Bluelake Family/NinaRP/The First Offer

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Decision made

With the sunrise, Nina arrived to Sallowtown. It was a small port city, compared to Giask, inhabited by less than 100 people. The land outside the walls was still that of a badlands, but the peasantry lived a quiet life, slowly growing their food. The city itself was not very well built, nor clean, but had a comfortable look to it. She was quickly able to find the ferry informations and learn the schedules, and directions to a local inn. Undressing the armor and polishing it, the wench made a decision. She thought Lucy would be pleased, even though Nina hadn't been able to fix the shield. Trancing her black, long hair, the hunter smiled. She couldn't say she wasn't doing it for herself. In a moment, she was out on the streets, once again searching.

Upon finding a decent scribe, paying him a full gold coin, she started a letter.

Grand Imperator Diodorus Exiled, Royal Arbitrator Finegus O'Shea, High Treasurer Minerva Seraph, and finally, your  
Majesty Queen Alanna Anaris of Pian en Luries, also Marshal of the Golden Host of Porya,
This servant humbly approaches your Highnesses on behalf of her dearest daughter, who has recently started 
travelling this great kingdom as a monster hunter. In her travels, she has encountered an object that cannot, by any 
means, suit a lowly commoner as this servant or her offspring. This servant isn't worthy of touching it, except for 
polishing it, and her daughter has carried it avoiding to the most any contact with the fine metal.

In our humble and limited mind, yet honourable as far as a servant can be, such preciousness should not be worn by 
anyone lower than yourselves. If any of your Highnesses can do us the honour to accept it, this servant's daughter, 
Tai of Poryatu, will head to a meeting point.

All that a servant such as ourselves could ever expect was to be in your presence, and receive from your Highnesses' 
hands a letter with your signature, showing that this humble family, lesser among the lesser, has once been of a 
little favour to your Highnesses.

Lucy Grape of Poryatu

After a couple of hours, to each of the nobles arrived a messenger with a parchment of better quality. In it was a partial drawing of a chain mail vest, beautifully traced, detailed enough for the viewer to realize the prestige such item would lend its bearer. However, the drawing was not complete, so as not to show all the beauty of the item, or the skilled crafting in which it was done, so the viewer would want to see the item personally.

Brilliant Chain Mail of the Maiden

It was what Nina thought, at least, while wondering if the messages had reached their destiny and if Lucy would be mad at her for having written a new, slightly different, letter in her name.

Three days later

After spending a full day hunting in Qubel, Nina finally had some time to sleep. The Private room she was occupying wasn't the cleanest possible, but good enough. She washed her face, neck and arms, as usual, and laid down. After a moment staring at the ceiling, she thought she might write Lucy about what she had done.


You remember that shield I showed you? I couldn't fix it yet. A bit north of Pian en Luries, though, I found 
something much more interesting, asked a scribe to rewrite your letter, and sent it. None of those Highnesses have 
answered yet, and actually I think the armour looks very good in me, such a lowly peasant... Don't worry, Lucy, I'll 
be the finest lass you've ever seen, and make you proud. Give dad my love.


Sealing the envelope, she left it over the table to send it in the morning. Closing her eyes, she wondered if those people didn't want to look important in the eyes of others, something that contradicted all she knew about nobles, the nice-smelling and well-dressing snobs. In a moment, she was asleep.