip casually through the reports of 'Dwilight' when one set catches your eyes.-


Here in is one of the earliest accounts of 'Dwilight', though it lacks scope I believe you will find it of intrest.

Your humble servant,


General Exploration

Her horse kicking up dust along the trail Lina glances around the countryside with a critical eye. As fun as the feasting with the amazons of the Retreat had been and the hospitality of Everguard, it had balanced out with the theocrats of Morek. Since life seemed to be alternating between good and bad for her, she was in no hurry to be surprised by the next group of strange locals.

The place seemed to be mostly scattered nomads and farmers however, so it was possible she might have no more trouble then she'd had during that Moses peninsula detour. Well accept the strange fish worshipers at the coast, drowned god or no she wasn't going swimming with lead weights...

Smiling faintly she removes her hat to toss her hair. The adventure had been fun that much was certain, ancient temples explored, strange ruins picked over, meeting new and exciting people, sometimes to run away from while carrying a great deal of gold. She could see why some heroes enjoyed the brave frontiers where nobles and peasants dare not tread. She also saw why there weren't too many of them living after their first adventure.

Not for the first time she wonders if she should map out the uncharted lands, but she shakes her head; it would just encourage the land grab to continue. The colonists had already pushed out the locals along the eastern sea board and it was only a matter of time before all the natives were driven to the sea or worse. This way it would take the nations longer to stake out each square plot of land, giving these people a few more months to live and laugh before the sun set for them.

Thinking of the nations her thoughts turn to the kingdom she'd left behind, but with a sad shrug she casts it away. That was a dance she had watched and taken part in a hundred times, and it was old to her. Let them have their games, and glittering courts of light and power, she would take the adventure.

Spying the small town of Paisly flying the Mandia flag in the distance she nods, maybe she'd send a letter to her friends, inviting them to join her.

From the journal of Lina Unti, Explorer of Dwilight


By the threads of fate... I had thought I was approaching a settlement of significance from the increase in agriculture along the way, but never did I imagine this.....

The city before me is familiar and yet so alien, this place, this monument to the kings and emperors that rule here in, is almost beyond comprehension; it is as though the builders were lost in a maze of stone. The first thing I see is the towering ziggaurats, dwarfing those I had found earlier by far. The light glitters off the monolithic structures tells me it is no mere stone that dazzles my eyes, but what exactly I cannot say. Around the strange temple-like city there stands a wall, a sheer cliff of dressed stone, obsidian inlayer and intricately carved. The statues that flank the open gates, of jade or azurite I cannot say, the smooth stone is more intricately carved then even the stone dogs of Oligarch. For a wall such as this it is impossible to think, but there is no gate, no door to shut, so assured are the people of this place that they need not fear outsiders.... I cannot see the buildings it dwarfs, but the smoke curling in the air speaks to me of some habitation. Tomorrow I will approach the city gates and see what greeting I will be given.
From the journal of Lina Unti, Explorer of Dwilight

The temple city has proven to be more wondrous then I imagined. Once past the sentinel statues I discovered wide streets of impossibly smooth stone lined on either side with squat, but eerily beautiful buildings. Riding along the causeway with care, the echo of my horse ringing through the air, I kept my ears sharp for signs of trouble. A horse was not the most friendly way to greet the new people, but I had seen enough trouble on my tour of the inner sea not to trust a fast horse below me.

I wandered the city for hours, the many streets were strangly empty until I began to wonder if the city was nothing but a ruin left behind from the last Age like so many wonderous things I had discovered. Eventually I arrive at a large plaza, a market perhaps, though far more grandiose then anything I've ever seen for use by the common folk, and folk I did find. Their gaze's were suspicious but they did not run nor hurl weapons so I greeted them and explained that I was an explorer come to see the wonders of their city in peace.

In response a small older man with sharpen teeth and painted face, approached. I will not even begin to guess as to the purposes. He asked me to leave, but having come so far and seen so much I was loathed to comply, and so asked for some time to rest and gather food for the long road back. His response was strange...

"Stay if you must, but in the end you might not be able to do as you wish...."

Assuming he means trouble I have taken to resting lightly, my long years in the shadows would help well with this, but still I must wonder.....
From the journal of Lina Unti, Explorer of Dwilight

Light though I have rested even I barely awoke in time. Only my sympathy with the mountain warned me of the trembling ground. Something moves in this city of gold and stone, something big. The people are all gone, the fires out. I see in the distance a light from the main temple-like building. The sun is rising soon and though normally that would mean safety, I have done my best work in the night. Collecting my things I will see what this rumble is....
From the journal of Lina Unti, Explorer of Dwilight

Rumbling leads to rulers it seems, or at least, their herald. I spoke, and use the term loosly, with one who calls themselves Oska. No last name or house was listed so possibly these people don't concirn themselves with such, or maybe they are loathed to tell an outsider. Either way I have been given the freedom to wander the city and observe provided I don't break anything, convert anyone or steal something. Well get caught doing those things anyway. Still it appears the rulers of this place are threatened by outsiders and change whoever they are. I shall continue my rest and then return to the trading plaza and see what else I can learn from the people before I take a closer look at the ziggurauts.

From the journal of Lina Unti, Explorer of Dwilight