Bluelake Family/VanyaRP/Meeting Tengstille

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Roleplay from Vanya

Vanya had just finished training her men when a messenger came up. The message had no family seal in it, and the lady thought it was awkward. She tied her hair so it wouldn't fall on her face, and opened the parchment. The messenger could not see what went through her mind, for the lady's face was emotionless. At the end of the message, she smiled lightly. He is a polite man, I'll give him that.

- Come.

Turning to her tent, Vanya wondered, as the messenger followed her. What would a commoner want with me? Maybe talk about the situation in Aboal...? No, there was no need for him to be here personally, just send a message. The curiosity was taking over her caution and even a slight shadow of prejudice. Oh, what the heck, I should reply to him. It wouldn't make me less of a lady... Inside the tent she found a piece of parchment and quill, and wrote of her own hand:

"Greetings, Tengstille.

This is the response you have asked for. Though I am clueless to why you seek talking to me, you have attained my curiosity. I await for another letter from you, hopefully as polite and cheerful as this last.

Regards, Vanya Bluelake (Lady)"

The messenger that followed her took the message away. The scribe was staring at Vanya with a strange look, for she never used to write the letters herself. The lady, though, was unsure about how talking to freemen would change her image before the realm. In fact, ever since she left the boat on arriving to Taselak, she hadn't had any contact with the peasantry. And the last she did have, was with naval merchants, usually totally different from the average commoner. She was even curious to meet this one, with such a nice writing should be interesting to see how he looked like, his ways and treats.

Taking her small boots off, Vanya would relax in bed and possibly sleep. The scribe rose, as usual well above her stature, made a compliment with the head and retired from the room. The young woman's mind wandered off as she laid down.

Roleplay from Tengstille

Tengstille is pleased to see a response from Lady Vanya. It was not a common thing for a noble to concern herself with a commoner, so he was pleased to see she had written back to him. He immediately sets himself to penning a response.

M'Lady Vanya,

I am flattered by your response. I was given your name by your former ruler, Lady Mischa. She told me that there was some possibility you may find an interest in certain...collectibles...I possess. There is one item especially here, I think it may suit you. It is a shield, and a sage has informed me it is called the "Shield of Aboal". It bears the crest of Aboal upon it, and it is quite rare, it was the only one like it ever crafted...So rare is it, in fact, that I would guess if you weilded it, it should raise your prestige by at least 4 points.

Does this interest you in any way? If it does not, there are other things too I may have to offer. Please honour me further with another response. I should be thrilled to read it.

In Your Service,

Sir Tengstille (Freeman)

Letter from Vanya

After attending to some morning duties, Vanya managed some time to herself. The lady picked the letters from the previous night, to review and answer. She was specially interested in answering a letter that came in simple parchment with no family seal in it. Yes, he does know how to make things interesting. It won't be hard to answer him.

Picking the quill, Vanya started writing:


You have certainly hooked my interest, and I would"

Vanya was interrupted. The scribe was arriving with the scout reports of the day. Looking at the nobles in Sandalak, right there in the second line, she recognized a name. What?! Vanya was astonished. Have I been talking to a noble undercovered as a peasant? Or was he just a bastard from noble family...?

She decided it would do no good to keep wondering, and threw the previous parchment away.

"Sir Tengstille,

Do my eyes fool me or are you now presenting yourself as a knight and leader of men? If so, congratulations, and I would certainly like to hear the story.

I had great interest in looking at that shield from Aboal, but am now clueless. Is it fitting for a noble to trade such unique items around? And do you still have it, or was it given to your new liege?

Best regards, Vanya Bluelake (Lady)"

Letter from Tengstille

M'Lady Vanya,

To answer your first question, I was born into nobility, you see, but at a young age I ran away. I was young and impatient, and the wafflings of my father seemed irrelevent to me. I came to realize that mistake, however...My father stopped speaking of me, and very few things could validate my claim to nobility.

Thus it was that I came to be here, and a commoner. However, after my services to the realm went far above and beyond that of an ordinary commoner, certain members of this realm were forced to accept that I must be of noble blood and upbringing, and wrote me recommendations to allow me to become so.

As to your shield, I still have it. As for whether it is appropriate for nobles to trade these things, no, I think not. However, so far as I am aware, it is perfectly acceptable for a noble to gift things. Next time we meet, this shield shall be yours, for I was flattered by your words before, and would enjoy your company now.

Highest Regards,

Sir Tengstille Flightwing (Noble)

Roleplay from Vanya

Going through her messages of the day, Vanya opened one with an unknown family seal in it. She smiled to see inside a known handwriting. So it was the Flightwing family he was from? She had never heard of them, except for this one member. A knight now, he is. she thought, and smiled to read the text. Swift with the words, is he not.... Vanya also wondered if he would drink as well as he spoke, while writing the letter back.

"Sir Tengstille,

It was an interesting story, that of yours. I hope your family can now accept you as a legit member of theirs, since we, nobles of Taselak, have. Your writing was indeed not that of a commoner, but that of a person that had a good tutor and noble upbringing. I thus welcome you into our lines. If I were still countess of Aboal, I would certainly offer you an oath to the region.

I would be utterly happy to have a moment to look at this legendary shield, preferably in your presence, so we can take a drink or two afterwards. Right now, I head to Sandalak, then Ibyp, Abykal, Unagae. I won't probably meet you still in Sandalak, but I'd like to see you fight in front of so many men.

Welcome to the noble ranks of Taselak, sir!

Yours, Vanya Bluelake (Lady)"

With that, Vanya sealed the letter, stared at it for a few moments, thinking what she could do to repay such a fine attitude from him. The letter was sent and she decided to sleep until sunrise.

Roleplay from Tengstille

Tengstille was pleased to see another response from Vanya. It made him feel like he was accepted as a noble, although that was a childish thought, and he didn't let it leave his subconscious.

He immediately sets to writing up a response.*

M'Lady Vanya,

I am pleased to say that I have been in contact with my family, and my father seems perfectly willing to accept that nothing of the sort ever happened. In fact...He sort of seems to be trying to say it never did happen. Odd. My mother, well...She is no longer living, and my father has taken a new bride, a young woman I do not know, and will not call mother.

As for the shield, I expect I will use it as an excuse to sit with you and have dinner, if that would please you. We can discuss it, or perhaps not, over a fine field-meal, prepared by my scribe Matthew. He is not a skilled cook, however, so I do hope you do not mind your meals slightly charred. He is a work in progress, I like to think.

But yes, I am en route to Unagae now, and will arrive there in a few days. I expect we will meet there, ultimately.

Thank you for your welcome. It is an honour to have become a Noble, if only to keep the company of the likes of you.

Highest Regards,

Sir Tengstille Flightwing (Noble)