Arcaea/Dining Hall/The New Lady Harmony

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Harmony liked the looks of the man when he entered her tavern. He was very tall, with dark hair peppered with grey, and warm, though worried brown eyes. He walked with a pronounced limp, but he was fit and had an air about him that said trained warrior. His clothes and his bearing said noble, so she went to see to him herself.

He looked at her for a long moment before ordering ale and stew. She could feel him watching her as she moved around the room—not the lustful gaze that she got from many a patron…this was…something different—and, every time she came to his table, he seemed about to speak, looking at her searchingly.

At last he paid his bill and she thought he might be leaving when he addressed her by name, “Harmony…it is Harmony, isn’t it?”

She nodded at him, waiting. Her name was easy enough to know.

“I’ve been looking for you…for some time…since your mother…I…you were difficult to track down until you settled…,” he trailed off, looking around her establishment a bit bemusedly, “…here.”

Harmony stood very still. A wave of…some…emotion rolled through her…but she didn’t speak…just looked at him and wondered.

“Your mother…she had a letter sent to me after…after she died…she told me…about you. I never knew. If I had known…I’m sorry that I didn’t…”

He paused once more and looked up at her…searching her face again, “You have her eyes…I remember her eyes…the rest of you, I think…looks more like me….My name is Dougal Kindon…I am your father.”

Harmony let out the breath she hadn’t known she was holding…how does one respond…to that? And yet…from the moment that he had started talking…maybe even before that…she had known what he was going to say…and she still didn’t know how she felt about it all…

A father.

A noble father.

A rich, noble father.

There were worse things.

The next weeks flew by…getting to know Dougal…selling her tavern…arranging their travel to the Far East…learning to think of herself as Harmony Kindon instead of Sangster…

There was just so much.

They spent many hours…just talking—at first awkwardly—about her life, his life, her mother. When he told her that he needed to leave…to see about his niece, she had been a bit crestfallen until he…hesitantly…asked her if she’d like to come with him. What a question! Then things had moved quickly. Before she knew it, she was on a ship and the Far East was before them…with more of her new family to meet.

Lady Harmony Kindon (Dame of Nocaneb)

Edara had returned from a full day of patrolling the streets of Nocaneb…her own Nocaneb. She still couldn’t believe that she was now the Duchess…it had just happened so suddenly, and she had never expected it. Wouldn’t her family be amazed? Of course, getting the region back into shape would mean that she wouldn’t be able to go a’thievin’ for a while…that was disappointing.

Waiting for Jenred to come home from whatever business he was conducting, the Duchal manor seemed so big and lonely. She thought wistfully of her cozy little estate in Remton…and the rest of her own servants. The ones here were…sullen…and not yet adjusted to the change in leadership. Edara had already sent word to Idelle to pack up their household and join her here…she could just imagine how Idelle was preening and gossiping at the market, “Oh, I must get the best fruit, it’s for my lady, you know, the new Duchess of Nocaneb…betrothed of the Royal Ambassador? Yes, I imagine they’ll be splitting their time between the Palace and their manor.” Oh…Edara hadn’t considered…when she was in Remton…she would no longer have her own home…and this…place…didn’t feel homey yet, at all.

She sighed and went to her study to read the reports and correspondence of the day. She flipped through them…unruly peasants being arrested, improvements being made to the region, a stack of church correspondence, and…hmm…a new noble in the realm…

Harmony Kindon? And her…father…Dougal Kindon? Dougal? Her Uncle Dougal? But…who was Harmony? Uncle Dougal didn’t have any daughters named Harmony…she knew her own cousins for goodness sake…but…another…Dougal Kindon? No…she specifically said that he was coming to visit his niece Edara…She penned a quick note and called for her messenger…

“Take this note to Sir Dougal Kindon…I have no idea where they might be staying…somewhere in Nocaneb, though.”

Uncle Dougal here in Arcaea was too exciting for words…but what by all that breathed was with this Harmony person?

