Manual Revision

From BattleMaster Wiki
Revision as of 16:31, 29 July 2007 by Danaris (talk | contribs)
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The current state of the BattleMaster Wiki manual, and in-game help, is pretty sketchy. We believe it is a good idea to more or less start from scratch, incorporating pages from the old manual where they are complete enough. In time, we hope to be able to replace both the manual on the Wiki, and some of the in-game help, with information compiled by us users.


Manual Revision Core Group

We currently consider the core group of the manual revision to be Timothy Collett, Alex Davies, and Vinnie van Eylen. We may add more to this group in time, but for now this group will control the project.

Open Participation

Anyone wishing to contribute is welcome to do so: for the time being, we plan to write pages for the new manual as subpages of our own user pages, and tag them with the category. Pages in that category will be reviewed by the Core Group, and, once approved, will be tagged as.


If you wish to make yourself known as a participant, please feel free to sign here.

(None yet)


There are three main standards that all pages under the category will be held to: accuracy, completeness, and cleanliness.


More or less self-explanatory. All pages in the manual revision must be accurate in the information presented, to the best of our knowledge at the time. If disagreements arise, the Core Group will either come to a consensus or mark a point of uncertainty within the manual, with the different viewpoints clearly noted.


If a page purports to explain a particular aspect of the game, it must do so in its entirety, save, obviously, for parts that are better explained on other pages. If subpages are required to expand on details, that is also acceptable. However, no page will be approved for the manual revision if it can be considered a "stub", or if any significant information on the subject is lacking from it.


This can be considered in 2 parts: first, the article must have correct spelling and grammar; second, it must be written in a clear, well-organized format, not haphazard and jumping from one topic to another.


If you can't get a page perfect the first time, don't worry: the Core Group will be happy to help, time permitting. We can suggest changes on Talk pages, or, if your English isn't that good, or you just don't have access to the right information, we'll gladly help revise and add to Candidate pages to help them reach approval.


If you want to make a request for a topic to be covered in the Manual Revision, please post it here, and be patient. At the moment there's practically nothing done, so odds are we know we have to get to whatever you want...we just haven't had time for it yet. Once requests are posted, if someone takes on the job of writing it, they should make a note of that on the request, with their Wiki signature and a link to the page covering the topic.

(None yet)

Completed Sections

As parts of the revised manual are completed, we will post links to them here, in a clear, simple, outline form.

(None yet)