Metsamees Family/Voidsmith

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"Voidsmith" Raivo Metsamees

Eldest and only son of Kalev Metsamees.

As it is tradition in Metsamees family to theach theyr children all sorts of things.
Nature holds great value and respect amongst the Metsamees family, thus most, or probably all know somehting abaut herbalism.
Raivo is no exeption, however herbalism, hunting, fishing, war arts and nature arent the only things theached.
Smithing is another trade some have learned in theyr childhood, for it is custom to a warrior to make his own sword or axe and a assassin to make his own poison and dagger.
Raivo was expecialy gifted with a hammer and metal bended to his will with ease.
He also enjoyed that craft and practiced it often, for his own delight.
As a person he was relatively inteligent and physicaly very strong and vigorous.
Raivo is silent and elusive, tends to avoid social contect and brefers solitude.
He isnt shy or nervous communicator, can eaven berform infront of a crowd without mutch problem, but he just has a loners mentalithe.
As good as he can make things with his hands he can also take lives with similar ease.
Does not fear blood, injury or death, his operation as a assassin,
delivering death from shadows to unsuspecting enemys, with cold, calm, emotion less expression.
Raivo being relatively new to the path of assassination is still rather unrefined in swordplay, he use to was a cavalry commander, thus is somewhat skilled with spear like weapons, however those are seldom usable for assassination purposes.