Lady Edara Kindon Duchess of Nocaneb

Of all the times to be taken ill...First, piled down with endless paperwork regarding integrating Nocaneb into Arcaea's economic system, and then a blasted cold to top it off. He'd passed out on his paperwork, and hadn't even made it to see Edara...Wait, what? Edara was appointed to Nocaneb? Oh, by the Aenil...And he wasn't there to congratulate her...Damn and blast.

...Harmony? Dougal? Wait, Uncle Dougal? Ah, he did read that letter...So many things to catch up with...

First: Find Edara. Second...Um...Well, just Find Edara will do for now.

Jenred tromped off, thanking the Aenil that his head was better now.

Sir Jenred Bedwyr Royal Ambassador of Arcaea

Once again Goffrey found himself wondering the streets of Nocaneb, albeit with the noticeable absence of the Sartanian army this time around. Not that you could tell, given the looks some of the peasant folk were giving him. He shrugged it off however, a year or so under Sartanian control could do that to people.

As it stood he was leading his Captain Eugen on a tour of the city, pointing various points of reference, and places where he had killed large amounts of Sartanians. "....and here is where Xever and I made our last stand, by the Aneil there must have been a wall of corpses around us before they finally managed to drag us down."

"Sounds like this Xever was a fine Captain Ma'Lord," said Eugen, some what dryly.

"Aye, that he was," said Goffrey, with a hint of Nostalgia in his voice, before continuing jokingly "much better then you at any rate."

At this they both shared a hearty laugh before walking further down the block.

Goffrey Massey Baron of Sasat

Edara waited impatiently for a reply to her note or the appearance of her Uncle Dougal or for Jenred to come home…anything. She dispatched a letter to Jenred’s brother…he hadn’t mentioned that his brother was coming…how nice it was to have another bureaucrat in the realm. Now if they could only get another shadow-walker…or at least some word from the one they had; that would be lovely.

She shivered. Gods bless this castle was drafty! She needed to write and have Idelle order some tapestries and rugs in Remton; hard telling when such things would be available in Nocneb. The previous occupants had cleaned out the place when they left…not that Edara blamed them…she would have done the same.

Where was Jenred? He would be so excited to learn that Uncle Dougal was here...and to meet him.

Lady Edara Kindon Duchess of Nocaneb

Jenred finally made his way into the castle. Quite impressive, in a warlike way...A warrior's home. Jenred wondered how Arlian would fare here...

After stumbling about, trying to find one of the few servants who might know where Edara was, he finally found her. She was paused, looking out a window and shivering a bit at the cold. He snuck up and wrapped his arms around her, covering her with his cloak.

"It's not quite a pair of wings, but it's the best I can do, little hawk. Or, should I say, Duchess? Congratulations, love..."

Jenred smiled and kissed her as she turned. Gods, he loved this woman...

Sir Jenred Bedwyr Royal Ambassador of Arcaea

Harmony strolled down the streets of Nocaneb, inspecting her new home. Many of the houses and shops were shuttered and the streets seemed empty. Well, to be expected in war, really…and nothing as bad as the things that she had seen on Beluaterra. Still, all in all, she felt rather fine. Dougal had fitted her out with a proper lady’s wardrobe…very elegant…and she looked grand. No one would suspect that a few weeks ago she was running a tavern.

She laughed to herself as she caught sight of her comfortable boots poking out past her skirts with each step. Honestly, though, who could mince about in those silly little lady slippers. Even when she had trod the boards, she had tried to avoid them whenever possible…long skirts were handy that way. Plus, without boots, where did one keep their spare knives?

Her attention to her feet caused her to lose track of her surroundings for a moment—very unlike her—and she actually bumped into someone. Well…bumped might be a bit mild…careened was perhaps a better term…whatever one might call slamming into someone hard enough to knock them both off balance and resulting in her ending up laying on top of…a rather handsome looking fellow.

“Greetings, sir,” she smiled winningly at him from her position on top of him, “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

Lady Harmony Kindon (Dame of Nocaneb)

Goffrey, once again, found himself at the end of one of more cruel Aneil's sick jokes. Only this time was much worse, when last he ran into a beautiful woman he had the advantage of being able to pick himself up at his convenience, now he found himself in a very compromising position with no means of escape, and looking at the women's face certainly was not helping manners. By the Aneil that such a thing was allowed to exists surely showed that Gods knew not jealousy.

