Vecchio Ratto Family

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Revision as of 18:52, 25 January 2008 by Vecchioratto (talk | contribs)

The Vecchio Ratto familiy was the spawn of an acient Tribù of the east continent, located in the plain near the actual Perdan. This popolation was brutal and have a little strange view of the life. God of the village was the Great Old Rat , the Fairy Eater, this totem was also in the heraldry of the family until now. Vecchio Ratto become a clan after a tribal war, in this war only few men and woman of the tribù survive. This survivor found the new clan in a biggest town. Time by time, Vecchio Ratto become an House hold of the town, and the town become a capital, the biggest of the east continent.

member of the family

Rattler, count of dimwood, Perdan. dead as hero in battle.

Oldenrat, trader, priest, black sheep. Retired as heremit in perdan woods.


Nezumi, Count of Norjke, Avalon. former infiltrator, scout, Follower of the acient Spirit, tochued from the Rat.

Nyfitsa, from Mustelid Minor branch of Vecchio Ratto, count of Beziers. Archer and scout. Follower of the acient Spirit.

Wezel, from Mustelid minor branch of Vecchio Ratto. Hothead, drunk soldier. Founder of the drunken sword style. Follower of acient Spirit.

Milmice, lost son of Oldenrat. Vagabond. Now rise to nobility.

Rattleroldenrat.jpg Nezumiwezel.jpg

work in progress (please if you see grammatical error report me! :))
