Heen (Realm)/Heenite Highlights/November '07

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Federation Falls

02 November 1007 Jadine
Since the beginning of the invasion of Belatuerra by the rogue forces of Daimons, Undead and Monsters, Heen has always stood against those that wish to destroy mankind, and those who do not respect the in-built right of humanity to rule this island.

The naïve nobles of Vlaanderen however, decided to betray humanity, and give their allegiance to a Daimon horde leader by the name of Arcane. After a long time of Arcane obviously being just a Daimon, wandering across the lands of Belatuerra, the people of Vlaanderen suddenly decided that he was their God, an idea that lacks not only logic, but also evidence and experience.

Despite the warnings of Heen, that this could not be accepted, Arcane led the Vlaanderen Daimons into battle against many humans and took their regions whilst looting and pillaging where he went.

Heen decided that this Daimon needed to be destroyed, as it posed a threat to humanity. The result was that Heen broke its Federation with Sint and Vlaanderen so that it could move to eliminate this threat, and plunged into war with Vlaanderen with the intention of destroying the Daimons, and helping to liberate Vlaanderen from their grasp. It is clear however, that if any nobles from Vlaanderen fight against Heen in this war, thy will be considered an enemy of humanity also.

The Move into Vlaanderen

08 November 1007 Thrydwulf
A few realms over the last few days have been discussing how to deal with the ever growing threat that is Vlaanderen. The realm, lead by the Daimon Lord Arcane have been expanding rather rapidly since the day he came into power. The question the realms had been asking themselves was "how do we deal with this growing presence?" Vlaanderen, who now have at last count, 4 Daimons leaders fighting under their banner have been rampaging Khthon lands, and even declared war on the Republic of Fwuvoghor.

However, Martana had a cunning plan up her sleeve, and reminded Arcane of his promise to humanity that he would rid the continent of the undead. So...off he trotted out of Reeds, and headed South West into the most Southern Mesh regions. Of course, this left Vlaanderen some Daimons fewer to defend themselves. So the Heenites moved out into Watto with their monster allies, preparing for an assault on Vlaanderen while Arcane was gone.

Waiting for the news to reach their ears of Arcane battling Summoner, the Heenites set up camp in Naraka and prepared to lay siege to Reeds, only to find a Daimon force occupying the city, so plans changed. Then, as news of a battle reached their ears, the Heenites quickly started a friendly Take Over of Naraka and hoped to draw the Daimon Obstructing out from behind the walls.

After spending a full day building trenches and small but useful fortifications in Naraka, the Heenites soon found they had more than Obstructing to deal with. Early scout reports this morning showed that Arcane had somehow managed to get back into Reeds (after being imprisoned), summon 240 Daimons from somewhere and call upon them, and Obstructing's unit to head out to Naraka in an attempt to stop the Take Over.

The full Battle Report can be found to the right, along with some views from nobles who took part.

Battle Report

08 November 1007 Thrydwulf
Battle in Naraka 1 -- Fror Saves Erin

As the Heenites had been digging their fortifications for a whole day, they had a nice barricade between them and the Daimons. All the Heenites who were in Naraka stayed behind their fortifications when the Daimons could be heard heading their way. However, two small monster units lead by Hocud and Drool, already infront of the fortifications charged into the oncoming mass of Daimons. Two Heenite forces, lead by Bayloc and Mao who were late arriving from Watto also missed the barricades and ploughed straight into the Daimons along with the two other monster leaders: Hoof Hearted and Loud Tongue.

This effectively cut short the Daimon charge and halted them against the stakes and trenches of the Heenites defences. Fighting valliantly in a constant shower of arrows from Obstructing's Daimons, the Heenites slaughtered every single one of Arcane's unit, although some were left wounded. As the last few Daimons stumbled blindly behind the fortifications, some of the Heenites attempted a charge on Obstructing. They were not enough in force however and were driven from the battlefield.

All is not lost though, and as the night fades, and the Heenites regroup for a morning assault, hopes are running high.


08 November 1007 Jadine
On the 7th of November, a new person arrived in the stronghold of Tahgalez at the dead of night. It was someone that is infamous to all Judges of Belatuerra, and to many adventurers, and least of all, Summoner.

It was the adventurer Jana, who was the most wanted person on the Summoner’s list of grudges for a long time. She and a group of adventurers had given Summoner a shock and had stolen from him something he coveted most dearly.

She was denied permission to find sanctuary in most realms across the island, as many realms feared the “wrath” of the Necromancers Servants, which had been

promised to anyone who allowed her safety in their lands. Heen however, has never feared the Necromancers Servants, and was happy to give her a safe haven amongst the mass peril for a rogue peasant.

