Poryatown Press/Lurian Weekly/Issue 5

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Lurian Weekly
Price: Free! Reporting on the Big and the Small! Issue #5
Previous Issue Mar. 09 - Mar. 15 Next Issue
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New Queen, Alanna Anaris
March 11th Zanaras
We at the Poryatown Press are glad to report that the election in Pian en Luries has come to close with a conclusive winner. The new ruler of the realm? Former Grand Imperatrix, Alanna Anaris. Her first message to the realm as a whole as Queen? Read and find out.

"I thank you all for your support, and your words of congratulations. I promised that I would not let you down, and I will not. Soon Pian en Luries will take its place as the mightiest of the kingdoms on this continent.

Now, I know that some of you do not support me, and I respect that. I have heard rumours that some of you plan to strike out on your own to form colonies so that you do not have to subject yourselves to my rule. While I cannot say that this pleases me, I believe that the best course of action is to support such colonies so that we can be close allies in the future.

I would ask that any who wish to form colonies speak to me so that we can work out the best locations and timing for such endeavours (in particular, so that three groups do not make for the same city trying to make it their capital!), and so that there is no acrimony between us.

Finally, my first official order of business as your Queen must be to appoint a new Grand Imperator. I know that some of you have contacted me over the past few days expressing your interest in such a position; however, now I would like everyone who would like to be our new supreme military commander to submit to me a proposal giving a broad overview of what lands you think Pian en Luries should take in the near future, and how we should accomplish it, keeping in mind our army structure and all that you know of military discipline." -- Queen Alanna Anaris

If nothing else, it is good to see that she's willing to compromise and already has an idea of what she plans to do.