Phoenix Guard

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Phoenix Guard
Phoenix guard.JPG
Flag of the Phoenix Guard
Realm Toren
Motto Vengence is reborn
Army Sponsor Fisc Arylon
Army Base Toren Stronghold
Marshal Fisc Arylon
Nobles 21
Strength 7500 CS
The most deadly fighting force in the realm of Toren. The Guard constitutes a majority of the nobles in Toren, and serves as the main professional fighting force in the realm.

The Phoenix Guard, is the main army of the realm of Toren, on the South-East Island. Founded in the aftermath of the great archive fire, when all of Toren's armies were wiped out, the Phoenix Guard is meant to serve as a symbol - to Toren's rebirth from the brink of destruction, to the refusal of her armies to give up, but predominantly it represents the concept that Toren can never be destroyed.

The Guard serves as the defenders of Tor's kingdom on earth providing an impenetrable defensive wall of soldiers to push back invaders intent on capturing the lands of Toren. The members of this army are the most experienced and professional fighters in Toren. Many of the Guard would not bend, even during Toren's darkest hour in the time following the Toren Rebellion. Not even then did these rough men allow any enemy troops threaten the interior of Toren.

The Phoenix Guard will also be serving as the main invasion force in Toren's expansionist efforts. With Toren increasingly on the offensive, the Phoenix Guard will undoubtedly make its name known beyond the borders of Toren, and seems assured a place in history as one of the most feared fighting forces ever seen on South-East Island.