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This is a history of the realm of Arcaea, compiled by the Lord Aerywyn Haerthorne, claimant to the lordship of Larmebsi, in the midst of the great Ethilian or Federation War.


Arcaea was the original and greatest nation on the Far East Continent, founded by the bravest and noblest warriors. Unfortunately during the time of the splintering many dukes split from Arcaea to hoard gold for themselves, unfortunately the then king was lost in himself and ignored the counsel given to him by his nobles and his most trusted advisor Yarah. In the end, to prevent the once great land from falling apart, Yarah took hold of the nation and wrestled it back together. Though much of their land was lost the kingdom remained and has slowly worked through diplomacy and when neccessary bloodshed to regain its rightful place. The entire former council and many of Arcaea's nobles left the country, including Lord Yarah and Lord Demon, believing it to be doomed. A core group remained in Arcaea, however, and a new council was elected: Queen Trinity, Banker Faulcon, Judge Riar Dynrode, and High Marshal Shun.

The war between Arcaea and the other nations ended through the diplomatic efforts of Queen Trinity and Prime Minister Kestrelle of Lasanar. After the Rape of Saex, when that province was almost burnt to the ground by the Sartanian "nobles", the Lasanar people saw once and for all what Sartania truly was: A nation of cowards, hiding under Lasanar's protection while they did their dirty work. Lasanar withdrew their forces, and under the leardership of the new High Marshal Rintaro Shun, the Sartanian forces were driven out of Saex, giving the Arcaeans back their country.

Peace followed...but the country grew stale, sinking into a boring state. Nobles came and went, but the core group remained.

The other wars heating up did little to affect Arcaea, but when Lasanar called for aid, Arcaea was reluctant to answer, afraid of harming its other partners in peace on the island.

Eventually, an idea proposed by High Marshal Shun came to fruition. The realm was to become a band of fighting mercenaries. Though diplomacy had succeeded where wars had not in gaining peace, it was realized that Arcaea needed to fight. They were warriors, like it or not.

This is the path now set forth before them. Only time will tell where it will lead....

The Mercenary Realm

During the reign of Queen Trinity Fleisher, there was a decision to end the period of alliances and peace and to become a realm of war, a realm for hire. In order to maintain a status of neutrality and fairness in their business dealings, it was decided that Arcaea should lower the diplomatic relations with Lasanar, and in the confusion of the first few days after aggression broke out on the borders of Lantzas, and Lasop declared their alleigance to Arcaea. The confusion settled down quickly, and despite the protesting of the people of Lasop, the region was returned to Lasanar peacefully. Peace was declared, and matters moved on.

The first contract was with the realm of Arcachon in their war agaisnt Sartania, and despite the past wrongs the war was to be fought fairly on the basis of the terms of the mercenary realm. The price was to be two regions to Arcaea if it was successful and a lump sum of gold, or a lowered price of food to Arcaean merchants if the war was unsuccessful. However Sartania did not take this thus, and small skirmishes occured in an ill-defended Nocaneb, and the Sartanian lords made many accusations against the Arcaeans there. Luckily there were nearby troop leaders on the move to the northern front, and the attack was fought off. Untosa was taken by Arcachon, and the war has now slowed down after the attack on Tuhpos. However to the west, Sartania's allies were starting to flex their muscles...

The Ethialian War

Technically, there were many accounts of aggression between Arcaea and it's neighbours, though any conflict with Ethilia had occured before the uniting of the northern nations in the Lasanarian Federation.

The Beginning

After Lasop had been firmly lodged into Arcaea's control, Ethilia again demanded the city back. Outraged at the way they were being pushed about, the people of Arcaea decided to stand strong by their arms, knowing that they would either face war if they did so, and humiliation, even destruction, if they did not. ascanius of Sartania had already made his intentions clear, and the hatred he held for Arcaea was already dragging allies into this complicated conflict. Ethilia declared that they would declare war, though it took them a long while before they fulfilled that promise. Problems at home were suspected, as the course of the war would indicate.

As Sartania launched their assaults on the province of Saex, Bergelmir the Fearless, Lord and Guardian of the rebuilt city of Lasop stood his ground with his militia agaisnt the attacks from Ethilia. Dark magic was at play as all in Saex found themselves drawn into a seemingly endless rythym of marching mile after mile and not actually moving from the spot they had started from. For days this dragged on, until battle was finally joined. The Sartanian forces were defeated, and the tongues of those on both sides were held tight. Some might even say that there was respect between the foes.

Current Situation

At the time of writing, Larmebsi is in the process of a friendly take over by Arcaea, and as the Ethilian army mounts a half-hearted counter-attack the Sartanian forces gather on the eastern fringes of Arcaea. Time will tell if this war is soon resolved peaceably, or if it drags on and on.

