Caligan-Yssaria War

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Letter from Revelation (6 days, 7 hours ago)

Message sent to everyone in your realm (49 recipients)

A short history lesson for you all (well I hope it is short)

Once upon a time (and yes this is how it starts) there used to be a realm called Fallengard, there may not be many left in Caligus who remember them, they held Isadril as their capital and Caligus controlled Hamadan, Mashad, Supra, Aureus, Aestus, Domus, Scio, Akesh Temple, Nascot, Bescanon and Sordidus, 11 regions in all, but even with that Caligus was not a rich realm.

Fallengard knew this and started a two fronted war against us with Fontan, we were fortunate that our allies (in short measures) did help, Fallengard was driven back to Isadril, but Fontan continued with the attacks. almost 70000cs of combined allies attacked the city of Isadril and defeated Fallengard they were gone only remembered in history, but Fontan continued. So while we were destroying Fallengard, Fontan decimated Hamadan and drove the region to Rogue.

As Caligus returned to reclaim the city an evil rite was performed and new realm formed called Yssaria, taking with it a few of our own regions. (Yssaria was form by a magician who was 4 days travel from Hamadan but arrived there in a day and from the realm) Necromancy was blamed on the formation of Yssaria an none declared tis other wise.

Again Caligus had to fight a two fronted war this time against Yssaria and Fontan. Perdan interceeded witha large amount of there army and we managed to hold and drive Fontan back forcing them into surrender. Ubent was also fighting Yssaria and should of had the power to defeat them but lost almost every battle.

Perdan had other worries so we where left to face Yssaria, we did well for a long time, they where stronger, richer and outnumbered Caligus on a significant scale.

In the end we were made false promises by one of our number none of which came true, this in turn forced us back to Domus, then we had surrender terms which was disgusting, but we took it.

Now Yssaria are facing the same defeat but maybe we are not so demeaning maybe they will live, but it will be surrender terms they are to take on a peace treaty or a cease fire.

Now as I siad this is a condensed and my version of things, I was not around when Fallengard lived but my family was, and this they past to me. Hope this helps a little to some of you and I hope at least the majority of it is correct :)

May your Path guide you,

Revelation Con Doin (Priest of Sanctus Acies)


OOC Note:

(When asked about what was meant by "magic")

Out-of-Character from Yuri (6 days, 5 hours ago)

Message sent to everyone in your realm (49 recipients)

Tom, the creator of the game, manually intervened and created a realm.

He used to do that a bit when he got angry, but now he tries to be more hands off.

Josiah Allen

== King I Am Solo's Recollections ==

(Taken from the Yssaria Realm Page)

Yssaria is a young realm made up of Hamadan, Isadril, and Mashad. It was created by the peasant Ardor, who united the people of Isadril, Hamadan, and Mashad(all of them rogue regions at the time), and encouraged them to create their own nation. The peasants chose him to be their king. Immediately nobles from all over the East Continent, and even from other islands, started to flock to Yssaria, hoping to be able to contribute to the small realm. Ardor accepted all, no matter nationality, or religion. Ardor loved the people of Yssaria. When he wrote a realm description of Yssaria he wrote:

Yssaria is rising from the ashes of the eastern cities destroyed in neverending wars. This young realm was formed by peasants who were tired of the repeated destruction of their homelands. They desired peace above all else.

Soon after its creation, war was declared upon Yssaria by Ubent, who wanted to help Caligus regain control of Hamadan and Mashad, and give them Isadril. Yssaria asked for help, and help came. Fontan allied with Yssaria, as well as Itorunt. Ubent was forced to reconsider. During this time, Ardor was wounded by an assassin, and Ramirez took his place for several days. Ramirez was able to convince Ubent to stop their attacks against Yssaria. Ardor soon recovered, and took his place as king again. Things were running smoothly in Yssaria. The attacks by Ubent had stopped, and food was coming in from other realms to help feed the people of Isadril and Hamadan. Ardor decided that it was time to take a small vacation and therefore stepped down. Ramirez took his place. Ramirez then headed to Isadril, and proceded to give the city to Caligus. Massive protests forced him out of his position as king, and I was elected. Ramirez, still general, stepped down as High Marshall, and declared loyalty to Caligus. He then left Yssaria, and joined Caligus. Isadril was demanded back from Caligus, but Caligus would not hand it over. Ardor came back from his vacation, and decided that what he wished to accomplish as king was done. As king, I demanded at least payment for Isadril. None came. I then declared war on Caligus, because they would not pay us for what is rightfully ours. A while afterwards, Caligus gave Isadril to Ubent, then attacked Mashad. Ubent tried to force the Isadrilians to submit to their control, but instead, they revolted, and joined us again. For now, I have no more to say, because I have come to the present moment in the history of Yssaria. ~ King I am Solo