Serious Medieval Atmosphere

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Revision as of 21:08, 6 January 2008 by Gialon (talk | contribs) (added a good other read.)

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Our term for roleplaying the game as it is meant to be. That doesn't mean pages upon pages of text, it means a few simple things, such as:

  • Calling the king "your highness" or something like that, instead of "hey dude" or "Harry" (or whatever his first name is).
  • Behaving like a noble, such as valuing your honour and speaking properly.
  • No powergaming. If there is no in-character reason to do something, you shouldn't do it.
    • This means that, for instance, you cannot declare war with the comment, "We're only declaring war because the peasants want us to; we're not actually going to fight you."
  • No nonsense. If you want to pray to the holy Doughnut, roleplay you are a vampire or include a reference to South Park into every letter, then BattleMaster might not be the game for you, and wherever we look for a Serious Medieval Atmosphere, you are very much not welcome.

What it does mean is:

  • Proper etiquette and respect for titles
  • Having your own mind - and enough brains to know when to speak it and when not
  • Bringing all you've read about courts, gossip, intrigue and medieval nobility into the game
  • Role-playing your character, not in the sense of endless text, but in the sense of acting as if he were real and living in a real world
    • that means being afraid (at least a little) of being wounded or killed
    • that means having likes and dislikes that don't change like the wind just because your realms diplomacy changed
    • that means having a goal or two and working towards them. You aren't a lowly soldier who just follows orders, you should have ambitions

Another very worthwhile read regarding do's and do nots for RP is;