Stuck in an endless cycle of trying to apologize to the women and then looking away with embrassment, turning just a bit redder each time, Goffrey was sure he had died suddenly and this was the hell he had been sent too.

"Come now Ma'Lord at least by the Lady dinner first," said Eugen, coming to his obviously tanking lord's rescue. If Goffrey appreciated this the only sign he gave was a look towards his captain that would have killed a man frail of heart.

The words, however crude, allowed Goffrey to gather what little wits he could.

"Greetings My Lady," he said at last, a little weakly, "would you mind if we continued said introductions at an upright position, I mean people are around after all."

Goffrey Massey Baron of Sasat

Edara sank into his kiss for a few blissful minutes. Gods, she loved this man.

After the kiss, they stood looking at each other, Jenred leaning his forehead against hers.

“Are you proud of me then? I’m pretty proud of me…I never thought I’d be a Duchess. I mean, not unless I married a Duke…or I was an older lady like Marle. But…I still can’t believe it…and this…place…it’s so big…a castle…I live in a castle…we live in a castle…” she shook herself.

“OH…and Jenred…Uncle Dougal is here. Well, I’m pretty sure it’s Uncle Dougal…I’m very confused though…apparently he has a daughter named Harmony, and I don’t know any Harmony, and how could Uncle Dougal have a daughter I don’t know?” Edara sighed.

“Anyway, I sent him a note and invited him round, so we can see if he’s really my Uncle Dougal or someone else’s Uncle Dougal, and then you can meet him and he can meet you and see how lovely you are,” she paused for breath and then laughed at herself, “Oh, I do go on, don’t I?”

Lady Edara Kindon Duchess of Nocaneb

Jenred grinned down at his dimpling bride-to-be...Oh, so close now that Nocaneb was taken...

"Well, love, I wonder what that makes me...Royal Ambassador and Ducal Consort? We'll have to figure it out. And as for Uncle Dougal...I'm pretty sure it must be yours. And...As to how he could have a daughter that you don't know about...Well, she's probably like me. Born to someone other than Lady Kindon."

Jenred kissed the top of Edara's nose.

"And yes, you do go on for a bit, but I like it. You're very cute when you're excited to tell me something. OH! Speaking of..."

Jenred stepped back, twirling his cloak behind him, and struck a pose, showing off his new clothing.

Sir Jenred Bedwyr Royal Ambassador of Arcaea

Harmony rose gracefully to her feet and waited for him to climb to his. “Assuredly, my good sir, I’m certain that by the proper rules of society, we should be formally introduced by a mutual acquaintance; however, seeing as I have just been…resting…upon you, that seems somewhat moot. Thus, I shall introduce myself, however poor manners that may be: I am Lady Harmony Sangster Kindon, lately of Beluaterra, and daughter of Sir Dougal Kindon of Aureus on the East Continent. You may perhaps know of my cousin, Lady Edara Kindon, Duchess of Nocaneb?” and she dropped a very correct and formal curtsey.

Harmony looked up at him and laughed then, “Was that impressive sounding enough?” She stood and held out her hand to him, “It’s Harmony, and you are…?”

Lady Harmony Kindon (Dame of Nocaneb)

Pulling himself to his feet, Goffrey witnessed what was possibly the most bizarre introduction he had ever seen. He was briefly unable to respond one again lost in her face, more so to keep himself distracted from the rest of her.

'Come on Goffrey remember what your father taught you, always show women the upmost respect and dignity DO NOT LOOK LOWER!!!' he thought as he fought with his baser urges.

A swift jab into his rib cage, from Eugen once again looking out for his Lord, broke his reprieve and he reached forward with his hand, not sure if to shake the hand given to him or to have it sculpted and preserved for the rest of time, he settled on taking it in his own, and shaking it somewhat awkwardly.

"Goffrey," he said, the weakness in his voice once again returning.

