Dela Cruz Family

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Mentor Stuff:

Greetings Student,

As a mentor, I are responsible to teach your students the following lessons:

  • Recruitment and maintenance of units
  • Basic combat tactics and unit settings
  • Realm hierarchy, allegiance and oath
  • The military chain of command - armies, marshals, and the general
  • The inalienable rights
  • "Out-of-Character" - separation between each character, separation between characters and players

I will also attempt to answer any questions they might have about other areas.

Greetings Student,

First, the courtesies... you need to announce yourself to the entire realm. Just send a message to everybody in Tara and say "Hello". This will alert everyone that you are actually staying rather than a curious passerby.

Second, click "Orders" then "Buy Paraphenalia". Buy 3 Scouts. These Scouts are paraphenalia and help your men. I will explain that in a later Lesson. Afterwards, travel to Foda. Click "Travel" and choose Foda.

Lesson 1: Your Rights The inalienable rights are:

  • Playing at your own speed, timing and activity level, i.e. logging in as often or seldom as you like, at whatever times you like.
  • Choosing which type of unit to command
  • Going to tournaments
  • Pausing your character(s) because you have a real life to attend to
  • Choosing your class unless you are a bureacrat

Lesson 2: Out of Character In the Message Type, there is an OOC (Out of Character) option. Use this if you are making Real Life messages. The rest are all In Character. Roleplay is for playing your character or telling stories. Reports are for reporting. Orders are for those in command. Most messages are in Letters.

More in the next Lesson. Do you have any questions?

Greetings Student,

As a new noble, it is incumbent upon you to obtain a liege. The Liege/Vassal relationship has recently been strengthened in Battlemaster to the point where you can't survive without one.

As a Knight of Andurus, your liege is Oscar. I suggest you message him and introduce yourself. You should also ask him for a good percentage. This percentage is your income and it is vital you get a good share. Failure to do so will mean loss of your unit and other not-fun stuff.

Tell me how it works out. I can help if you need an introduction. Good Luck.

Greetings Student,

Welcome to Foda, our capital. Foda is the ONLY place where we can recruit additional men. Click "Orders" then "Recruit" to see what's available. You can only recruit the same kind of men your Unit is. Infantrymen for Infantry units, Archermen for Archer units and so on.

Tara has 2 Cities, Foda and Stargard. Cities are very useful and you can do many things here. This is the only place you can cash bonds, get academy training, etc.. Click "Actions" and then click "Financial Actions" or "Attend the Academy". You can convert bonds to gold and vice-versa. You will need to do this because we get paid in bonds and can only spend gold. Convert some gold to bonds and you will see it appear in parenthesis beside your gold amount.

Cities are also great places to buy Paraphenalia. Click "Buy Paraphenalia" and buy 1 Cart, 1 Healer and 2 Banners. Carts help you carry wounded and Banners help you in battle. Take note that buying stuff uses your time so check your hours if you need to go someplace.

Before I forget, DO NOT OVERRECRUIT. You will be tempted to increase your unit size. DON'T. It costs money to maintain a unit and you need to budget your savings.

Inform me when you have obtained these things.