The war is at present (Monday, 1 October 2007) about two months old, and in that time Rhathar Frostnova, the Lord of Lantzas and Guardian of the Aenilian faithful in Ethilia, disgusted with the corruption and lack of leadership within Ethilia, pledged allegiance to Arcaea and his region along with it. Two knights also joined him, Sir Dinarius Maximus and Sir Jenred Bedwyr, from Ethilia. Aerywyn Haerthorne, the author of this little history, pledged allegiance to Rhathar, leaving his crowded estate in the city of Remton for the fresh air of the plains and the cleaner side of the river. Shortly after the move Ethiala made a counter-attack while much of the Arcaean force returned to Lasop for refitting. At that time the High Marshal of Ethiala along with his marshal of the army Keffer launched ordered a late turn march that Arcaea had not expected due to what Trinity called past incompetence from Ethiala. Trinity renewed attempts to politically isolate the realms attacking her, though by this point no one was buying into her side of the story and Arcachon was nowhere to be seen. During a pull back to Lasop, both Cathay and Ethiala marched into Larembsi in order to take hold of it once again. During the attempted take over some of the Cathain and Ethialian forces dug in while the other half did not. Seeing an opening to attack Trinity rallied her forces in Lasop to make another attack into Larembsi. It was a gambit, while Ethialia and Cathay had higher combat strength their deployment gave the oppurtunity to pick off their units piecemeal. It was a close battle however several larger units from Cathay and Ethiala had remained in the rear to rush up at the last minute fresh and unharassed by archers into the battle weary Arcaean forces. Several good nobles were wounded among them Trinity had fallen in the thickest of fighting, Rhathar Frostnova, the Traitor of Ethiala, as his former countrymen called him also fell under the blades of Cathay and Ethilia. The surviving units rallied and made their way back to Lasop in an orderly and quick fashion. The war was not over yet. After retaking Larembsi, Ethiala held it until it was repulsed by force but not before they ran a sucessful TO on the region. While attempting to bring the region back under Arcaean control, a small Ethialian force some how managed to avert the take over and force a retreat. Arcaea's troubles were compounded by the fall of Nocaneb at the hands of Sartania, the war was taking a sharp turn.

Chronicles of the Ethialian War

End of September 1007
  • The sartanian assault on Niel is repelled by the Araean army, while Lasop is defended by Belgelmir the Fearless with his house militia
  • Multiple battles with Sartanian and Ethialian armies follow.
Oktober 1007
  • The Arcaean nobility growths considerably, giving Arcaea the strongest base of active troop leaders in the Far East. However, gold supplies are rather low.
  • Baron Rathar Frostnova decides to leave Ethalia and join the arcaean duchy of Remton, taking three knights with him.
  • Bergelmir the Fearless steps back from his position as High Marshall of Arcaea. After a short intermezzo of Gaunt, the seat is taken by the bloodthirsty Olga Krawolga.
  • While the ethialian army is in disarray, Queen Trinity orders an attack on Lambresi. After four takeover attempts, the region is taken over by Arcaea, and defended in multiple battles. Also, another sartanian attack on Niel is repelled.
  • Lambresi is lost against a combined force of ethialian and cathayan troops.
  • Arcaean troops gain control over the vast fields of Lambresi again, but so far, any takeover attempt was futile.
November 1007
  • An sartanian attack on the eastern stronghold of Nocaneb heavily damages the fortifications and wipes out the militia. However, the followers of Sartan can not take hold of the region. The reforming arcaean army in Remton makes them retreat to Niel. Rumours spread that the Troops from Cathay will return on the western front, while Lasanar might join the war against Arcaea in the north.
  • Up to now, there are no new large scale operations on all three sides. A small skirmish at Mraulxon happens under the arcaean commander Danil Thyme.
  • Lasanar enters the war on the side of Ethalia and Cathay. There are now four empires on the move against Arcaea. However, there are rumours of Arcachon pushing Sartania into a two front war. Still, Arcaea is able to push back a first combined attack of Lasanar and Ethialia in Lantzas.
  • The situation evolves with Sartanian troops invading Saex and the restructured combined forces of Lasanar and Ethialia on the border to Lantzas. Arcaea is in a difficult situation. Is this the end?
  • Lasanar and Ethialia start the attack against Lantzas. Eventually, the hero Rathar Frostnova falls protecting his land from the claws of the federated agressors.
  • Saex is lost to the gathered Sartanian army. The sartanian enemy takeover was successful.
  • Arcachon joines the war on the arcaean side and established a beachhead in Unatosa. Eventually, Arcachon forces make a part of the sartanian army withdraw from Saex.
  • Arcaean troops counterattack against Lantzas, failing to prevent the hostile takeover attempt. Outnumbered 2:1, the Arcaean army suffers defeat.
  • High Marshall Olga Krawolga orders the refit Arcaean army to take back Saex. After a couple of battles and a successful friendly takeover, Saex rejoins Arcaea.
December 1007
  • Arcachon join the conflict on the arcaean side and lands an expeditionary force in Unatosa.
  • Sartanian military installiations and tax gold are plundered by arcaean and arcachonian troops.
  • Queen Trinity of Arcaea is stabbed by an infilitrator, when she is returning from Sartanian imprisonment.
  • Arcaean High Marshall Olga Krawolga steps down, and is followed by Retnuh Zarkonian.
  • After a couple of battles, the Army of Arcachon returns to their homeland to refit. Unatosa is back in sartanian hands.
  • In a great battle in Lasop, arcaean forces beat a significant army of Lasanar, Cathay and Ethialia. Meanwhile, sartanian forces reinvade Nocaneb.

Ossaet Archives

A record from the ancient times, until the founding of Lasanar

Ossaet Archives

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