Goffrey Massey Baron of Sasat

Edara laughed out loud at Jenred’s pose, but he did look rather magnificent and she clapped her hands in delight, “Jenred…you are beautiful no matter what you’re wearing…or not…but, those are very lovely! You do look smart!”

His previous words sunk in, “OH…you mean that Harmony could be a bastard like you? Oh…I never thought of that…I never think about Uncle Dougal…and another woman…he loved my aunt so much. I guess that is possible, though. Well.”

She pondered this for a moment, “A new cousin, then…and goodness, what will Ain and Leta and Bane say to a new sister? Oh gods!” she laughed at the thought, “Leta will be horrified!”

Edara stepped close to Jenred once more and traced the phoenix on his breast, “I like this…it’s a good symbol for you, isn’t it? Although I’ve always thought of you as a hawk—a phoenix stil flies,” she wrapped her arms around him and smiled up at him, “Would you fly with me now, kerensa?” Edara wriggled up against him.

Jenred had no time to reply, however, as just then a servant entered to announce that they had a visitor.

“Oh…that’ll be Uncle Dougal, I hope!” she released her lover and straightened her clothes, “Please, show him to…well, wherever we have that’s nice for receiving callers…the parlour?” Edara looked to Jenred for assistance, “I don’t even know what rooms we have…nor which ones still have proper furnishings. Do you?”

Lady Edara Kindon Duchess of Nocaneb

Harmony studied Goffrey as he shook her hand. My, he was a fine-looking man…and she made him nervous. That was always a good start. She opened her mouth to address him further, when a bellow drew her attention. Approaching them was an...extremely large man. That he was a fighter was even more apparent in him than Goffrey…he appeared to have found more than a few blades with his face.

She caught the barest hesitation before he called her lady, and she started to bristle before he made a nice introduction. She gave him her hand, “Lady Harmony Kindon, soon to be knight of Nocaneb…I hope,” she added the last with a trace of a rueful smile.

“Such a pleasure to meet two such fine gentlemen on my first days here. If the pair of you are an example of the warriors of Arcaea, I must surely need never fear for my safety,” Harmony wondered if that was laying it on a bit thickly; she never feared for her own safety, but men did so often think of women as helpless little angels.

“I understand that you have just recently reclaimed this stronghold for Arcaea…that must have been an exciting campaign. I can but imagine that you both acquitted yourselves with valour and have many tales to tell of your bravery and derring-do,” she smiled encouragingly at them.

Lady Harmony Kindon (Dame of Nocaneb)

That Goffrey failed to notice Euran until he was practically upon him mad ehim at once frustrated and ashamed at himself. Given the size of the man, calling him large did not do him justice, he felt the sting double still.

'Who is this woman that she could effect me after only just meeting me,' thought Goffrey befuddled by his lack of focus.

One good thing about Euran's presence, however, was it gave him something to focus on that didn't scare the hell out of him.

"Lord Euran, always a pleasure," he said in way of greeting. The sight of him shaking hands with Harmony sent an unwarranted surge of jealousy through him.

'Damn it I was here first......,' he thought somewhat confused by his own emotions.

He shook his head in a desperate attempt to clear it, before reluctantly turning to address Lady Harmony.

"Well," he started, able to find his voice after straining himself," my the actually battle was rather moot.......I was up in Sasat for most part......helping with reconstruction in all," he said, finishing with a forced chuckle.

'GAH, WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT, STUPID STUPID STUPID!' he mentally berated himself before bowing his head in shame.

Goffrey Massey Baron of Sasat

Ah, Harmony mentally kicked herself, a misstep. She had wrongly assumed that all the warriors would be in Nocaneb…she hadn’t realized that this fellow was the Lord of Sasat and thus might be away tending to his own lands. Well: Things without all remedy; Should be without regard: what's done, is done.

She bid the large fellow—Sir Euran, she committed to her memory—farewell, then turned her attentions back to the deliciously discomfited lord at hand.

“Oh, Sir Goffrey, I can clearly see that you have recently been wounded. And a statue to be commissioned, oh my,” she gushed, hating herself a bit, “Those marks surely did not come from mere ‘reconstruction’ labours. You must have something to tell me of how you acquired these injuries,” she touched a finger to the barely healed nick on his face.