Jana arrived in secrecy and sent a private correspondence to Jadine Baraedor to ask if she could stay. Jadine, holding a grudge to all Necromancers Servants, replied immediately with the affirmative. Hopefully, Jana can continue to hamper the undead whenever possible, this time, representing Heen, the enemy of the undead everywhere!!

Scenes From Naraka

09 November 1007 Thrydwulf
Jadine's Battle Jadine's Battle

Jadine describes the events from the second battle in Naraka - the Heenite's second loss, where the High Marshal was wounded.

Fror's Battle Fror's Battle
Fror describes his efforts in the second battle, how he dragged an unconscious Thrydwulf away from the front lines as his unit retreated.

Jadine Cheers Fror Up Jadine Cheers Fror Up
Jadine checks on Fror in his tent after the second battle and sees his despair. She encourages him to be strong and prepare for the next battle - and to go and see his wounded friends.

Fror Visits His Comrades Fror Visits His Comrades
On Jadine's Orders, Fror gets his head together and looks in on the wounded troop leaders from the first two battles, and then prepares for the evening's assault and victory!

Arcane Is Deluded

10 November 1007 Thrydwulf
The Heenites and their monster allies had been camped in Naraka for a while now. They had lost the first battle, and their friendly take over had been stopped. After rallying and losing the second battle, the Heenites might have seemed down and out...at least Arcane thought so:

Orders from Arcane (1 day, 18 hours ago)

Message sent to everyone in the region Naraka (24 recipients)
Do you have enough already, or must we hunt you back to your capital, like the Mesh invaders?

Leave now, and you can leave in peace. I have a temple opening to attend, so use the opportunity.

– Arcane

But Arcane was wrong. As the sun began to fall, the Heenites set out for the 3rd time. Even with reinforcements from Reeds, our forces were victorious. Arcane will have to wait to build his temple as he has been wounded, along with Obstructing - the other Daimon force in Naraka.

Voices in the Wind

10 November 1007 Thrydwulf
After the Heenite's first battle, strange events began to take place. As the Heenite's returned to their encampment to attend to their wounded, plan the future assaults and get some well earned rest, a loud voice could be heard on the wind. In the dead of the night, phrases were shouted backwards and forwards on the wind. Only snippets of each sentence could be heard, until finally High Marshall Thrydwulf shouted for them all to shut up because he needed some sleep.

The identities of the voices is still not known, and indeed what the shouters actually meant is still lost on many of the nobles who were around. It does appear however, that certain nobles have extremely large sets of lungs to be able to shout so far...
Voices in the Wind

Battle Report

09 November 1007 Jadine
Battle in Naraka 2 -- Battle in Naraka 3

Battle 2: After the first battle in Nakara, the Heenites were confident of victory, as the Daimons had suffered heavy casualties and the leader of Vlaanderen, Arcane, had been wounded by the Heenites. This seems to fly in the face of many naïve nobles of Vlaanderen who worship this Daimon as their God, for what kind of God gets wounded by a small army of humans?

Anyhow, the upcoming battle seemed to be in line for a Daimon slaughter, as all the infantry of the Daimons was either killed or wounded, and only the archer unit, led by Obstructing, was left. The camel charge of Heen is famous for being destructive to any form of life it comes up against, and the great cavalry masters, Jadine and Thrydwulf, were confident of victory.

However, just as the forces of Heen were about to let out their war cry and cover the final 100 metres to the archers, 3 massive Daimons from the infantry division came and broke the charge. They must have healed just in time for the battle and they had done a good job of disrupting the line of Heenite camels and horses.

Needless to say, those three Daimons were destroyed immediately, but the charge was broken, and the archer Daimons drew their melee weapons and began their task of hand-to-hand combat. The weight of numbers could do nothing against the larger Daimons after the unexpected arrival of the infantry Daimons, and Obstructing and his troops managed to fight off the attack.

There were many casualties on both sides, the most notable being Obstructing and Thrydwulf Grancourt, the High Marshall of Heen.

Battle 3: With the High Marshall of Heen wounded, and Queen Martana swamped with foreign diplomacy, Jadine Baraedor, Arch Priestess of Heen, have out the orders to change the line settings. Thrydwulf had spoken to her after the battle, during a brief bout of conciousness, and had suggested they move the cavalry further back to avoid any healed Daimons. Jadine forwarded the orders, and it was done.

This time, there would be no mistake, although many of the traitorous nobles of Vlaanderen had decided to fight against their liberators. Let it be known to the world that Batman, Vig, Astinus, Shintok and Dionysus would rather serve Daimons that be freed from their oppression. Despite this influx of enemy forces, the Vlaanderen forces were soundly defeated, and the Heenites claimed the victory, leaving no Daimon unwounded.

