Carelia Times/Issue 8

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carelia.png The Carelia Times
Price: Free Editor: Zerric Zorrathspace Issue: No. 8 August 2007

In defense of the King

Due to recent slanderous attacks by "nobles" of Abington i feel compelled to answer these fabricated stories. In a "news" article published recently named, Kronos crudity, several charges have been leveled against Carelians King. I shall here rebuke this silly article and expose it all for what it is, a sham no serious journalist or even ethical peasant would dare utter. But then this is Abington "nobles" doing the talking. to begin...

Kronos of Carelia has never been accused of being a well-educated fellow. Nevertheless, the editors of the Abington Account can hardly believe the depths he is willing to stoop to in the ongoing pursuit of power. If one is to believe that Kronos is stupid, one must follow that statment to its logical conclusion. If kronos is stupid as the authors suggest and kronos is masterfully handing Abington defeat after defeat what exactly does that make the ruler of Abington? whether it is through diplomatic prowess or as some would sugest through military power, Kronos is wise enough to put crafty and cunning men such as Tharan in charge of the military to send defeat after defeat to Redspan and Abington. Some may argue that any successes had by Carelia is only due to its allies, you must still credit King Kronos with his masterful diplomatic skill. Knowing who your true allies are and enemies would be, is the mark of a great leader, not how big your stick is.

First, it must be reiterated that under Kronos's leadership, Carelia betrayed the Federation, simultaneously declaring war on both Abington and Redspan. While Abington, under Armitage III, mercifully granted a second chance to Kronos, Kronos used that time to form alliances with Tara, Talerium and CE - see section on being smart, and great diplomacy above.

Kronos's justification? A single comment made by Gauihu, who was Arch Priest at the time, expressing his opinion that Carelia should be "wiped off the map." This comment was made after the betrayal by Carelia, and yet it is held up as some kind of "reason" for that same betrayal! Furthermore, it is currently the only reason Kronos has to attack Redspan - and that makes about as much sense as time-traveling opinions by the Arch Priest of Abington.

oh, how it must be to live in this world. what do you call your planet exactly? Redspan invaded Carelia, after numerous pleas by our humble king, still the invaders attacked, first they kill our militia! we do nothing but plea into the gale to stop this madness and withdraw the troops from carelia land, many a family wept for fathers and brothers that would not be returning, we sent envoys of peace led by true nobles of Carelia to investigate the rumors that redspan was invading and killing Carelian men, only to have those nobles attacked! Finally Kronos had to put his friendship with goat lovers in the past and kill the invaders! how short memories we all have when it doesn't suit are liking. Moreover, this Whipe of the map opinion made by the Arch priest, who by the way was imedeatley placed in leadership was not some small comment, it was in a policy debate whether to invade Carelia now, or wait for a better time, let us not kid ourselves here.

Although it's important to note that Kronos is being "disrespectful" to foreign rulers - on a level of crudity (referring to "balls," and outright calling them "stupid") only matched by his crudity towards foreign realms en masse - Abington has not reciprocated the stance of "Hatred" that Carelia now shows for them. While Kronos, based on his personal pride, may be willing to declare that all Abington is "evil," Abington chooses to believe that there are indeed noble, reasonable and rational lords and ladies within Carelia.

As i am sure there are good people in both nations we are to defeat, contact Kronos when your nation no longer exist and you will find a most forgiving king, this by the way is his GREATEST fault he is much to forgiving for my tastes.

In closing, many of you underestimate our great king because he is has not spoken the common tongue of the noble for so long, you see this as him being dumb, he uses that perception to beat your nations into a bloody pulp. Next time your dealing with him, "think intelligent thoughts, and he is much easier to understand" silly abby leader. Zerric Zorrath August 2, 2007