“If you have the time, of course. I am at loose ends for a bit myself…until my…father…returns from his errands,” she tilted her head and gave him a winning little smile, turning the full force of her violet-eyes upon him, “It would be lovely to spend an hour in good company…we might perhaps find some refreshement…”

Lady Harmony Kindon (Dame of Nocaneb)

Goffrey squirmed visibly as Harmony's immaculate hand rested upon his face.

'Ok she is TOUCHING MY FACE, things are about to go down that I will have no control over I need to get out NOW!' thought Goffrey as he sought to harden his heart against what he was about to say.

"....o....k...," said Goffrey a bit dazed by Harmony's limitless violet eyes.

'see now that wasn't so bad and you'll be better for it....wait.....what did I just say?' thought Goffrey in abject horror.

"Well looks like you'll be busy for the evening my Lord I'll just excuse myself then, off to tend to the men, after all they'll need word of your current state," said Eugen, obviously enjoying his Lord's discomfort, before he turned and walked the way Goffrey and he had come.

Goffrey Massey Baron of Sasat

Harmony could tell that she had completely flummoxed poor Goffrey. She rather liked that…he was very pretty. Though all this faffing about like an empty headed woman was a bit wearying. She tucked her hand into his arm and gave him her most winsome smile.

“Shall we walk then whilst you tell me of your heroic deeds,” she cooed at him. Harmony was beginning to annoy herself now, “Though so much is closed, there must surely be some place open that serves a light repast? Perhaps a tea-shop or the like?” Perhaps a tavern and a mug of ale, she thought.

“I would hear of your heroic deeds though I must pry them from you.”

Lady Harmony Kindon (Dame of Nocaneb)

Jenred barely restrained a loud sigh. Yes...he wanted to meet Dougal...Quite looking forward to it...But...Right now...He was more hoping...Oh well.

"Love, I have no clue what rooms have furnishings. But...I'll bet the steward does. Order him to take Dougal (and us) to one of the furnished rooms. Delegation is a wonderful thing."

Well, if he couldn't get Edara alone...He was at least going to have some fun. As she gave the orders, and the last servant left the room, they turned to follow. And he wrapped his cloak around her, cuddling her close, for all the world just sharing the warmth...Jenred was glad he had the cloak made long. It neatly covered his hand as it slipped around and down...

Jenred smiled at her stifled gasp. He wasn't going to be the only one going into this hot and bothered, no sir...

Sir Jenred Bedwyr Royal Ambassador of Arcaea

Surprisingly, Goffrey found walking next to Harmony much easier then standing face to face with her. Which isn't to say he wasn't uncomfortable as hell, now he just regained the ability to talk, although the closeness they now shared made his legs just a bit weaker. And talk he did, finding the silence much to awkward.

As they walked along the emptying streets Goffrey regaled Harmony with his participation in the Fall of Nocaneb, pointing out locations relevant to the story. As that story wound down, he started up another tale regarding the peasant ambush at the Stronghold Arms. Throughout both stories he semi steathly stole glances at the woman next to him, finding her just as interested and just as attractive each time he did so.

Sufficiently embarrassed Goffrey remembered that the reason he and Harmony had set out in the first place. As luck would have it Goffrey noticed a decent sized Tavern just a ways down the street with its lights still on.

'Well its certainly not a tea house but it'll do as good as any other place I suppose,' thought Goffrey as he lead the Lady in not even bothering to read the sing over the door that read "Sartan's Den."

Goffrey Massey Baron of Sasat

Oh Gods…Edara felt her mind slipping away…the things that man could do to her…how could she ever…talk to Uncle Dougal…now?

“Jenred…please…I…you…can’t think when you…gods…” she wasn’t sure she could have kept on walking if he wasn’t supporting her. They were approaching the room where Uncle was waiting, and she just couldn’t focus. She stopped walking.

