Tinsley Family/RP/Dancing in the Arena

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Dancing in the Arena (where Willem and Ilya train at the Tournament in Tucha, the day before their wedding)

Willem met Ilya at the training area. She had suggested that they train together for she wasn't learning much. Her words were: "I'd be delighted to train sword with you, would be just like dancing..."

She was an archer, but could handle the sword, for he had seen her in battle. They picked up dulled swords from the pile and entered the arena. He deeply bowed to her, and she returned the gesture. He saw her, not as a warrior then, but as his bride. She was beautiful and he would be proud to call her his wife. He thought of the wedding, if all the arrangements had been made. Then she took a swing at his head. He pulled it back just in time. "Didn't learn much, huh?" he thought.

They circled for what seemed like an hour, but was only a minute or two. She thrust and he parried.

- So, my love, is this what marriage will be like?

- Sometimes. But once you get used to it, I think you'll like it. - She laughed playfully.

She held the sword high and let it come down towards his shoulder. He moved to the left and it glanced from his arm. He leveled his blade and stepped into her. She easily pushed the sword aside and let him step past. Then she swung the flat of the blade on his right calf, causing him to stumble. He reached back and pulled her down on top of him.

It moved from sword fighting to very close combat. Knowing that she was not a delicate tea cup, he wrestled with her. Some of the knights watching started to cat call and whoop it up. The sounds were distant in his ears. He heard her breathe, he saw her smile and whisper, "I love you." He let her roll him over, pinning him to the ground. He returned the whispered phrase.

If this was dancing, he was all for it.

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