Since everyone here was impressed with the stylistic changes Nami Shenron brought to this paper, September will have the same look as August's paper. At the top of the month, the state of Fronen is good and strong. The Daimons have left our lands, we are reclaiming the Hills of Xhahgus which declared independence last month. Furthermore, the lords are making an array of changes to their regional governments which should make the homefront more stable. For the elections Grego Nosferatus ran an uncontested bid for re-election as Prime Minister.
Grego received 72.2% of the vote. The rest of the ballots went to undeclared, write-in candidates.
For Grand Justiciar, I Alexius DeSyrr ran for re-election. The Marquis of Jyl, Lord Reyes Kimball also ran for the office. Here the elections were much closer.
I received 45.6% of the vote.
Lord Reyes received 25.3% of the vote.
Therefore, I will continue my duties as Grand Justiciar as I received a plurality of votes. Reyes did make a strong showing however, and it seems that Fronen also views him as a good candidate. We will continue to update you with news conerning Fronen throughout the month.