“My love…can’t…Uncle…please…,” she looked up at Jenred who was giving her a wicked smile…but then he did stop…and she leaned against him and caught her breath for a moment. How was she supposed to talk to her Uncle now, when all she could think about was…oh gods bless…”

She poked at Jenred. “How could you? You know that you steal my mind when you…do that! I am very cross!” she tried to give him a stern face, but it was somewhat marred by her lips wanting to curve into a smile.

He just laughed at her, “I think you liked it, love.”

“Well, yes! Of course I did! And, later, I’m going to insist that you do that some more and for a very long time!” she said with some heat, “But, for now, straighten up your lovely new clothes…do I look mussed?” she kissed him quickly and smiled, “I do love you!”

Edara sailed into the room where, indeed her own, Uncle Dougal waited. With a joyous cry, she flung herself at him, “Uncle!!”

He caught her in his arms and squeezed her tightly, “That’s my little girl, then!” his voice was somewhat choked, “Sent her off with next-to-nothing, and arrive to find her a Duchess! My girl!”

Edara hugged him back hard with tears in her eyes, “It’s so good to see you! I never thought you’d come! Oh, how is everyone? Is everything the same back home? And who is Harmony? Did you make a bastard? My Jenred is a bastard, so I know all about those, but I never expected…OH…Uncle…this is my Jenred…” remembering, she turned to introduce them.

“Jenred Bedwyr…Dougal Kindon…my two most favourite men, ever,” and she beamed upon them both.

Lady Edara Kindon Duchess of Nocaneb

Harmony could not have been happier when they turned into the door of…”Sartan’s Den”? My…that sounded like a fun place. She had been regretting her decision to play this out as a proper lady, and had been very much afraid that he would actually take her to a tea-shop. She could think of few things more repellent.

The interior of the “Den” was just what one might expect…dark and smoky and seedy and full of rough looking characters…lovely! Her practiced eye noted the number of customers, the amount of staff, the types of food and drinks on the tables, even the glassware. Hmmm…seedy but flourishing: that suggested that the food and ale was good and the prices reasonable.

As they passed through the door, she felt Goffrey hesitate as he realized exactly what sort of establishment this was, but she tugged him hard into the room, “This is perfect,” she told him, dropping her elegant air, “And much more what I had in mind.” She spotted an empty table and all but dragged him to it.

Catching the eye of one of the serving wenches, Harmony beckoned her over, “Two ales, please…your finest, and a couple of bowls of whatever the cook would eat himself,” she grabbed the girl’s arm before she walked away, “Clean glasses, mind you, and don’t go trying to pass off any garbage on us because we look like toffs…I want decent ale…unwatered…I’ll pay well for it,” she paused and inclined her head at Goffrey, “Or rather, he will…and I’ll know if it’s not the best you have,” she released the girl with a smile, “And quickly, please, I’ve a powerful thirst.”

Harmony turned to find Goffrey staring at her bemusedly. Well, damnation, how long could she have kept up that charade, anyway? A day before she went mad?

Lady Harmony Kindon (Dame of Nocaneb)

Jenred met Dougal's eyes...And they both laughed. Just a little chuckle, but it was enough. He bowed low, indicating his immense respect for Edara's uncle.

"Jenred Bedwyr, at your service. I've heard a great deal about you, all to the good. Indeed, it seems I have you to thank for ensuring that Edara was not untrained."

Jenred's eyes blazed a little and his mouth tightened.

"Unlike some members of her family I could mention, who seemed intent on sending her to..."

Jenred caught the confused and worried look on Edara's face and broke off.

"Another time, perhaps. For the moment, greetings and welcome! If there is anything you need...well, I'll try to arrange it, anyway. Nocaneb is only recently conquered, as I'm sure you can tell, and amenities are in short supply."

Jenred cocked his head, grinning dryly as the three of them sat down.

"I take it you received Edara's letter?"

Sir Jenred Bedwyr Royal Ambassador of Arcaea

Dougal looked at Jenred and chuckled again before covering his mouth and turning it into a cough, “Yes, I did receive it. If my…translation…is correct, the two of you are to be wed?”