With the Heenite nobles healing, things were looking good again, and with other allied forces on the way, Heen was looking forward to the destruction of the Arcane and his Daimon consorts.

New Nobles

18 November 1007 Jadine
The last 3 weeks have seen an influx of nobles to the realm of Heen. They have come from many different places and have vastly different experiences, but they are all welcome, as there were not even enough Knights to fill the estates of the regions of Heen before their arrival. Jadine Baraedor was the main reason for the realm of Heen gaining enough Knights to support its regions.

Thyk Whiteblood is a noble who came from the background of a commoner. He was an adventurer of Heen who has been responsible for the activation of two powerful unique items. He sold the Daimon Staff of Thunder to Valhalla, the ex-King of Vlaanderen, and the Wicked Scroll of Forbidden Knowledge to Jadine Baraedor, Arch Priestess of Heen. He became a noble of the realm of Heen and now commands a fine squad of soldiers under the banner of Latlan. He was an adventurer of Vlaanderen, but was converted by Jadine Baraedor.

Amanda Deron is also a noble who came from the ranks of the adventurers of Belatuerra. Her last recommendation for nobility

came in, and she took the chance to join the mighty realm of Heen and fight against the Daimonic realm of Vlaanderen from the ranks of the Knights, rather than the ranks of the commoners.

El Cid Rogala comes from the fallen realm of Khthon. He was recruited by Jadine Baraedor when Khthon was near to falling. She spoke to the members of the Valentic Order in Khthon and offered them a home in Heen, and El Cid has obviously taken her up on that offer.

Grant Grimson and Caroline Tinsley both come from the fallen realm of Valentia. They both came following the offer of Jadine Baraedor of a home in her realm. Grant came before the fall of the Valentic Order, but when it was already a certainty, and Caroline, Haruspex Maximus of Valentia, came to join Heen when the last region of Valentia fell.

Heen looks forward to a glorious future with a new crop of nobles in their ranks. The war against tyranny has new recruits.

Once More Unto the Breach

22 November 1007 Thrydwulf

Battle Report

22 November 1007 Thrydwulf
Darez Suicides

As mentioned in the article to the left, the Heenites had started where they left off in Naraka. This time, Medium T-Style and his unit of archers started the papers moving, and stationed themselves inside the town hall.

However, after setting everything up in the morning, with troop leaders performing Civil Work and aiding in the turnover of ownership, scout reports came from Reeds of a unit approaching from the city. With some of the Heenites having been preparing fortifications, and others still approaching Naraka from Heen lands, nobody was particularly worried about the advancing unit.

Some nobles from Ashborn could be seen heading into Naraka upon request from the High Marshal to aid with the TO, and as the 104 Vlaandereni soldiers advanced they stood and watched as the awesome camel charge of the Heenites swept into the battle and saved the eager Wolfgang ahead of the front line. In that single charge, 92 of the enemy were slain, and the rest were quickly mopped up. As can be seen from the battle report at the start of this article.

Daimons Destroyed (again)

24 November 1007 Thrydwulf

Battle Report

24 November 1007 Thrydwulf
Daimons Destroyed

Another Day of Battles

25 November 1007 Thrydwulf
they will come i promise!

Battle Reports

25 November 1007 Thrydwulf
Linker and Lucilla Lost -- Arcane Captured!

The Blackest Day

26 November 1007 <Thrydwulf
This evening, not too very long ago, a brave hero of Heen was slain by Improbable and his Daimon unit in the region of Naraka. All Heen is in mourning. An official message was sent to all the rulers and generals of Beluaterra from the High Marshal Thrydwulf. It reads:

"Today is a black day and all of Heen is in mourning.

Forever will we remember the battle in Naraka on the eve of the 26th November. This day will be known as Erin's Day in the realm of Heen. One man who gave his life for our realm. A man who fought to the bitter end, and such a bitter end it is.

Many of you have suffered losses too, and now i can sympathise with you greater. Erin was my first friend in Heen, he was my first liege and almost like a father where mine was so far away and the brother my real one could not live up to. Erin my friend, you will be remembered in my heart till the day i can join you in whatever place that may be.

I know that you are listening, watching. Know that we hurt for you Erin, but your efforts to unite the people of your Celtic origins under the desert banner of Heen will never be forgotten. Your huge courage, spirit and most of all your friendship will never part from the memories of those who were blessed to have known you in your life that was taken from you so soon.

Today is a black day and all of Heen is in mourning."

As the news spread, the Heenites encircled Erin and began to express their thoughts: (here follows roleplays regarding Erin's death)