Tinsley Family/RP/Steward of Nazia

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Steward of Nazia (where Willem relays to Ilya correspondence between Robert and himself)

My Ilya,

I received a message from Robert this morning. I include it below, along with my response to him.


Marquis Willem,

It was a pleasure to travel with you from Menedor to Barad Gardor the other day. I have arrived safely in the region of Nazia and have immediately started my new duties here. My Lady has asked me to do quite a few things, from tabulating the population to assisting in the cleaning and refurbishing of the Hall of Complaints. Some of the work, such as the building of a new stable area for her horses, I have asked other, more skilled laborers to accomplish, but I am still tending to her needs at the moment. Nazia was in such disarray when I arrived, it is a wonder how the people here functioned. Your brother and some of the other knights of Falasan have been very instrumental in the rebuilding process. Both Dame Ilya and I are thankful for that.

One of my duties as Steward of Nazia, is to oversee her correspondence. I am to sift through it for her, bringing to her attention the most important messages, such as orders for the Black Army, information from High Marshal Crashem, anything from the High Council, and of course, anything from you. Please know, Sir Willem, that any message from you goes directly to her. I do not open it, as I do the other items, out of respect for both you and My Lady.

But, I have noticed that of the messages that have stacked up on her desk since before I got here, there were a surprisingly large number from you. Might I remind you, Sir Willem, that she is now a Region Lord with a great and difficult task before her and that she might not need the added burden of extra correspondence from you at this time. I would respectfully ask that you try to limit your messages to her, at least until she can get out from under the immense pressure of stabilizing the region. I'm sure that you remember the difficulties you encountered when you first became Marquis of Amdor, how fanciful distractions were just that, distractions.

I know, Sir Willem, that I cannot stop your messages to her, whatever their content, but I do ask that you consider her needs as well. She loves you, Willem, and I can see why. But please let her focus on the task at hand.

With deepest respect,

Steward of Nazia



Congratulations on becoming Steward of Nazia. You are the best man suited for that job, and I have full faith that you will execute your duties well and completely.

I thank you for your candor in coming to me with your concern about the volume of messages that I send to Dame Ilya. I don't want to be any distractions for her, so that she can focus on her duties there. I do understand the gravity of her task, and that is precisely why I write, to offer the distraction, for having to do what is before her is very burdensome.

I shall accept your request and will try limit my letters to her to be those of only the utmost importance. This will be difficult for me, for being a distance from her, I feel that I must communicate with her on a regular basis. Perhaps you could hold my personal correspondence, and give them to her during the meal times, as a respite from her tasks? I will continue to send her messages, but I shall endeavor to keep them brief.

Thank you, again, Robert. I want what is best for Ilya, and I shall try to follow your advice.

Your friend,


So, in light of this, I shall slow down on my correspondence to you, until you ask for it to increase. Please know that I am yours, whether writing letters or not. I miss you and wish to cradle you head in my hands. I wish to look deeply into your eyes. I wish to kiss you again. But, those wishes will have to wait until we are together. Until then, I shall have the memories of when we did do those things. Thinking on them brings a smile to my face. I hope that you are smiling as well.

Rest well my love.


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