Before Jenred could answer, Edara burst in, “Oh…yes…Jenred said that I wasn’t very clear,” she turned and gave a mock glare at her love, “But I told him that you would understand it. Look, Uncle!” she held out her hand so that he could see her ring, the emerald eyes of the hawk twinkling as she turned it this way and that.

“Edara…hold still,” Dougal said with resignation, grabbing her hand and stilling it so that he could admire the workmanship for himself. He looked at Jenred appraisingly, “This is a very fine ring here,” he caught sight of the pendant—hard not to do as Edara was waving it in his face—and the earrings that bobbed from her lobes, “Well, a very fine set, I see. You’ve done my little one proud.”

Dougal cleared his throat, “And…the truth is, I’ve had another source of information. I asked Idelle to keep me up-to-date on how Edara’s been doing…so that I didn’t have to rely solely on her…interesting…letters.”

Edara frowned, “Idelle’s been…spying on me?”

Her Uncle hugged her to him, “Don’t be silly, little one; she’s just been writing and telling me all the news so that I didn’t have to worry. You know that Idelle loves you. I love you. We both just wanted to make certain that you were…well…and not…doing anything foolish. Idelle speaks rather highly of Sir Jenred, says he’s a rascally scoundrel who treats you like a Queen and will run this realm someday.”

Dougal looked over at Jenred, a hint of warning in his voice, “Fortunately, like Idelle, I rather like rascally scoundrels. And I certainly like men who treat my girl like a Queen. So, I don’t think we’ll have any problems as long as that continues.”

The servants chose that moment to bring in the refreshments, sparing Jenred from having to reply at once. Edara was looking thoughtfully from her Uncle to Jenred, the barest of frowns on her face.

Lady Edara Kindon Duchess of Nocaneb

Jenred smiled. Yes...This Dougal was how he saw himself in a few more decades...And what's more, that's probably what Dougal saw too. Jenred's smile turned a little mischievous. After all, that's probably what that last warning was about...

Jenred turned, and blandly spoke, seemingly apropos to nothing.

"Edara, I didn't get a chance to show you the other reason I acquired these new clothes...There's a special sealed pocket, water-tight..."

Jenred tapped his Phoenix emblem.

"Right under here. It's where I keep that braid you made me. The box is lovely, too lovely to risk on my trading trips, but this...I wanted with me, always."

He smiled at her, not even trying to hide the glow of his eyes. He knew that Dougal was watching closely...And this was the best way he knew to prove that he was going to treat Edara like a Queen for as long as he lived...At that, she was going to be a Queen someday. He'd see to it.

Sir Jenred Bedwyr Royal Ambassador of Arcaea

Goffrey was taken aback by the sharp change in Harmony upon entering the Tavern. Now she looked remarkably more comfortable and at home. Which did little to ease his constant nervousness her presence seemed to cause him. He still had trouble looking at her without visibly shaking. Thankfully the Den had a cast assortment of colorful people with which to draw his gaze.

It was right around then that he noticed that a large number of the clientele were glaring at the two. He raised his eye brow but otherwise thought nothing of it, that is until he saw the name of the bar written out in large letters over the counter.

"Come on we're leaving," he said, regaining the strength in his voice, "I'll explain once we're outside, but right now we need to leave."

Normally he wouldn't have minded a little Sartanian Hostility to commemorate the night, but he had Harmony's safety to worry about and he was about to put her at risk because of his own recklessness. He stood up motioning for Harmony to do the same, but at that point it was already too late. Turning around Goffrey was greeted by, three very angry looking gentlemen all smelling of alcohol and something that hadn't taken a bath in its entire life.

"Were you think you going thare pretty boy," slurred the first one, a short fat man. "Yea you gotta pay for them drinks first," continued the second, a tall lanky sort.

Goffrey said nothing, but nodded slowly as he drew a gold piece from his pocket and set it on the table.

"Your money ain't no good here Arcaean," snarled the third, a weasely sort of man of medium height.

Goffrey's hand went to his sword, not that he'd need it to take these men out, a fight now could set off the entire bar. The entire bar was dead silent as the confrontation played out.

Goffrey Massey Baron of Sasat